Treatments for toxic damage to the immune system, mitochondria, glands, and nervous system
(a) Heavy metals in the body
(b) Organophosphates, chemicals, toxins, radioactive particles and carbon monoxide levels in the body
(c) Liver Detoxification Treatment
(d) Ciguatera poisoning treatment

Important Note
If tests show that you suffer from any of these abnormalities / dysfunctions, you can view the treatment options available and discuss them with your own medical doctor or consultant. These treatments can only be undertaken with the permission and supervision of your own medical doctor


  • If you have mercury fillings get a dentist to remove them from your teeth and replace them with ceramic or some other safe filling. Information on the toxic effects of mercury fillings in teeth and listings of dentists who will remove this poison -
    - Improved chronic fatigue symptoms after removal of mercury in patient with increased mercury concentration in hair toxic mineral assay: a case. Shin SR , Han AL . Korean J Fam Med. 2012 Sep;33(5):320-5. PMID: 23115707
    - Yaqob A , Danersund A , Stejskal VD , Lindvall A , Hudecek R , Lindh U . Metal-specific lymphocyte reactivity is downregulated after dental metal replacement. Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2006 Feb-Apr;27(1-2):189-97. PMID: 16648791
  • After removing the mercury fillings, carry out Chelation therapy. DMPS or DMSA or EDTA to remove heavy metals and toxins from the body. There should be a few reputable Chelation clinics in your country or state.
  • If other heavy metals or organophosphates are found in your tests, then carry out Chelation therapy. DMPS or DMSA or EDTA to remove heavy metals and toxins from the body. The Chelation Clinic, in Dublin Ireland carries out this therapy in Ireland and has a good reputation.
    Get Chelation clinic to remove heavy metals, organophosphates, chemicals and toxins from the tissues, the cells, the organs, the nerves and nervous system and the brain.
  • Combining the following herbs and supplements
    • Cilantro or Coriander every day. This removes mercury, and other heavy metals and toxins from the brain, the nervous system, the organs, blood and tissues. High dosage every day for 12 months or more
    • Green Barley grass which is a strong toxin detoxifier
    • Spirulina is a strong detoxifier of heavy metals and chemicals
    • Dulse seaweed is a great detoxifier. One of the best detoxifiers on the market.
    • Parsely is a good detoxifier of heavy metals and other toxins
    • Pinella Nerve / Brain Cleanse. Detoxifies the brain and nervous system
    • Chlorella is a detoxifier of heavy metals and chemicals
    • Garlic, MSM, radishes and sulphur rich foods are strong detoxifiers
  • Some sea vegetables or seaweeds remove heavy metals and toxins from the body. Agar agar, kelp, kombu, dulse, nori, wakame are effective. Some seaweeds are strong chelators of heavy metals, and can remove heavy metals, including uranium and radioactive pollutants from the human body.

    Combining seaweeds with the herbs and supplements mentioned above helps remove all heavy metals, chemicals and toxins from the body.
  • Saunas or Hyperthermia treatment, and the use of the herb cleavers to stimulate lymphatic drainage and detoxification of the body. This will remove toxins from the body through intense sweating and lymphatic drainage.
  • Neural therapy can help remove toxins from the nervous system. Some patients find this beneficial.

  • Take selenium, zinc and N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC) and MSM.. These work to remove mercury and heavy metals from the body.

  • The Homeopathic remedy TOXEX spag. has strong detoxification properties. It was first used in Germany.
  • Heavy metals and Radioactive substances
    Modifilan which is developed from seaweeds can remove heavy metals, including uranium and radioactive pollutants from the human body. Used in Russia and Eastern Europe. See web site at
  • Liver Detoxification Treatment
    • Go to a Hepatologist and use the services of a Hepatologist. A Hepatologist has special expertise in this area and should be able to advise on a course of tests and treatments and lifestyle changes. The Hepatologist will also need to liase with your medical doctor.
    • Removal of heavy metals, organo phosphates, chemicals and toxins from the body.
    • Medicine, herbs, supplements, and foods to normalise Phase 1 and Phase 2 Liver detoxification, and normalise the following Liver functions
      • Glutathione conjugation pathway. Glutathione is essential for liver detoxification. Its depletion in ME patients is one of the main reasons for the many dysfunctions and abnormalities found in the illness. One can take Glutathione by injection and / or take Glutathione precursors. Glutathione precursors - undenatured whey protein, Immunocal / ImuPlus, N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), selenium, Alpha-lipoic acid, carnitine, cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, kale, cabbage, brussels sprouts, cauliflower), sulphur and sulphur rich foods, vitamin c, glutamine, milk thistle, green barley grass, copper, manganese, zinc. Vitamin B-complex AND ensure there is adequate stomach acid and digestive enzymes in your stomach to absorb these vitamins, amino acids, foods and supplements. And test your Methylation cycle, and correct any problems or blocks.
      • Sulfation pathway. Eat sulphur rich foods such as onions, radishes, garlic and eggs. And beans containing the mineral molybdenum. Also take the following supplements, molybdenum, selenium, zinc, copper, magnesium and B-complex vitamins and MSM.
      • Methylation pathway. B-complex vitamins. Methylation Cycle treatments are vital to normalising your body's detoxification system.
      • Glucoronidation pathway. Glutamine, B-complex vitamins, aspartic acid, magnesium, iron, cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, kale, cabbage, brussels sprouts, cauliflower).
      • Glycine conjugation pathway. Magnesium, B-complex vitamins and cysteine. Also cysteine rich foods such as eggs, whey protein, meats.
      • Superoxide Dismustase is essential for liver detoxification. Superoxide Dismustase inducers are essential : green barley grass, copper, manganese, zinc, Propax NT Factor, cordyceps, milk thistle AND ensure there is adequate stomach acid and digestive enzymes in your stomach to absorb these vitamins, amino acids, foods and supplements.

      • Top Liver Herbs
        Using the herb Milk Thistle (morning) and Turmeric and Dandelion (evening) at different times of the day has powerful beneficial effects on the liver
      • Chlorella is a powerful detoxifier and assists the liver in the overall detoxification process
      • Green Barley grass is a strong toxin detoxifier
      • 5 pints of filtered water every day
      • Homeopathy
        • The Homeopathic remedies TOXEX spag., and apo-HEPAT spag., help detoxify the body and liver, and normalise liver functions.

  • KIdney Detoxification
      • A kidney doctor can advise on a course of treatment.
      • Removal of heavy metals, organophosphates, chemicals and toxins from the body.
      • 5 pints of filtered water every day
      • Green Barley grass is a strong toxin detoxifier
      • Nettle helps the kidneys detoxify
      • Homeopathy
        • The Homeopathic remedies TOXEX spag., and RENELIX spag., help detoxify the body and kidneys, and normalise kidney functions.
  • Brain and Nervous System Detoxification
    • Pinella Nerve / Brain Cleanse. Detoxifies the brain and nervous system
    • Cilantro or Coriander every day. This removes mercury, and other heavy metals and toxins from the brain, the nervous system, the organs, blood and tissues. High dosage every day for 12 months or more
    • Chlorella binds to heavy metals, including mercury, arsenic, cadmium, lead and chemicals, organophosphates, and toxins and removes them from the body. High dosage Chlorella every day for 12 months or more
    • Parsely is a good detoxifier of heavy metals and other toxins
    • Green Barley grass which is a strong toxin detoxifier
    • Spirulina is a strong detoxifier of heavy metals and chemicals
    • Dulse seaweed is a great detoxifier
  • Lymph Detoxification
    • Lymphatic Drainage and Detoxification using the techniques of Dr. Raymond Perrin
    • The herbs - Cleavers, Poke root, and Red Clover have been used by herbalists for hundreds of years for Lymph related disorders. Scientific studies show some benefits for the Lymph system.
    • Removal of heavy metals, organophosphates, chemicals and toxins from the body.
    • Skin brushing every day
    • Saunas or hyperthermia treatment
    • 5 pints of filtered water every day
    • Green Barley grass is a strong toxin detoxifier
    • Homeopathy
      • The Homeopathic remedies TOXEX spag., and ITIRES spag. drops, help detoxify the body and Lymph, and normalise Lymph functions.
  • Ciguatera poisoning treatment
    This is a very difficult toxin to treat and remove. Some treatments are effective for some people, while other treatments are experimental. Research is continuing into this. Some research and clinical findings presented below
    - Research listings
    - Research papers
  • Electromagnetic pollution
    The homeopathic remedy RADINEX spag. drops is effective
  • Combination of Therapies
    • Mutter J , Naumann J , Guethlin C . Elimination of xenobiotics in a female patient with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and trunk obesity. Forsch Komplementmed. 2007 Feb;14 (1):39-44. PMID: 17341886 
    • Myhill S , Booth NE , McLaren-Howard J . Targeting mitochondrial dysfunction in the treatment of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) - a clinical audit. Int J Clin Exp Med. 2013;6(1):1-15. PMID: 23236553
    • Uchida A . Therapy of chronic fatigue syndrome. Nihon Rinsho. 1992 Nov;50(11): 2679-83. PMID: 1287242
  • Mitochondria Repair
    Cell wall deficient pathogens and co-infections such as Mycoplasmas, Lyme, Bartonella, Ehirlichia, Babesia, Brucella, Chlamydia, Enteroviruses, Herpes viruses 1-8 which have been found in patients inflict substantial damage to the mitochondria membrane and cell membrane and joints, nerves, blood vessels and organs over time. Mitochondria membrane repair and cell membrane repair
  • Do you eat foods containing high levels of toxins and inflammation agents ?
    • hot dogs, sausages and cured meats which contain nitrosamines
    • sodas and fizzy drinks and diet drinks containing aspartame
    • foods containing MSG
    • foods containing GMO's
    • foods containing hydrogenated fats, trans fatty acids, and saturated fats. Margarine, canola oil, corn oil, peanut oil, soya oil, safflower oil
    • mucous forming foods such excessive potatoes, french fries (chips), cookies and sweets
    • refined sugars and foods containing refined sugars which can cause immune dysfunctions and inflammation. Stevia is healthier and safer.
    • processed and packaged foods containing additives and flavourings with E numbers
    • foods containing mercury – tuna, swordfish, shark
    • foods containing toxin residues from the land (arsenic in some rice)
    • table salt. Sea salt is healthier and safer.
    • chlorine in bathing / swimming water
    • flouride in drinking water
    • unfiltered drinking water

    all of these increase toxin load on the body, and inflammation, with adverse effects on the body, in particular the immune system, the DNA, the mitochondria, the endocrine system and the brain and nervous system. Eliminate these foods and drinks from the diet.

  • Organic Green Juices
    These green juices are very powerful and good for detoxification and boosting immune system functions. They also help protect DNA and mitochondria. You could juice combinations of the following in a blender or juicer :

    • celery
    • green barley grass
    • spirulina
    • green savoy cabbage
    • wheatgrass
    • coriander
    • chlorella
    • kale
    • broccoli
    • watercress
    • brussels sprouts
    • spinach
    • green peppers
    • parsley
    • broccoli sprouts, radish sprouts and cabbage sprouts
    • a few cloves or garlic or slices of onion

    These will detoxify the body, increase energy levels and improve immune system function. Avoid fruit shakes as the sugar can increase yeast infections and gut bacteria, reduce immunity and cause 'sugar blues' all of which can worsen ME.
  • Avoid coal fires, as they emit high levels of mercury
  • Water intake: 5 pints of clean filtered water every day to improve nutrient uptake at cellular level and excretion of toxins. Use of high quality water filters to remove heavy metals, toxins, pollutants, chemicals and organophosphates.
  • Please read the book - The Autoimmune Epidemic as it will explain the scientific and medical reasons for taking these tests and recommends some good labs and detox treatments.
  • Re-designating old medical drugs for ME (CFS) Treatment
    CFIDS Association of America has got Biovista ( ) in the USA to engage in research and data mining of thousands of medical drugs (including some which are currently out of use) and find matches between them and the symptoms, abnormalities and dysfunctions found in ME. They are compiling a list of these medical drugs. Safety guidelines, side effects, clinical reports and general efficacy and other factors will also be taken into account for each medical drug
  • Stress Reduction
    In addition to getting medical treatment for immune system, krebs cycle and methylation cycle dysfunctions, infections and other biological abnormalities and dysfunctions one should also get Stress Reduction treatment as all physical illnesses including Cancer, AIDS, ME, Multiple Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia, autoimmune illness, Cardiac related illnesses, advanced Diabetes, etc. causes great stress for patients. Click here for Stress Reduction treatment

Research articles & Clinical Findings
some ME clinics use this. See listing of clinics in Diagnosis and Treatments section

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