Treatments for Intestinal toxic damage and it's effects on the immune system, mitochondria, glands and nervous system
- Treatments for Digestion-related causes of  immune system abnormalities 
- Treatments for Bowel disorders and gut bacteria disorders identified by Dr. De Meirleir

Important Note
If tests show that you suffer from any of these abnormalities / dysfunctions, you can view the treatment options available and discuss them with your own
medical doctor or consultant. These treatments can only be undertaken with the permission and supervision of your own medical doctor

  • The colonoscopy and endoscopy test results conducted by a Gastroenterologist will reveal most intestinal abnormalities. The Gastroenterologist will advise you on a course of treatment. The Gastroenterologist should also liase with your medical doctor.
  • Normalisation of Digestion
    1. Normalise Hydrochloric acid levels in the stomach. Take Celery juice every day and take Betaine HCL supplement before the main meal. Stop food from rotting inside you and causing high levels of acid and acid damage, parasites, ammonia leakage and leaky gut problems which can poison the intestines, the blood, nerves, and other body organs.
    2. Resolve gluten intolerance and lactose intolerance. See below
    3. Remove parasites from the intestines. See below
    4. Remove Candida from the intestines. See below
    5. Restore normal levels of good bacteria to the intestines. Take probiotics. See below
    6. Take foods and supplements which heal the intestines and restore them back to normal. See below
    7. Remove heavy metals, toxins and chemicals from the intestines. See Remove heavy metals and toxins
    8. Avoid foods containing high levels of toxins and inflammation agents. See below
    9. 60% of all meals should consist of raw fruits, seed sprouts and (lightly cooked or raw) vegetables every day.


  • Parasite infections can be removed by medication (prescribed by your doctor). Flagyl is quite effective. This medical treatment may take several weeks or several months or a year depending on severity. Your medical doctor can assist in this. The following can also help:
    • Parasites thrive if there is a lack of stomach acid. Normalise Hydrochloric acid levels in the stomach. Take Celery juice every day and take Betaine HCL supplement before the main meal. Stop food from rotting inside you and causing high levels of acid and acid damage, parasites, ammonia leakage and leaky gut problems which can poison the intestines, the blood, nerves, and other body organs.
    • Taking all of these herbs every day for 2 weeks and repeating this again a few weeks later for several months - Papaya seeds (most powerful anti-parasite herb), Wormwood, Artemisia annua, Cloves, Garlic, Oil of Oregano, Thyme, Black Walnut Hulls (as a tea or tincture) will destroy all parasites.
    • Olive leaf soups (drinking the soup and eating the leaves) and olive leaf extract has strong anti-parasite properties
    • Oil of Oregano has strong anti-parasite properties
    • Pumpkin seeds have strong anti-parasite properties
    • Aloe Vera juice has strong anti-parasite properties and increases good bacteria
    • Grapefruit seed extract has anti-parasire properties
    • Digestive enzymes have strong anti-parasite effects.
    • Probiotics - acidophilus and bifidobacteria supplements, probiotics, Kefir, FOS, yogurt containing probiotics to restore normal healthy bacteria in the intestines. This destroys parasites. This will need to be continued for 12 months.
    • Colonic Irrigation to clear out dead parasites from the intestines
  • Candida infection is a major factor in many ME/CFS patients
    • Candida thrive if there is a lack of stomach acid. Normalise Hydrochloric acid levels in the stomach. Take Celery juice every day and take Betaine HCL supplement before the main meal. Stop food from rotting inside you and causing high levels of acid and acid damage, parasites, ammonia leakage and leaky gut problems which can poison the intestines, the blood, nerves, and other body organs.
    • Special anti-Candida medicine (prescribed by your doctor). Nystatin and Diflucan are quite effective.
    • Aloe Vera juice has the strongest anti-Candida properties and increases good bacteria
    • Coconut oil, caprylic acid have very powerful anti-Candida properties and are very effective natural remedies.
    • Goldenseal has powerful anti-Candida properties
    • Olive leaf soups (drinking the soup and eating the leaves) and olive leaf extract has strong anti-Candida properties
    • Pau D'arco has strong anti-Candida properties
    • Oil of Oregano has strong anti-Candida properties
    • Candida thrives if there is a lack of stomach acid. If lack of stomach acid, take Betaine hydrochloride
    • Digestive enzymes have anti-Candida effects.
    • An anti-Candida diet is highly recommended. This involves eliminating sugar and sweet foods and breads (containing yeast) and alcoholic drinks from one's diet. This will need to be continued for 6 months.
    • Probiotics - acidophilus and bifidobacteria supplements, probiotics, FOS, yogurt containing probiotics to restore normal healthy bacteria in the intestines. This destroys Candida. This will need to be continued for 12 months.
    • Kefir is very effective and cheap. See
    • Colonic Irrigation to clear out dead Candida from the intestines
  • Gluten Intolerance and Lactose Intolerance
    • If Gluten intolerant then eliminate wheat and other gluten foods from the diet. This has greatly improved many ME/CFS patients.
    • If Lactose intolerant then eliminate milk and other dairy foods from the diet. This has greatly improved many ME/CFS patients




  • Histamine levels
    High histamine levels in the intestines can be caused by bad bacteria or intestinal dysbiosis or ingesting foods which raise histamine levels. Also impaired serum diamine oxidase (DAO) activity can lead to high histamine levels in the gut and the body. Histamine can increase inflammation in the gut and throughout the entire body, reduce digestion and absorption, and adversely affect the immune system and worsen the symptoms of ME. High histamine levels have been found in ME patients. It is a good indicator of intestinal dysbiosis.


After removal of Parasites and Candida and Resolution of Gluten / Lactose Intolerane and Leaky gut and intestinal dysbiosis

  • Intestinal and Bowel Normalisation and Regeneration.

    • Water intake: 5 pints of clean filtered water every day to improve nutrient uptake at cellular level and excretion of toxins
    • Flax seeds (milled or grinded down) help normalise bowel functions.
    • Chew food throughly until it is well broken down in the mouth. This is vitally important to digestion.
    • If Lack of Digestive enzymes detected, then take digestive enzyme supplement and probiotics and acidophilus supplements and Bromelain. Also add broccoli sprouts and various bean sprouts, papaya, pineapple, and black pepper to the diet
    • If lack of stomach acid detected, then take Betaine Hydrochloride
    • Drinking Aloe Vera juice increases intestinal repair and regeneration, and stimulates good bacteria. It is the most effective herb for intestinal health.
    • Chlorella. Contains Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF), RNA and DNA all of which can be used by the body for human DNA repair and tissue regeneration. It also stimulates good bacteria growth in the bowel.
    • Sources of Butyric acid - butter, cheese, goat / sheep / buffalo milk help repair and normalise intestinal tissue
    • Turmeric stimulates healing of intestinal tissue
    • Foods such as Romaine lettuce, Oregano, Peppermint, Apples, Bananas and Figs are healing to the intestines
    • Kefir is very effective and cheap. See
    • Probiotics (see listing above)
    • Fish oil normalises and protects intestinal tissue. See research papers Fish oil enhances intestinal integrity and inhibits TLR4 and NOD2 signaling pathways in weaned pigs after LPS challenge. Omega-3 fatty acids in inflammation and autoimmune diseases.
    • Whey protein helps normalise and protect intestinal tissue.
    • Green barley grass directly stimulates healing of intestinal tissue
    • Propax NT Factor improves intestinal structure, tissue integrity and function.
    • Combining several green foods such as spirulina, chlorella, kale, broccoli, cabbage, green barley grass, wheatgrass in salads or juices help stimulate good bacteria and bowel repair and regeneration
    • Foods such as Millet, Wild Blue Green Algae, sprouts of various vegetables (broccoli, alfalfa, cabbage, aduki, lentils, millet, quinoa, etc. ), vegetable juices, help improve digestion and absorption.
    • Dr. Sarah Myhill - the Stone Age Diet
  • Do you eat foods containing high levels of toxins and inflammation agents ?

    • hot dogs, sausages and cured meats which contain nitrosamines
    • sodas and fizzy drinks and diet drinks containing aspartame
    • foods containing MSG
    • foods containing GMO's
    • foods containing hydrogenated fats, trans fatty acids, and saturated fats. Margarine, canola oil, corn oil, peanut oil, soya oil, safflower oil
    • mucous forming foods such excessive potatoes, french fries (chips), cookies and sweets
    • refined sugars and foods containing refined sugars which can cause immune dysfunctions and inflammation. Stevia is healthier and safer.
    • processed and packaged foods containing additives and flavourings with E numbers
    • foods containing mercury – tuna, swordfish, shark
    • foods containing toxin residues from the land (arsenic in some rice)
    • table salt. Sea salt is healthier and safer.
    • chlorine in bathing / swimming water
    • flouride in drinking water
    • unfiltered drinking water

    all of these increase toxin load on the body, and inflammation, with adverse effects on the body, in particular the immune system, the DNA, the mitochondria, the endocrine system and the brain and nervous system. Eliminate these foods and drinks from the diet.
  • Irish Clinics which specialise in this area
  • Re-designating old medical drugs for CFS Treatment
    CFIDS Association of America has got Biovista ( ) in the USA to engage in research and data mining of thousands of medical drugs (including some which are currently out of use) and find matches between them and the symptoms, abnormalities and dysfunctions found in ME. They are compiling a list of these medical drugs. Safety guidelines, side effects, clinical reports and general efficacy and other factors will also be taken into account for each medical drug
  • Stress Reduction
    In addition to getting medical treatment for immune system, krebs cycle and methylation cycle dysfunctions, infections and other biological abnormalities and dysfunctions one should also get Stress Reduction treatment as all physical illnesses including Cancer, AIDS, ME, Multiple Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia, autoimmune illness, Cardiac related illnesses, advanced Diabetes, etc. causes great stress for patients. Click here for Stress Reduction treatment

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