Treatments for Pathogen Infections:

(a) Viruses
(b) Mycoplasmas

Important Note
If tests show that you suffer from any of these infections, you can view the treatment options available and discuss them with your own medical doctor or consultant. These treatments can only be undertaken with the permission and supervision of your own medical doctor

The research and evidence cited on this web site points convincingly to a number of viruses, bacteria and pathogens playing a key role in subgroups of ME patients. It is important to diagnose the infections present in ME patients, subgroup the patients, and administer appropriate medical treatments to the subgroups.

Dr. De Meirleir has had great success with Ampligen combined with anti-viral and anti-pathogen treatments in his clinic in Belgium. Firstly, all of the infections were identified through several intensive diagnostic tests. Then Ampligen was combined with specific anti-viral and anti-pathogen treatments. Treatment is given for several months and up to a year. The results were impressive, and patients recovered from ME. Dr. De Meirlier has stated that an eight-year follow-up of patients found that 92% had not relapsed. This is highly significant. This strongly indicates that Ampligen by itself may not be enough, but combining it with anti-viral and anti-pathogen treatments may bring about better improvement and a high probability of full recovey. This was reported in the AACFS Conference of 2001, click here to view paper.


Treatments for the following:
EBV virus infection and / or other Herpes virus family (1 - 8) infections, including latent Herpes infection
HHV6a virus
Abortive lytic replication (EBV, CMV, HHV-6a) 
Stealth virus
Parvovirus B-19
Borna virus
Parainfluenza Virus-5 (PIV-5), Paramyxovirus, Cryptovirus infection
Ross river virus, Q fever virus
Ramsay-Hunt Syndrome

EBV virus infection
and / or other Herpes virus family (1 - 8) infections, including latent Herpes infection

  • CRISPR-Cas9 technology is being tested to specifically target EBV and other viruses and destroy them. This also eliminates latent viruses. Tests have been successful so far. It uses DNA editing to destroy the virus, and has successfully eliminated the HIV virus.
    - Science Daily news article
    - US News article

  • Specific anti-Herpes virus medication. Valacyclivor is best for EBV. While Valganciclovir or IV Ganciclovir is effective for CMV. Also Cytomegalovirus Immune Globulin Intravenous (human) (CMV-IGIV) is an immunoglobulin G (IgG) containing a standardized number of antibodies to cytomegalovirus. Other Anti-viral medications such as Foscarnet or Acyclovir or Valganciclovir or Valtrex or Famciclovir or IV Ganciclovir, IV foscarnet, IV cidofovir or other anti-virals for Herpes family infections (prescribed by your doctor). IV anti virals will be required in severe cases.
  • Brincidofovir (CMX001) - Cidofovir PIM Conjugate. Broad spectrum anti-viral, very effective and safe.

Optimal Treatment for Chronic Active Epstein-Barr Virus Disease

  • Vistide (prescribed by your doctor)
  • EBV - additional medical treatments
    Dr. Pender who has researched autoimmunity and viral infections and ME recommends the following:
  • Kutapressin / Nexavir (prescribed by your doctor)
  • Ampligen (medicine legally available in some countries)
  • BHT destroys the lipid envelope of viruses such as EBV and all members of the Herpes family of viruses. Most viruses have lipid envelopes and destroying this leads to the death of the virus.
  • Thyme and Lemon Balm both kill EBV and other Herpes viruses

  • Coconut oil and Monolaurin destroy the lipid envelopes of viruses. They also destroy many types of bacteria, candida and fungi

  • Broad spectrum anti viral herbs & Overcoming drug resistant viruses
    The following herbs have been researched by scientists and top herbalists and have been found to have broad spectrum anti viral activities. Combinations of these herbs kill viruses and have no side effects. And viruses do not become resistant to them. Though viruses are becoming resistant to medical drugs. 5 - 7 herbs can be combined together to provide broad spectrum anti viral treatments

  • Proteolytic Enzymes to destroy protein based viruses, bacteria and fungi.
    • Enzyme Defense product
    • Bromelain supplement, Pineapple, Papaya
  • Carnivora and Carnivora extract modulates the immune system, helps normalise cytokines, nk cells, and interferons and immune functions and target viruses and pathogens.
    - Research articles & Clinical Findings
    - Listing of scientific research
  • Lysine 3g. or more per day. Vitamin C 3g per day. This combination is strongly anti-viral
  • The Marshall Protocol is designed to modulate the immune system and help it fight many types of virus and bacteria infections. According to it's author and it's many supporters, it can improve one's ability to utlilise Vitamin D and this directly impacts many immune system subsets and functions, and toll receptors, it improves VDR, and it can reduce NFκB and TNF-a and inflammatory cytokines. It can also improve innate immunity and TH1 cytokines. More information is presented here at :
    The Marshall Protocol web site and the following video lecture

  • Neural and Brain Regeneration
    • Chinese Senega root
    • Japanese Knotweed
    • Turmeric
    • Cordyceps
    • Fish oils
  • Artesunate has shown strong anti-viral properties in studies
  • Gamma globulin (prescribed by your doctor). Needs to be monitored and supervised regularly.
  • Oxygen Therapy and UVB Therapy - very strong anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-mycoplasma and anti-parasite effects.
    • Ultra Violet Irradiation therapy (UVB) has been found to be very effective in ME and in other chronic and infectious illnesses. This is used reguarly in the famous Biocare Hospital in Mexico, which caters for international business people and professionals. This treatment may be available in your country.
    • Oxygen therapy, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) are strongly anti-microbial and can be effective in many cases. This is used reguarly in the famous Biocare Hospital in Mexico.
    • Ozone therapy and hydrogen peroxide therapy are strongly anti-microbial and can be effective in some cases. This is used reguarly in the famous Biocare Hospital in Mexico.
    • Photo-ox therapy has been found to be very effective in eliminating pathogens from the body by Dr. Steven Bock.

      - The efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the management of chronic fatigue syndrome. Akarsu S , Tekin L , Ay H , Carli AB , To k F , Sim s ek K , Kiralp MZ . Undersea Hyperb Med. 2013 Mar-Apr;40(2):197-200. PMID: 23682549
  • Combining Anti-viral drugs with Immune System Enhancement drugs

Ant-pathogen and immune system treatments. Treatment of 741 italian patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. U. TIRELLI, A. LLESHI, M. BERRETTA, M. SPINA, R. TALAMINI, A. GIACALONE. European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2013; 17: 2847-2852

Dr. De Meirleir has had great success with Ampligen combined with anti-viral and anti-pathogen treatments in his clinic in Belgium. Firstly, all of the infections were identified through several intensive diagnostic tests. Then Ampligen was combined with specific anti-viral and anti-pathogen treatments. Treatment is given for several months and up to a year. The results were impressive, and patients recovered from ME. Dr. De Meirlier has stated that an eight-year follow-up of patients found that 92% had not relapsed. This is highly significant. This strongly indicates that Ampligen by itself may not be enough, but combining it with anti-viral and anti-pathogen treatments may bring about better improvement and a high probability of full recovey. This was reported in the AACFS Conference of 2001, click here to view paper.

HHV-6a's growth is stopped by the experimental drug Ampligen. Ablashi, D.V. et al.; Ampligen Inhibits In Vitro Replication of HHV-6"; Abstract from CFS conference, Albany, NY, October 2-4, 1992
When HHV-6a's growth is stopped by the experimental drug Ampligen in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients, their symptoms resolve. (In a trial published in 1987, the same appeared to be true for "AIDS" patients treated with Ampligen.) Strayer, D.R. et al.; "A Controlled Clinical Trial With a Specifically Configured RNA Drug, Poly(I):Poly(C12U), in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome";Clinical Infectious Diseases, January 1994.

Will anti-viral drugs AND Immune modulators and enhancers such as Ampligen, GcMAF, Low Dose Naltrexone, Interferon, Zadaxin, Kutapressin / Nexavir, Isoprinosine, etc. be required ? Combining anti-pathogen medicine with Immune system modulators and enhancers can bring about strong and sustained recovery in certain illnesses over time. The following provide listings of known Immune modulators and enhancers :

  • Combining the immune system enhancing herbs Astragalus, Cordyceps, Rhodiola, Ashwagandha, Siberian Ginseng and Reishi mushrooms has been found to be very effective in all viral illnesses according to Stephen Buhner, the internationally well known herbalist.
  • Treatment for Immune system dysfunctions and abnormalities
  • Vaccines developed from animals such as goats, cows, pigs, etc. are being researched and studied for their application in treating human viral and pathogen diseases. This follows on from the work of Dr. Edward Jenner in the 18th and 19th century in treating Smallpox. We will include information about these new types of vaccines when they become available. There is a case of a Dr. Gary Davis who has had some success from using a vaccine for the HIV virus developed from goats. This vaccine has exhibited strong anti-viral properties, radically reduced the viral load and increased the t-cell count of HIV infected patients and brought significant and sustained improvements in the condition though it is the subject of ongoing scientific trials and research. Click here to view video testimonies of patients and doctors and video 2 here There is another similar trial detailed in this video. If these scientific trials are successful in the future, this type of vaccine may have applications in treating other viral illnesses also.
  • Mitochondria Repair
    Cell wall deficient pathogens such as Mycoplasmas, Lyme, Brucella and co-infections such as Bartonella, Ehirlichia, Babesia, Chlamydia, Enteroviruses, Herpes viruses 1-8 and other viruses which have been found in patients inflict substantial damage to the mitochondria membrane and cell membrane and joints over time. Mitochondria membrane repair and cell membrane repair

Complementary and Alternative Treatments

  • Transfer factor products (antigen specific) - protein immuno-modulators extracted from the colostrum of immunologically stimulated animals can promote DTH and specific immunity to certain antigens (viruses, bacteria, mycoplasma, fungii, etc.). Priming and training the immune system to recognise and destroy viruses, bacteria, mycoplasma, fungii. Some good brands are available at
    Cited: Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, and Lyme Disease (Alternative Medicine Guides) (2nd Edition) '  by Burton Goldberg and Larry Trivieri. Page 71-74, 107-108, 407
  • Essential oils
    Ravensara oil, Melissa oil, Tea tree oil as reflexology oils and massage oils have strong anti-viral effects
  • Homeopathy
    • The Homeopathic remedies TOXEX spag., and apo-INFEKT spag., help fight pathogen infections, improve immune system functions and detoxify the body.
    • HEEL Inc. uses special homeopathic remedies. 82% fully recovered after homeopathic treatment for viral infections and immune system weaknesses. Cited: Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, and Lyme Disease (Alternative Medicine Guides) (2nd Edition) '  by Burton Goldberg and Larry Trivieri. Page 75
    • A randomised, controlled, triple-blind trial of the efficacy of homeopathic treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome. Weatherley-Jones E , Nicholl JP , Thomas KJ , Parry GJ , McKendrick MW , Green ST , Stanley PJ , Lynch SP . J Psychosom Res. 2004 Feb;56 (2):189-97. PMID: 15016577
  • Saunas or heat therapy. Heat destroys many viruses and other pathogens, and improves immune system function and lymphatic drainage and body detoxification.
  • Mercury detoxification. Mercury poisoning can occur through dental amalgams and foods containing mercury, and coal fumes. Mercury detoxification improves immune system function and can reduce infections.
  • The following product is the subject of ongoing scientific trials and research to determine it's efectiveness in viral illnesses - Proalgazyme. Initial reports appear to be promising - click here for video of testimonies, but a lot more scientific trials and research will be required.

Other Medical Interventions

  • Re-designating old medical drugs for CFS Treatment
    CFIDS Association of America has got Biovista ( ) in the USA to engage in research and data mining of thousands of medical drugs (including some which are currently out of use) and find matches between them and the symptoms, abnormalities and dysfunctions found in ME. They are compiling a list of these medical drugs. Safety guidelines, side effects, clinical reports and general efficacy and other factors will also be taken into account for each medical drug
  • Stress Reduction
    In addition to getting medical treatment for immune system, krebs cycle and methylation cycle dysfunctions, infections and other biological abnormalities and dysfunctions one should also get Stress Reduction treatment as all physical illnesses including Cancer, AIDS, ME, Multiple Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia, autoimmune illness, Cardiac related illnesses, advanced Diabetes, etc. causes great stress for patients. Click here for Stress Reduction treatment

Medical and Clinical findings of doctors and Scientific research at end of page



  • CRISPR-Cas9 technology is being tested to specifically target viruses and destroy them. This also eliminates latent viruses. Tests have been successful so far. It uses DNA editing to destroy the virus, and has successfully eliminated the HIV virus in tests.
    - Science Daily news article
    - US News article
  • Dr. John Chia, is a world renowned doctor who has successfully treated ME patients. He has found that Enteroviruses are present in some subgroups of ME patients and that treating these Enterovirus infections can lead to significant improvement and recovery. He presents his medical experiences in the videos below:


  • Brincidofovir (CMX001) - Cidofovir PIM Conjugate. Broad spectrum anti-viral, very effective and safe. Being assessed in trials in 2012 and 2013. (prescribed by your doctor)
  • Kutapressin / Nexavir (prescribed by your doctor)
  • Ampligen (medicine legally available in some countries)
  • Broad spectrum anti viral herbs & Overcoming drug resistant viruses
    The following herbs have been researched by scientists and top herbalists and have been found to have broad spectrum anti viral activities. Combinations of these herbs kill viruses and have no side effects. And viruses do not become resistant to them. Though viruses are becoming resistant to medical drugs. 5 - 7 herbs can be combined together to provide broad spectrum anti viral treatments
  • Proteolytic Enzymes to destroy protein based viruses, bacteria and fungi.
    • Enzyme Defense product
    • Bromelain supplement, Pineapple, Papaya
  • Carnivora and Carnivora extract modulates the immune system, helps normalise cytokines, nk cells, and interferons and immune functions and target viruses and pathogens.
    - Research articles & Clinical Findings
    - Listing of scientific research
  • Lysine 3g. or more per day. Vitamin C 3g per day. This combination is strongly anti-viral
  • The Marshall Protocol is designed to modulate the immune system and help it fight many types of virus and bacteria infections. According to it's author and it's many supporters, it can improve one's ability to utlilise Vitamin D and this directly impacts many immune system subsets and functions, and toll receptors, it improves VDR, and it can reduce NFκB and TNF-a and inflammatory cytokines. It can also improve innate immunity and TH1 cytokines. More information is presented here at :
    The Marshall Protocol web site and the following video lecture

  • Neural and Brain Regeneration
    • Chinese Senega root
    • Japanese Knotweed
    • Turmeric
    • Cordyceps
    • Fish oils
  • Artesunate has shown strong anti-viral properties in studies
  • Oxygen Therapy and UVB Therapy - very strong anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-mycoplasma and anti-parasite effects.
    • Ultra Violet Irradiation therapy (UVB) has been found to be very effective in ME and in other chronic and infectious illnesses. This is used reguarly in the famous Biocare Hospital in Mexico, which caters for international business people and professionals. This treatment may be available in your country.
    • Oxygen therapy, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) are strongly anti-microbial and can be effective in many cases. This is used reguarly in the famous Biocare Hospital in Mexico.
    • Ozone therapy and hydrogen peroxide therapy are strongly anti-microbial and can be effective in some cases. This is used reguarly in the famous Biocare Hospital in Mexico.
    • Photo-ox therapy has been found to be very effective in eliminating pathogens from the body by Dr. Steven Bock.

      - The efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the management of chronic fatigue syndrome. Akarsu S , Tekin L , Ay H , Carli AB , To k F , Sim s ek K , Kiralp MZ . Undersea Hyperb Med. 2013 Mar-Apr;40(2):197-200. PMID: 23682549
  • Combining Anti-viral drugs with Immune System Enhancement drugs

Ant-pathogen and immune system treatments. Treatment of 741 italian patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. U. TIRELLI, A. LLESHI, M. BERRETTA, M. SPINA, R. TALAMINI, A. GIACALONE. European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2013; 17: 2847-2852

Dr. De Meirleir has had great success with Ampligen combined with anti-viral and anti-pathogen treatments in his clinic in Belgium. Firstly, all of the infections were identified through several intensive diagnostic tests. Then Ampligen was combined with specific anti-viral and anti-pathogen treatments. Treatment is given for several months and up to a year. The results were impressive, and patients recovered from ME. Dr. De Meirlier has stated that an eight-year follow-up of patients found that 92% had not relapsed. This is highly significant. This strongly indicates that Ampligen by itself may not be enough, but combining it with anti-viral and anti-pathogen treatments may bring about better improvement and a high probability of full recovey. This was reported in the AACFS Conference of 2001, click here to view paper.

HHV-6a's growth is stopped by the experimental drug Ampligen. Ablashi, D.V. et al.; Ampligen Inhibits In Vitro Replication of HHV-6"; Abstract from CFS conference, Albany, NY, October 2-4, 1992
When HHV-6a's growth is stopped by the experimental drug Ampligen in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients, their symptoms resolve. (In a trial published in 1987, the same appeared to be true for "AIDS" patients treated with Ampligen.) Strayer, D.R. et al.; "A Controlled Clinical Trial With a Specifically Configured RNA Drug, Poly(I):Poly(C12U), in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome";Clinical Infectious Diseases, January 1994.

Will anti-viral drugs AND Immune modulators and enhancers such as Ampligen, GcMAF, Low Dose Naltrexone, Interferon, Zadaxin, Kutapressin / Nexavir, Isoprinosine, etc. be required ? Combining anti-pathogen medicine with Immune system modulators and enhancers can bring about strong and sustained recovery in certain illnesses over time. The following provide listings of known Immune modulators and enhancers :

  • Combining the immune system enhancing herbs Astragalus, Cordyceps, Rhodiola, Ashwagandha, Siberian Ginseng and Reishi mushrooms has been found to be very effective in all viral illnesses according to Stephen Buhner, the internationally well known herbalist.
  • Treatment for Immune system dysfunctions and abnormalities
  • Vaccines developed from animals such as goats, cows, pigs, etc. are being researched and studied for their application in treating human viral and pathogen diseases. This follows on from the work of Dr. Edward Jenner in the 18th and 19th century in treating Smallpox. We will include information about these new types of vaccines when they become available. There is a case of a Dr. Gary Davis who has had some success from using a vaccine for the HIV virus developed from goats. This vaccine has exhibited strong anti-viral properties, radically reduced the viral load and increased the t-cell count of HIV infected patients and brought significant and sustained improvements in the condition though it is the subject of ongoing scientific trials and research. Click here to view video testimonies of patients and doctors and video 2 here There is another similar trial detailed in this video. If these scientific trials are successful in the future, this type of vaccine may have applications in treating other viral illnesses also.
  • Mitochondria Repair
    Cell wall deficient pathogens such as Mycoplasmas, Lyme, Brucella and co-infections such as Bartonella, Ehirlichia, Babesia, Chlamydia, Enteroviruses, Herpes viruses 1-8 and other viruses which have been found in patients inflict substantial damage to the mitochondria membrane and cell membrane and joints over time. Mitochondria membrane repair and cell membrane repair

Complementary and Alternative Treatments

  • Transfer factor products (antigen specific) - protein immuno-modulators extracted from the colostrum of immunologically stimulated animals can promote DTH and specific immunity to certain antigens (viruses, bacteria, mycoplasma, fungii, etc.). Priming and training the immune system to recognise and destroy viruses, bacteria, mycoplasma, fungii. Some good brands are available at
    Cited: Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, and Lyme Disease (Alternative Medicine Guides) (2nd Edition) '  by Burton Goldberg and Larry Trivieri. Page 71-74, 107-108, 407
  • Essential oils
    Ravensara oil, Melissa oil, Tea Tree oil as reflexology oils and massage oils have strong anti-viral effects
  • Homeopathy
    • The Homeopathic remedies TOXEX spag., and apo-INFEKT spag., help fight pathogen infections, improve immune system functions and detoxify the body.
    • HEEL Inc. uses special homeopathic remedies. 82% fully recovered after homeopathic treatment for viral infections and immune system weaknesses. Cited: Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, and Lyme Disease (Alternative Medicine Guides) (2nd Edition) '  by Burton Goldberg and Larry Trivieri. Page 75
    • A randomised, controlled, triple-blind trial of the efficacy of homeopathic treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome. Weatherley-Jones E , Nicholl JP , Thomas KJ , Parry GJ , McKendrick MW , Green ST , Stanley PJ , Lynch SP . J Psychosom Res. 2004 Feb;56 (2):189-97. PMID: 15016577
  • Saunas or heat therapy. Heat destroys many viruses and other pathogens, and improves immune system function and lymphatic drainage and body detoxification.
  • Mercury detoxification. Mercury poisoning can occur through dental amalgams and foods containing mercury, and coal fumes. Mercury detoxification improves immune system function and can reduce infections.
  • Vaccines developed from animals such as goats, cows, pigs, etc. are being researched and studied for their application in treating human viral and pathogen diseases. This follows on from the work of Dr. Edward Jenner in the 18th and 19th century in treating Smallpox. We will include information about these new types of vaccines when they become available. There is a case of a Dr. Gary Davis who has had some success from using a vaccine for the HIV virus developed from goats. This vaccine has exhibited strong anti-viral properties, radically reduced the viral load and increased the t-cell count of HIV infected patients and brought significant and sustained improvements in the condition though it is the subject of ongoing scientific trials and research. Click here to view video testimonies of patients and doctors and video 2 here There is another similar trial detailed in this video. If these scientific trials are successful in the future, this type of vaccine may have applications in treating other viral illnesses also.
  • The following product is the subject of ongoing scientific trials and research to determine it's efectiveness in viral illnesses - Proalgazyme. Initial reports appear to be promising - click here for video of testimonies, but a lot more scientific trials and research will be required.

Other Medical Interventions

  • Re-designating old medical drugs for CFS Treatment
    CFIDS Association of America has got Biovista ( ) in the USA to engage in research and data mining of thousands of medical drugs (including some which are currently out of use) and find matches between them and the symptoms, abnormalities and dysfunctions found in ME. They are compiling a list of these medical drugs. Safety guidelines, side effects, clinical reports and general efficacy and other factors will also be taken into account for each medical drug
  • Stress Reduction
    In addition to getting medical treatment for immune system, krebs cycle and methylation cycle dysfunctions, infections and other biological abnormalities and dysfunctions one should also get Stress Reduction treatment as all physical illnesses including Cancer, AIDS, ME, Multiple Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia, autoimmune illness, Cardiac related illnesses, advanced Diabetes, etc. causes great stress for patients. Click here for Stress Reduction treatment

Medical and Clinical findings of doctors and Scientific research at end of page


HHV6a Virus - active and latent forms and chromosomally integrated HHV-6 form (CIHHV-6)

  • CRISPR-Cas9 technology is being tested to specifically target viruses and destroy them. This also eliminates latent viruses. Tests have been successful so far. It uses DNA editing to destroy the virus, and has successfully eliminated the HIV virus in tests.
    - Science Daily news article
    - US News article
  • The HHV-6 Foundation run by doctors and scientists in the USA recommends certain effective medical treatments -
  • Specific anti-HHV6a and b virus medication. Anti-viral medication such as Foscarnet or Valganciclovir or Valacyclivor or Famciclovir or other anti-virals (prescribed by your doctor).

  • Brincidofovir (CMX001) - Cidofovir PIM Conjugate. Broad spectrum anti-viral, very effective and safe.
  • Vistide (prescribed by your doctor)
  • Kutapressin / Nexavir (prescribed by your doctor)
  • Ampligen (medicine legally available in some countries)
  • BHT destroys the lipid envelope of viruses of the Herpes family. Most viruses have lipid envelopes and destroying this leads to the death of the virus.
  • Thyme and Lemon Balm

  • Coconut oil and Monolaurin destroy the lipid envelopes of viruses. They also destroy many types of bacteria, candida and fungi

  • Broad spectrum anti viral herbs & Overcoming drug resistant viruses
    The following herbs have been researched by scientists and top herbalists and have been found to have broad spectrum anti viral activities. Combinations of these herbs kill viruses and have no side effects. And viruses do not become resistant to them. Though viruses are becoming resistant to medical drugs. 5 - 7 herbs can be combined together to provide broad spectrum anti viral treatments
  • Proteolytic Enzymes to destroy protein based viruses, bacteria and fungi.
    • Enzyme Defense product
    • Bromelain supplement, Pineapple, Papaya
  • Carnivora and Carnivora extract modulates the immune system, helps normalise cytokines, nk cells, and interferons and immune functions and target viruses and pathogens.
    - Research articles & Clinical Findings
    - Listing of scientific research
  • Lysine 3g. or more per day. Vitamin C 3g per day. This combination is strongly anti-viral
  • The Marshall Protocol is designed to modulate the immune system and help it fight many types of virus and bacteria infections. According to it's author and it's many supporters, it can improve one's ability to utlilise Vitamin D and this directly impacts many immune system subsets and functions, and toll receptors, it improves VDR, and it can reduce NFκB and TNF-a and inflammatory cytokines. It can also improve innate immunity and TH1 cytokines. More information is presented here at :
    The Marshall Protocol web site and the following video lecture

  • Neural and Brain Regeneration
    • Chinese Senega root
    • Japanese Knotweed
    • Turmeric
    • Cordyceps
    • Fish oils
  • Artesunate has shown strong anti-viral properties in studies
  • Gamma globulin (prescribed by your doctor). Needs to be monitored and supervised regularly.
  • Oxygen Therapy and UVB Therapy - very strong anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-mycoplasma and anti-parasite effects.
    • Ultra Violet Irradiation therapy (UVB) has been found to be very effective in ME and in other chronic and infectious illnesses. This is used reguarly in the famous Biocare Hospital in Mexico, which caters for international business people and professionals. This treatment may be available in your country.
    • Oxygen therapy, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) are strongly anti-microbial and can be effective in many cases. This is used reguarly in the famous Biocare Hospital in Mexico.
    • Ozone therapy and hydrogen peroxide therapy are strongly anti-microbial and can be effective in some cases. This is used reguarly in the famous Biocare Hospital in Mexico.
    • Photo-ox therapy has been found to be very effective in eliminating pathogens from the body by Dr. Steven Bock.

      - The efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the management of chronic fatigue syndrome. Akarsu S , Tekin L , Ay H , Carli AB , To k F , Sim s ek K , Kiralp MZ . Undersea Hyperb Med. 2013 Mar-Apr;40(2):197-200. PMID: 23682549
  • Combining Anti-viral drugs with Immune System Enhancement drugs

Ant-pathogen and immune system treatments. Treatment of 741 italian patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. U. TIRELLI, A. LLESHI, M. BERRETTA, M. SPINA, R. TALAMINI, A. GIACALONE. European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2013; 17: 2847-2852

Dr. De Meirleir has had great success with Ampligen combined with anti-viral and anti-pathogen treatments in his clinic in Belgium. Firstly, all of the infections were identified through several intensive diagnostic tests. Then Ampligen was combined with specific anti-viral and anti-pathogen treatments. Treatment is given for several months and up to a year. The results were impressive, and patients recovered from ME. Dr. De Meirlier has stated that an eight-year follow-up of patients found that 92% had not relapsed. This is highly significant. This strongly indicates that Ampligen by itself may not be enough, but combining it with anti-viral and anti-pathogen treatments may bring about better improvement and a high probability of full recovey. This was reported in the AACFS Conference of 2001, click here to view paper.

HHV-6a's growth is stopped by the experimental drug Ampligen. Ablashi, D.V. et al.; Ampligen Inhibits In Vitro Replication of HHV-6"; Abstract from CFS conference, Albany, NY, October 2-4, 1992
When HHV-6a's growth is stopped by the experimental drug Ampligen in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients, their symptoms resolve. (In a trial published in 1987, the same appeared to be true for "AIDS" patients treated with Ampligen.) Strayer, D.R. et al.; "A Controlled Clinical Trial With a Specifically Configured RNA Drug, Poly(I):Poly(C12U), in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome";Clinical Infectious Diseases, January 1994.

Will anti-viral drugs AND Immune modulators and enhancers such as Ampligen, GcMAF, Low Dose Naltrexone, Interferon, Zadaxin, Kutapressin / Nexavir, Isoprinosine, etc. be required ? Combining anti-pathogen medicine with Immune system modulators and enhancers can bring about strong and sustained recovery in certain illnesses over time. The following provide listings of known Immune modulators and enhancers :

  • Combining the immune system enhancing herbs Astragalus, Cordyceps, Rhodiola, Ashwagandha, Siberian Ginseng and Reishi mushrooms has been found to be very effective in all viral illnesses according to Stephen Buhner, the internationally well known herbalist.
  • Treatment for Immune system dysfunctions and abnormalities
  • Vaccines developed from animals such as goats, cows, pigs, etc. are being researched and studied for their application in treating human viral and pathogen diseases. This follows on from the work of Dr. Edward Jenner in the 18th and 19th century in treating Smallpox. We will include information about these new types of vaccines when they become available. There is a case of a Dr. Gary Davis who has had some success from using a vaccine for the HIV virus developed from goats. This vaccine has exhibited strong anti-viral properties, radically reduced the viral load and increased the t-cell count of HIV infected patients and brought significant and sustained improvements in the condition though it is the subject of ongoing scientific trials and research. Click here to view video testimonies of patients and doctors and video 2 here There is another similar trial detailed in this video. If these scientific trials are successful in the future, this type of vaccine may have applications in treating other viral illnesses also.
  • Mitochondria Repair
    Cell wall deficient pathogens such as Mycoplasmas, Lyme, Brucella and co-infections such as Bartonella, Ehirlichia, Babesia, Chlamydia, Enteroviruses, Herpes viruses 1-8 and other viruses which have been found in patients inflict substantial damage to the mitochondria membrane and cell membrane and joints over time. Mitochondria membrane repair and cell membrane repair

Complementary and Alternative Treatments

  • Transfer factor products (antigen specific) - protein immuno-modulators extracted from the colostrum of immunologically stimulated animals can promote DTH and specific immunity to certain antigens (viruses, bacteria, mycoplasma, fungii, etc.). Priming and training the immune system to recognise and destroy viruses, bacteria, mycoplasma, fungii. Some good brands are available at
    Cited: Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, and Lyme Disease (Alternative Medicine Guides) (2nd Edition) '  by Burton Goldberg and Larry Trivieri. Page 71-74, 107-108, 407
    - Use of anti HHV-6 transfer factor for the treatment of two patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Two case reports. Ablashi DV , Levine PH , De Vinci C , Whitman JE Jr , Pizza G , Viza D . Biotherapy. 1996;9(1-3):81-6. PMID: 8993763
  • Essential oils
    Ravensara oil, Melissa oil, Tea Tree oil as reflexology oils and massage oils have strong anti-viral effects
  • Homeopathy
    • The Homeopathic remedies TOXEX spag., and apo-INFEKT spag., help fight pathogen infections, improve immune system functions and detoxify the body. If lung infection(s) or lung inflammation present, then add apo-PULM syrup or BRONCHI PERTU spag. If sluggish lymph system involved add ITIRES spag. If recurrent ear infections, then OTIDOLO spag. ear drops.
    • HEEL Inc. uses special homeopathic remedies. 82% fully recovered after homeopathic treatment for viral infections and immune system weaknesses. Cited: Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, and Lyme Disease (Alternative Medicine Guides) (2nd Edition) '  by Burton Goldberg and Larry Trivieri. Page 75
    • A randomised, controlled, triple-blind trial of the efficacy of homeopathic treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome. Weatherley-Jones E , Nicholl JP , Thomas KJ , Parry GJ , McKendrick MW , Green ST , Stanley PJ , Lynch SP . J Psychosom Res. 2004 Feb;56 (2):189-97. PMID: 15016577
  • Saunas or heat therapy. Heat destroys many viruses and other pathogens, and improves immune system function and lymphatic drainage and body detoxification.
  • Mercury detoxification. Mercury poisoning can occur through dental amalgams and foods containing mercury, and coal fumes. Mercury detoxification improves immune system function and can reduce infections.
  • The following product is the subject of ongoing scientific trials and research to determine it's efectiveness in viral illnesses - Proalgazyme. Initial reports appear to be promising - click here for video of testimonies, but a lot more scientific trials and research will be required.

Other Medical Interventions

  • Re-designating old medical drugs for CFS Treatment
    CFIDS Association of America has got Biovista ( ) in the USA to engage in research and data mining of thousands of medical drugs (including some which are currently out of use) and find matches between them and the symptoms, abnormalities and dysfunctions found in ME. They are compiling a list of these medical drugs. Safety guidelines, side effects, clinical reports and general efficacy and other factors will also be taken into account for each medical drug
  • Stress Reduction
    In addition to getting medical treatment for immune system, krebs cycle and methylation cycle dysfunctions, infections and other biological abnormalities and dysfunctions one should also get Stress Reduction treatment as all physical illnesses including Cancer, AIDS, ME, Multiple Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia, autoimmune illness, Cardiac related illnesses, advanced Diabetes, etc. causes great stress for patients. Click here for Stress Reduction treatment

Medical and Clinical findings of doctors and Scientific research at end of page

Abortive lytic replication (EBV, CMV, HHV-6a)
Dr. Martin Lerner has found that some of these viruses have special characteristics:
- abortive lytic replication (EBV, CMV, HHV-6a) producing host cell apoptosis as described by Dr. Martin Lerner. 
- IgM antibody to non-structural gene products (resulting from abortive lytic replication) as described by Dr. Martin Lerner
- coexisting infection by bacteria, mycoplasma, babesia, chalmydia, Lymes disease.
- this type of infection causes an increase in a protein called dUTPase, a biomarker
Treating and eliminating these infections (over many months) has resulted in recoveries from ME. The above markers are a very important scientific discovery and could be one of the main bio-markers for ME.

Important lecture by Dr. Martin Lerner on ME diagnosis and treatment. Click on links to view videos.

Lecture part 1. Dr. A Martin Lerner presenting at William Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, MI USA. August 2011

Lecture part 2. Dr. A Martin Lerner presenting at William Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, MI USA. August 2011

- Slides of Dr. Martin Lerner's lecture

  • CRISPR-Cas9 technology is being tested to specifically target viruses and destroy them. This also eliminates latent viruses. Tests have been successful so far. It uses DNA editing to destroy the virus, and has successfully eliminated the HIV virus in tests.
    - Science Daily news article
    - US News article
  • Ampligen (medicine legally available in some countries)

  • BHT destroys the lipid envelope of viruses such as EBV and all members of the Herpes family of viruses. Most viruses have lipid envelopes and destroying this leads to the death of the virus.

  • Coconut oil and Monolaurin destroy the lipid envelopes of viruses. They also destroy many types of bacteria, candida and fungi
  • The Marshall Protocol is designed to modulate the immune system and help it fight many types of virus and bacteria infections. According to it's author and it's many supporters, it can improve one's ability to utlilise Vitamin D and this directly impacts many immune system subsets and functions, and toll receptors, it improves VDR, and it can reduce NFκB and TNF-a and inflammatory cytokines. It can also improve innate immunity and TH1 cytokines. More information is presented here at :
    The Marshall Protocol web site and the following video lecture

Research Papers
Abortive lytic Epstein–Barr virus replication in tonsil-B lymphocytes in infectious mononucleosis and a subset of the chronic fatigue syndrome. A Martin Lerner, Safedin Beqaj. Virus Adaptation and Treatment November 2012 Volume 2012:4 Pages 85 - 91.

"There is prolonged elevated antibody level against the encoded proteins EBV dUTPase and EBV DNA polymerase in a subset of CFS patients, suggesting that this antibody panel could be used to identify these patients." Antibody to Epstein-Barr Virus Deoxyuridine Triphosphate Nucleotidohydrolase and Deoxyribonucleotide Polymerase in a Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Subset. A. Martin Lerner, Maria E. Ariza, Marshall Williams, Leonard Jason, Safedin Beqaj, James T. Fitzgerald, Stanley Lemeshow, Ronald Glaser

CFS LLC has a US patent application pending entitled Methods for Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Inventor Lerner, Albert Martin. Agents Barry, Thomas F. et al: Venable LLP, P.O. Box 3485 Washington, DC 20043 - 9998 (US). This patent differentiates Group A and Group B CFS. 

  • Broad spectrum anti viral herbs & Overcoming drug resistant viruses
    The following herbs have been researched by scientists and top herbalists and have been found to have broad spectrum anti viral activities. Combinations of these herbs kill viruses and have no side effects. And viruses do not become resistant to them. Though viruses are becoming resistant to medical drugs. 5 - 7 herbs can be combined together to provide broad spectrum anti viral treatments
  • Proteolytic Enzymes to destroy protein based viruses, bacteria and fungi.
    • Enzyme Defense product
    • Bromelain supplement, Pineapple, Papaya
  • Mitochondria Repair
    Cell wall deficient pathogens such as Mycoplasmas, Lyme, Brucella and co-infections such as Bartonella, Ehirlichia, Babesia, Chlamydia, Enteroviruses, Herpes viruses 1-8 and other viruses which have been found in patients inflict substantial damage to the mitochondria membrane and cell membrane and joints over time. Mitochondria membrane repair and cell membrane repair
  • Neural and Brain Regeneration
    • Chinese Senega root
    • Japanese Knotweed
    • Turmeric
    • Cordyceps
    • Fish oils

Retroviruses, JHK virus, and Anellovirus

  • HTLV viruses
    • The following web sites have some excellent information on medical treatments and natural treatments
    • CRISPR-Cas9 technology is being tested to specifically target viruses and destroy them. This also eliminates latent viruses. Tests have been successful so far. It uses DNA editing to destroy the virus, and has successfully eliminated the HIV virus in tests.
      - Science Daily news article
      - US News article
    • Tenofovir
    • specific anti-HTLV medication as prescribed by your doctor
    • new vaccines against HTLV viruses
    • Brincidofovir (CMX001) - Cidofovir PIM Conjugate. Broad spectrum anti-viral
    • Vistide. Broad spectrum anti-viral
    • Baicalin powder is effective against a large number of viruses
      Research listings
    • envelope glycoprotein derived B-cell epitopes for the induction of neutralizing antibodies, as well as a strategy to generate a multivalent cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) response against the HTLV-1
    • treatments include prosultiamine, a vitamin B-1 derivative, which has been shown to reduce viral load and symptoms
    • azacytidine, an anti-metabolite
    • tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF), a reverse-transcriptase inhibitor used for HIV
    • phosphonated carbocyclic 2'-oxa-3'aza nucleosides (PCOANs).
    • tenofovir alafenamide fumarate (TAF)
    • reverse transcriptase inhibitors
    • lipid envelope destroyers
    • proteolytic enzymes
    • Kutapressin / Nexavir (prescribed by your doctor)
    • Ampligen (medicine legally available in some countries)
    • Artesunate has shown strong anti-viral properties in studies
  • Retroviruses, MLV's, XMRV, Gamma retroviruses
  • Flaviviridea family of viruse
    • CRISPR-Cas9 technology is being tested to specifically target viruses and destroy them. This also eliminates latent viruses. Tests have been successful so far. It uses DNA editing to destroy the virus, and has successfully eliminated the HIV virus in tests.
      - Science Daily news article
      - US News article
    • Depending on virus, medications prescribed by your doctor
    • new vaccines against HTLV viruses
    • Brincidofovir (CMX001) - Cidofovir PIM Conjugate. Broad spectrum anti-viral
    • Vistide. Broad spectrum anti-viral
    • Artesunate has shown strong anti-viral properties in studies
    • Ampligen (medicine legally available in some countries)
    • Baicalin powder is effective against a large number of viruses
      Research listings
  • Anellovirus
    • CRISPR-Cas9 technology is being tested to specifically target viruses and destroy them. This also eliminates latent viruses. Tests have been successful so far. It uses DNA editing to destroy the virus, and has successfully eliminated the HIV virus in tests.
      - Science Daily news article
      - US News article
    • this is a newly discovered virus. Medications have not been developed fully to target this virus
    • new vaccines against HTLV viruses
    • Brincidofovir (CMX001) - Cidofovir PIM Conjugate. Broad spectrum anti-viral
    • Vistide. Broad spectrum anti-viral
    • Artesunate has shown strong anti-viral properties in studies
    • Baicalin powder is effective against a large number of viruses
      Research listings

Other options for HTLV, MLV's, Retroviruses, Anellovirus, Flaviviridea family of viruses

  • BHT destroys the lipid envelope of viruses. Most viruses have lipid envelopes and destroying this leads to the death of the virus.

  • Coconut oil and Monolaurin destroy the lipid envelopes of viruses. They also destroy many types of bacteria, candida and fungi

  • Broad spectrum anti viral herbs & Overcoming drug resistant viruses
    The following herbs have been researched by scientists and top herbalists and have been found to have broad spectrum anti viral activities. Combinations of these herbs kill viruses and have no side effects. And viruses do not become resistant to them. Though viruses are becoming resistant to medical drugs. 5 - 7 herbs can be combined together to provide broad spectrum anti viral treatments
  • Proteolytic Enzymes to destroy protein based viruses, bacteria and fungi.
    • Enzyme Defense product
    • Bromelain supplement, Pineapple, Papaya
  • Carnivora and Carnivora extract modulates the immune system, helps normalise cytokines, nk cells, and interferons and immune functions and target viruses and pathogens.
    - Research articles & Clinical Findings
    - Listing of scientific research
  • Lysine 3g. or more per day. Vitamin C 3g per day. This combination is strongly anti-viral
  • The Marshall Protocol is designed to modulate the immune system and help it fight many types of virus and bacteria infections. According to it's author and it's many supporters, it can improve one's ability to utlilise Vitamin D and this directly impacts many immune system subsets and functions, and toll receptors, it improves VDR, and it can reduce NFκB and TNF-a and inflammatory cytokines. It can also improve innate immunity and TH1 cytokines. More information is presented here at :
    The Marshall Protocol web site and the following video lecture

  • Neural and Brain Regeneration
    • Chinese Senega root
    • Japanese Knotweed
    • Turmeric
    • Cordyceps
    • Fish oils
  • Oxygen Therapy and UVB Therapy - very strong anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-mycoplasma and anti-parasite effects.
    • Ultra Violet Irradiation therapy (UVB) has been found to be very effective in ME and in other chronic and infectious illnesses. This is used reguarly in the famous Biocare Hospital in Mexico, which caters for international business people and professionals. This treatment may be available in your country.
    • Oxygen therapy, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) are strongly anti-microbial and can be effective in many cases. This is used reguarly in the famous Biocare Hospital in Mexico.
    • Ozone therapy and hydrogen peroxide therapy are strongly anti-microbial and can be effective in some cases. This is used reguarly in the famous Biocare Hospital in Mexico.
    • Photo-ox therapy has been found to be very effective in eliminating pathogens from the body by Dr. Steven Bock.

      - The efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the management of chronic fatigue syndrome. Akarsu S , Tekin L , Ay H , Carli AB , To k F , Sim s ek K , Kiralp MZ . Undersea Hyperb Med. 2013 Mar-Apr;40(2):197-200. PMID: 23682549
  • Combining Anti-viral drugs with Immune System Enhancement drugs

Ant-pathogen and immune system treatments. Treatment of 741 italian patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. U. TIRELLI, A. LLESHI, M. BERRETTA, M. SPINA, R. TALAMINI, A. GIACALONE. European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2013; 17: 2847-2852

Dr. De Meirleir has had great success with Ampligen combined with anti-viral and anti-pathogen treatments in his clinic in Belgium. Firstly, all of the infections were identified through several intensive diagnostic tests. Then Ampligen was combined with specific anti-viral and anti-pathogen treatments. Treatment is given for several months and up to a year. The results were impressive, and patients recovered from ME. Dr. De Meirlier has stated that an eight-year follow-up of patients found that 92% had not relapsed. This is highly significant. This strongly indicates that Ampligen by itself may not be enough, but combining it with anti-viral and anti-pathogen treatments may bring about better improvement and a high probability of full recovey. This was reported in the AACFS Conference of 2001, click here to view paper.

HHV-6a's growth is stopped by the experimental drug Ampligen. Ablashi, D.V. et al.; Ampligen Inhibits In Vitro Replication of HHV-6"; Abstract from CFS conference, Albany, NY, October 2-4, 1992
When HHV-6a's growth is stopped by the experimental drug Ampligen in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients, their symptoms resolve. (In a trial published in 1987, the same appeared to be true for "AIDS" patients treated with Ampligen.) Strayer, D.R. et al.; "A Controlled Clinical Trial With a Specifically Configured RNA Drug, Poly(I):Poly(C12U), in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome";Clinical Infectious Diseases, January 1994.

Will anti-viral drugs AND Immune modulators and enhancers such as Ampligen, GcMAF, Low Dose Naltrexone, Interferon, Zadaxin, Kutapressin / Nexavir, Isoprinosine, etc. be required ? Combining anti-pathogen medicine with Immune system modulators and enhancers can bring about strong and sustained recovery in certain illnesses over time. The following provide listings of known Immune modulators and enhancers :

  • Combining the immune system enhancing herbs Astragalus, Cordyceps, Rhodiola, Ashwagandha, Siberian Ginseng and Reishi mushrooms has been found to be very effective in all viral illnesses according to Stephen Buhner, the internationally well known herbalist.
  • Treatment for Immune system dysfunctions and abnormalities
  • Vaccines developed from animals such as goats, cows, pigs, etc. are being researched and studied for their application in treating human viral and pathogen diseases. This follows on from the work of Dr. Edward Jenner in the 18th and 19th century in treating Smallpox. We will include information about these new types of vaccines when they become available. There is a case of a Dr. Gary Davis who has had some success from using a vaccine for the HIV virus developed from goats. This vaccine has exhibited strong anti-viral properties, radically reduced the viral load and increased the t-cell count of HIV infected patients and brought significant and sustained improvements in the condition though it is the subject of ongoing scientific trials and research. Click here to view video testimonies of patients and doctors and video 2 here There is another similar trial detailed in this video. If these scientific trials are successful in the future, this type of vaccine may have applications in treating other viral illnesses also.
  • Mitochondria Repair
    Cell wall deficient pathogens such as Mycoplasmas, Lyme, Brucella and co-infections such as Bartonella, Ehirlichia, Babesia, Chlamydia, Enteroviruses, Herpes viruses 1-8 and other viruses which have been found in patients inflict substantial damage to the mitochondria membrane and cell membrane and joints over time. Mitochondria membrane repair and cell membrane repair

Complementary and Alternative Treatments

  • Transfer factor products (antigen specific) - protein immuno-modulators extracted from the colostrum of immunologically stimulated animals can promote DTH and specific immunity to certain antigens (viruses, bacteria, mycoplasma, fungii, etc.). Priming and training the immune system to recognise and destroy viruses, bacteria, mycoplasma, fungii. Some good brands are available at
    Cited: Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, and Lyme Disease (Alternative Medicine Guides) (2nd Edition) '  by Burton Goldberg and Larry Trivieri. Page 71-74, 107-108, 407
  • Essential oils
    Ravensara oil, Melissa oil, Tea Tree oil as reflexology oils and massage oils have strong anti-viral effects
  • Homeopathy
    • The Homeopathic remedies TOXEX spag., and apo-INFEKT spag., help fight pathogen infections, improve immune system functions and detoxify the body. If lung infection(s) or lung inflammation present, then add apo-PULM syrup or BRONCHI PERTU spag. If sluggish lymph system involved add ITIRES spag. If recurrent ear infections, then OTIDOLO spag. ear drops.
    • HEEL Inc. uses special homeopathic remedies. 82% fully recovered after homeopathic treatment for viral infections and immune system weaknesses. Cited: Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, and Lyme Disease (Alternative Medicine Guides) (2nd Edition) '  by Burton Goldberg and Larry Trivieri. Page 75
    • A randomised, controlled, triple-blind trial of the efficacy of homeopathic treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome. Weatherley-Jones E , Nicholl JP , Thomas KJ , Parry GJ , McKendrick MW , Green ST , Stanley PJ , Lynch SP . J Psychosom Res. 2004 Feb;56 (2):189-97. PMID: 15016577
  • Saunas or heat therapy. Heat destroys many viruses and other pathogens, and improves immune system function and lymphatic drainage and body detoxification.
  • Mercury detoxification. Mercury poisoning can occur through dental amalgams and foods containing mercury, and coal fumes. Mercury detoxification improves immune system function and can reduce infections.
  • The following product is the subject of ongoing scientific trials and research to determine it's efectiveness in viral illnesses - Proalgazyme. Initial reports appear to be promising - click here for video of testimonies, but a lot more scientific trials and research will be required.

Medical and Clinical findings of doctors and Scientific research at end of page

Parvovirus B-19 infection

  • CRISPR-Cas9 technology is being tested to specifically target viruses and destroy them. This also eliminates latent viruses. Tests have been successful so far. It uses DNA editing to destroy the virus, and has successfully eliminated the HIV virus in tests.
    - Science Daily news article
    - US News article
  • Specific anti-Parvovirus medication. Anti-viral medication such as Brincidofovir (CMX001) - Cidofovir PIM Conjugate, Foscarnet or Valganciclovir or Valacyclivor or Famciclovir or other anti-virals (prescribed by your doctor).
  • Intravenous Immunoglobulins - recommended by Dr Jonathan Kerr's in his research on IVIg in persistent Parvovirus B19 Myalgic Encehalomyelitis. In Canada, IVIg is considered "first-line" therapy for persistent PVB19, as per the guidellines of the Canadian Blood Services.
  • BHT destroys the lipid envelope of viruses. Most viruses have lipid envelopes and destroying this leads to the death of the virus.

  • Coconut oil and Monolaurin destroy the lipid envelopes of viruses. They also destroy many types of bacteria, candida and fungi

  • Broad spectrum anti viral herbs & Overcoming drug resistant viruses
    The following herbs have been researched by scientists and top herbalists and have been found to have broad spectrum anti viral activities. Combinations of these herbs kill viruses and have no side effects. And viruses do not become resistant to them. Though viruses are becoming resistant to medical drugs. 5 - 7 herbs can be combined together to provide broad spectrum anti viral treatments
  • Proteolytic Enzymes to destroy protein based viruses, bacteria and fungi.
    • Enzyme Defense product
    • Bromelain supplement, Pineapple, Papaya
  • Carnivora and Carnivora extract modulates the immune system, helps normalise cytokines, nk cells, and interferons and immune functions and target viruses and pathogens.
    - Research articles & Clinical Findings
    - Listing of scientific research
  • Lysine 3g. or more per day. Vitamin C 3g per day. This combination is strongly anti-viral
  • The Marshall Protocol is designed to modulate the immune system and help it fight many types of virus and bacteria infections. According to it's author and it's many supporters, it can improve one's ability to utlilise Vitamin D and this directly impacts many immune system subsets and functions, and toll receptors, it improves VDR, and it can reduce NFκB and TNF-a and inflammatory cytokines. It can also improve innate immunity and TH1 cytokines. More information is presented here at :
    The Marshall Protocol web site and the following video lecture

  • Normalisation of Immune System: the best immune treatment so far has been Gc-MAF and Cat's Claw.
    GC-MAF is used by several medical doctors and most patients have found it very beneficial. This can be acquired over the counter or on the Internet at moderate cost. These 2 need to be taken every day. Cat's Claw can be bought in local health shops. Here are some links to GC-MAF:
    Injections ( most powerful form of Gc-MAF)
    - Sasai merei in Japan: high strength injectable product suitable for chronic infections and chronic illnesses for which it has positive reviews.
    - First Immune
    - Goleic
    - MAF878 can be bought from Dr. Enlander's clinic in New York, USA,
    - Bravo Yoghurt
    Scientific Evidence
  • Neural and Brain Regeneration
    • Chinese Senega root
    • Japanese Knotweed
    • Turmeric
    • Cordyceps
    • Fish oils
  • Artesunate has shown strong anti-viral properties in studies
  • Interferon (prescribed by your doctor). Needs to be monitored and supervised regularly.
  • Oxygen Therapy and UVB Therapy - very strong anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-mycoplasma and anti-parasite effects.
    • Ultra Violet Irradiation therapy (UVB) has been found to be very effective in ME and in other chronic and infectious illnesses. This is used reguarly in the famous Biocare Hospital in Mexico, which caters for international business people and professionals. This treatment may be available in your country.
    • Oxygen therapy, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) are strongly anti-microbial and can be effective in many cases. This is used reguarly in the famous Biocare Hospital in Mexico.
    • Ozone therapy and hydrogen peroxide therapy are strongly anti-microbial and can be effective in some cases. This is used reguarly in the famous Biocare Hospital in Mexico.
    • Photo-ox therapy has been found to be very effective in eliminating pathogens from the body by Dr. Steven Bock.

      - The efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the management of chronic fatigue syndrome. Akarsu S , Tekin L , Ay H , Carli AB , To k F , Sim s ek K , Kiralp MZ . Undersea Hyperb Med. 2013 Mar-Apr;40(2):197-200. PMID: 23682549
  • Combining Anti-viral drugs with Immune System Enhancement drugs

Ant-pathogen and immune system treatments. Treatment of 741 italian patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. U. TIRELLI, A. LLESHI, M. BERRETTA, M. SPINA, R. TALAMINI, A. GIACALONE. European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2013; 17: 2847-2852

Dr. De Meirleir has had great success with Ampligen combined with anti-viral and anti-pathogen treatments in his clinic in Belgium. Firstly, all of the infections were identified through several intensive diagnostic tests. Then Ampligen was combined with specific anti-viral and anti-pathogen treatments. Treatment is given for several months and up to a year. The results were impressive, and patients recovered from ME. Dr. De Meirlier has stated that an eight-year follow-up of patients found that 92% had not relapsed. This is highly significant. This strongly indicates that Ampligen by itself may not be enough, but combining it with anti-viral and anti-pathogen treatments may bring about better improvement and a high probability of full recovey. This was reported in the AACFS Conference of 2001, click here to view paper.

HHV-6a's growth is stopped by the experimental drug Ampligen. Ablashi, D.V. et al.; Ampligen Inhibits In Vitro Replication of HHV-6"; Abstract from CFS conference, Albany, NY, October 2-4, 1992
When HHV-6a's growth is stopped by the experimental drug Ampligen in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients, their symptoms resolve. (In a trial published in 1987, the same appeared to be true for "AIDS" patients treated with Ampligen.) Strayer, D.R. et al.; "A Controlled Clinical Trial With a Specifically Configured RNA Drug, Poly(I):Poly(C12U), in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome";Clinical Infectious Diseases, January 1994.

Will anti-viral drugs AND Immune modulators and enhancers such as Ampligen, GcMAF, Low Dose Naltrexone, Interferon, Zadaxin, Kutapressin / Nexavir, Isoprinosine, etc. be required ? Combining anti-pathogen medicine with Immune system modulators and enhancers can bring about strong and sustained recovery in certain illnesses over time. The following provide listings of known Immune modulators and enhancers :

  • Combining the immune system enhancing herbs Astragalus, Cordyceps, Rhodiola, Ashwagandha, Siberian Ginseng and Reishi mushrooms has been found to be very effective in all viral illnesses according to Stephen Buhner, the internationally well known herbalist.
  • Treatment for Immune system dysfunctions and abnormalities
  • Vaccines developed from animals such as goats, cows, pigs, etc. are being researched and studied for their application in treating human viral and pathogen diseases. This follows on from the work of Dr. Edward Jenner in the 18th and 19th century in treating Smallpox. We will include information about these new types of vaccines when they become available. There is a case of a Dr. Gary Davis who has had some success from using a vaccine for the HIV virus developed from goats. This vaccine has exhibited strong anti-viral properties, radically reduced the viral load and increased the t-cell count of HIV infected patients and brought significant and sustained improvements in the condition though it is the subject of ongoing scientific trials and research. Click here to view video testimonies of patients and doctors and video 2 here There is another similar trial detailed in this video. If these scientific trials are successful in the future, this type of vaccine may have applications in treating other viral illnesses also.
  • Mitochondria Repair
    Cell wall deficient pathogens such as Mycoplasmas, Lyme, Brucella and co-infections such as Bartonella, Ehirlichia, Babesia, Chlamydia, Enteroviruses, Herpes viruses 1-8 and other viruses which have been found in patients inflict substantial damage to the mitochondria membrane and cell membrane and joints over time. Mitochondria membrane repair and cell membrane repair

Complementary and Alternative Treatments

  • Transfer factor products (antigen specific) - protein immuno-modulators extracted from the colostrum of immunologically stimulated animals can promote DTH and specific immunity to certain antigens (viruses, bacteria, mycoplasma, fungii, etc.). Priming and training the immune system to recognise and destroy viruses, bacteria, mycoplasma, fungii. Some good brands are available at
    Cited: Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, and Lyme Disease (Alternative Medicine Guides) (2nd Edition) '  by Burton Goldberg and Larry Trivieri. Page 71-74, 107-108, 407 .
  • Essential oils
    Ravensara oil, Melissa oil, Tea Tree oil as reflexology oils and massage oils have strong anti-viral effects
  • Homeopathy
    • The Homeopathic remedies TOXEX spag., and apo-INFEKT spag., help fight pathogen infections, improve immune system functions and detoxify the body.
    • HEEL Inc. uses special homeopathic remedies. 82% fully recovered after homeopathic treatment for viral infections and immune system weaknesses. Cited: Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, and Lyme Disease (Alternative Medicine Guides) (2nd Edition) '  by Burton Goldberg and Larry Trivieri. Page 75
    • A randomised, controlled, triple-blind trial of the efficacy of homeopathic treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome. Weatherley-Jones E , Nicholl JP , Thomas KJ , Parry GJ , McKendrick MW , Green ST , Stanley PJ , Lynch SP . J Psychosom Res. 2004 Feb;56 (2):189-97. PMID: 15016577
  • Saunas or heat therapy. Heat destroys many viruses and other pathogens, and improves immune system function and lymphatic drainage and body detoxification.
  • Mercury detoxification. Mercury poisoning can occur through dental amalgams and foods containing mercury, and coal fumes. Mercury detoxification improves immune system function and can reduce infections.
  • Vaccines developed from animals such as goats, cows, pigs, etc. are being researched and studied for their application in treating human viral and pathogen diseases. This follows on from the work of Dr. Edward Jenner in the 18th and 19th century in treating Smallpox. We will include information about these new types of vaccines when they become available. There is a case of a Dr. Gary Davis who has had some success from using a vaccine for the HIV virus developed from goats. This vaccine has exhibited strong anti-viral properties, radically reduced the viral load and increased the t-cell count of HIV infected patients and brought significant and sustained improvements in the condition though it is the subject of ongoing scientific trials and research. Click here to view video testimonies of patients and doctors and video 2 here There is another similar trial detailed in this video. If these scientific trials are successful in the future, this type of vaccine may have applications in treating other viral illnesses also.
  • The following product is the subject of ongoing scientific trials and research to determine it's efectiveness in viral illnesses - Proalgazyme. Initial reports appear to be promising - click here for video of testimonies, but a lot more scientific trials and research will be required.

Other Medical Interventions

  • Re-designating old medical drugs for CFS Treatment
    CFIDS Association of America has got Biovista ( ) in the USA to engage in research and data mining of thousands of medical drugs (including some which are currently out of use) and find matches between them and the symptoms, abnormalities and dysfunctions found in ME. They are compiling a list of these medical drugs. Safety guidelines, side effects, clinical reports and general efficacy and other factors will also be taken into account for each medical drug
  • Stress Reduction
    In addition to getting medical treatment for immune system, krebs cycle and methylation cycle dysfunctions, infections and other biological abnormalities and dysfunctions one should also get Stress Reduction treatment as all physical illnesses including Cancer, AIDS, ME, Multiple Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia, autoimmune illness, Cardiac related illnesses, advanced Diabetes, etc. causes great stress for patients. Click here for Stress Reduction treatment

Medical and Clinical findings of doctors and Scientific research at end of page

Borna Virus Infection

  • CRISPR-Cas9 technology is being tested to specifically target viruses and destroy them. This also eliminates latent viruses. Tests have been successful so far. It uses DNA editing to destroy the virus, and has successfully eliminated the HIV virus in tests.
    - Science Daily news article
    - US News article
  • Anti-Borna virus medication (Prescribed by your doctor)
  • Amantadine has been found to be effective in treating Borna virus infections
  • BHT destroys the lipid envelope of viruses. Most viruses have lipid envelopes and destroying this leads to the death of the virus.

  • Coconut oil and Monolaurin destroy the lipid envelopes of viruses. They also destroy many types of bacteria, candida and fungi

  • Broad spectrum anti viral herbs & Overcoming drug resistant viruses
    The following herbs have been researched by scientists and top herbalists and have been found to have broad spectrum anti viral activities. Combinations of these herbs kill viruses and have no side effects. And viruses do not become resistant to them. Though viruses are becoming resistant to medical drugs. 5 - 7 herbs can be combined together to provide broad spectrum anti viral treatments
  • Proteolytic Enzymes to destroy protein based viruses, bacteria and fungi.
    • Enzyme Defense product
    • Bromelain supplement, Pineapple, Papaya
  • Carnivora and Carnivora extract modulates the immune system, helps normalise cytokines, nk cells, and interferons and immune functions and target viruses and pathogens.
    - Research articles & Clinical Findings
    - Listing of scientific research
  • Lysine 3g. or more per day. Vitamin C 3g per day. This combination is strongly anti-viral
  • The Marshall Protocol is designed to modulate the immune system and help it fight many types of virus and bacteria infections. According to it's author and it's many supporters, it can improve one's ability to utlilise Vitamin D and this directly impacts many immune system subsets and functions, and toll receptors, it improves VDR, and it can reduce NFκB and TNF-a and inflammatory cytokines. It can also improve innate immunity and TH1 cytokines. More information is presented here at :
    The Marshall Protocol web site and the following video lecture

  • Normalisation of Immune System: the best immune treatment so far has been Gc-MAF and Cat's Claw.
    GC-MAF is used by several medical doctors and most patients have found it very beneficial. This can be acquired over the counter or on the Internet at moderate cost. These 2 need to be taken every day. Cat's Claw can be bought in local health shops. Here are some links to GC-MAF:
    Injections ( most powerful form of Gc-MAF)
    - Sasai merei in Japan: high strength injectable product suitable for chronic infections and chronic illnesses for which it has positive reviews.
    - First Immune
    - Goleic
    - MAF878 can be bought from Dr. Enlander's clinic in New York, USA,
    - Bravo Yoghurt
    Scientific Evidence
  • Neural and Brain Regeneration
    • Chinese Senega root
    • Japanese Knotweed
    • Turmeric
    • Cordyceps
    • Fish oils
  • Artesunate has shown strong anti-viral properties in studies

  • Gamma globulin (prescribed by your doctor). Needs to be monitored and supervised regularly..

  • Oxygen Therapy and UVB Therapy - very strong anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-mycoplasma and anti-parasite effects.
    • Ultra Violet Irradiation therapy (UVB) has been found to be very effective in ME and in other chronic and infectious illnesses. This is used reguarly in the famous Biocare Hospital in Mexico, which caters for international business people and professionals. This treatment may be available in your country.
    • Oxygen therapy, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) are strongly anti-microbial and can be effective in many cases. This is used reguarly in the famous Biocare Hospital in Mexico.
    • Ozone therapy and hydrogen peroxide therapy are strongly anti-microbial and can be effective in some cases. This is used reguarly in the famous Biocare Hospital in Mexico.
    • Photo-ox therapy has been found to be very effective in eliminating pathogens from the body by Dr. Steven Bock.

      - The efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the management of chronic fatigue syndrome. Akarsu S , Tekin L , Ay H , Carli AB , To k F , Sim s ek K , Kiralp MZ . Undersea Hyperb Med. 2013 Mar-Apr;40(2):197-200. PMID: 23682549
  • Combining Anti-viral drugs with Immune System Enhancement drugs

Ant-pathogen and immune system treatments. Treatment of 741 italian patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. U. TIRELLI, A. LLESHI, M. BERRETTA, M. SPINA, R. TALAMINI, A. GIACALONE. European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2013; 17: 2847-2852

Dr. De Meirleir has had great success with Ampligen combined with anti-viral and anti-pathogen treatments in his clinic in Belgium. Firstly, all of the infections were identified through several intensive diagnostic tests. Then Ampligen was combined with specific anti-viral and anti-pathogen treatments. Treatment is given for several months and up to a year. The results were impressive, and patients recovered from ME. Dr. De Meirlier has stated that an eight-year follow-up of patients found that 92% had not relapsed. This is highly significant. This strongly indicates that Ampligen by itself may not be enough, but combining it with anti-viral and anti-pathogen treatments may bring about better improvement and a high probability of full recovey. This was reported in the AACFS Conference of 2001, click here to view paper.

HHV-6a's growth is stopped by the experimental drug Ampligen. Ablashi, D.V. et al.; Ampligen Inhibits In Vitro Replication of HHV-6"; Abstract from CFS conference, Albany, NY, October 2-4, 1992
When HHV-6a's growth is stopped by the experimental drug Ampligen in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients, their symptoms resolve. (In a trial published in 1987, the same appeared to be true for "AIDS" patients treated with Ampligen.) Strayer, D.R. et al.; "A Controlled Clinical Trial With a Specifically Configured RNA Drug, Poly(I):Poly(C12U), in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome";Clinical Infectious Diseases, January 1994.

Will anti-viral drugs AND Immune modulators and enhancers such as Ampligen, GcMAF, Low Dose Naltrexone, Interferon, Zadaxin, Kutapressin / Nexavir, Isoprinosine, etc. be required ? Combining anti-pathogen medicine with Immune system modulators and enhancers can bring about strong and sustained recovery in certain illnesses over time. The following provide listings of known Immune modulators and enhancers :

  • Combining the immune system enhancing herbs Astragalus, Cordyceps, Rhodiola, Ashwagandha, Siberian Ginseng and Reishi mushrooms has been found to be very effective in all viral illnesses according to Stephen Buhner, the internationally well known herbalist.
  • Treatment for Immune system dysfunctions and abnormalities
  • Mitochondria Repair
    Cell wall deficient pathogens such as Mycoplasmas, Lyme, Brucella and co-infections such as Bartonella, Ehirlichia, Babesia, Chlamydia, Enteroviruses, Herpes viruses 1-8 and other viruses which have been found in patients inflict substantial damage to the mitochondria membrane and cell membrane and joints over time. Mitochondria membrane repair and cell membrane repair

Complementary and Alternative Treatments

  • Transfer factor products (antigen specific) - protein immuno-modulators extracted from the colostrum of immunologically stimulated animals can promote DTH and specific immunity to certain antigens (viruses, bacteria, mycoplasma, fungii, etc.). Priming and training the immune system to recognise and destroy viruses, bacteria, mycoplasma, fungii. Some good brands are available at
    Cited: Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, and Lyme Disease (Alternative Medicine Guides) (2nd Edition) '  by Burton Goldberg and Larry Trivieri. Page 71-74, 107-108, 407 .
  • Essential oils
    Ravensara oil, Melissa oil, Tea Tree oil as reflexology oils and massage oils have strong anti-viral effects
  • Homeopathy
    • The Homeopathic remedies TOXEX spag., and apo-INFEKT spag., help fight pathogen infections, improve immune system functions and detoxify the body.
    • HEEL Inc. uses special homeopathic remedies. 82% fully recovered after homeopathic treatment for viral infections and immune system weaknesses. Cited: Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, and Lyme Disease (Alternative Medicine Guides) (2nd Edition) '  by Burton Goldberg and Larry Trivieri. Page 75
    • A randomised, controlled, triple-blind trial of the efficacy of homeopathic treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome. Weatherley-Jones E , Nicholl JP , Thomas KJ , Parry GJ , McKendrick MW , Green ST , Stanley PJ , Lynch SP . J Psychosom Res. 2004 Feb;56 (2):189-97. PMID: 15016577
  • Saunas or heat therapy. Heat destroys many viruses and other pathogens, and improves immune system function and lymphatic drainage and body detoxification.
  • Mercury detoxification. Mercury poisoning can occur through dental amalgams and foods containing mercury, and coal fumes. Mercury detoxification improves immune system function and can reduce infections.
  • Vaccines developed from animals such as goats, cows, pigs, etc. are being researched and studied for their application in treating human viral and pathogen diseases. This follows on from the work of Dr. Edward Jenner in the 18th and 19th century in treating Smallpox. We will include information about these new types of vaccines when they become available. There is a case of a Dr. Gary Davis who has had some success from using a vaccine for the HIV virus developed from goats. This vaccine has exhibited strong anti-viral properties, radically reduced the viral load and increased the t-cell count of HIV infected patients and brought significant and sustained improvements in the condition though it is the subject of ongoing scientific trials and research. Click here to view video testimonies of patients and doctors and video 2 here There is another similar trial detailed in this video. If these scientific trials are successful in the future, this type of vaccine may have applications in treating other viral illnesses also.
  • The following product is the subject of ongoing scientific trials and research to determine it's efectiveness in viral illnesses - Proalgazyme. Initial reports appear to be promising - click here for video of testimonies, but a lot more scientific trials and research will be required.

Other Medical Interventions

  • Re-designating old medical drugs for CFS Treatment
    CFIDS Association of America has got Biovista ( ) in the USA to engage in research and data mining of thousands of medical drugs (including some which are currently out of use) and find matches between them and the symptoms, abnormalities and dysfunctions found in ME. They are compiling a list of these medical drugs. Safety guidelines, side effects, clinical reports and general efficacy and other factors will also be taken into account for each medical drug
  • Stress Reduction
    In addition to getting medical treatment for immune system, krebs cycle and methylation cycle dysfunctions, infections and other biological abnormalities and dysfunctions one should also get Stress Reduction treatment as all physical illnesses including Cancer, AIDS, ME, Multiple Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia, autoimmune illness, Cardiac related illnesses, advanced Diabetes, etc. causes great stress for patients. Click here for Stress Reduction treatment

Parainfluenza Virus-5 (PIV-5), Paramyxovirus, Cryptovirus infection

  • CRISPR-Cas9 technology is being tested to specifically target viruses and destroy them. This also eliminates latent viruses. Tests have been successful so far. It uses DNA editing to destroy the virus, and has successfully eliminated the HIV virus in tests.
    - Science Daily news article
    - US News article
  • New scientific findings in the USA show that a significant percentage of ME patients are or were infected by Parainfluenza Virus-5 (PIV-5). This particular virus targets and degrades the STAT1 protein in the immune system, and this in turn leads to immune dysfunction. The destruction of STAT1 protein is one of the main features of ME, in addition to RnaseL abnormalities, PKR abnormalities, p53 protein abnormalities and Actin abnormalities. There is continuing scientific research to establish if this virus is causative, opportunistic or a co-factor in the illness. This research is being led by the National CFIDS Foundation in the USA which is continuing to fund and back excellent scientific research into ME. The Department of Homeland Security in the USA has also kindly assisted in this research and made some significant progress in terms of diagnosis and treatments. More information about these viruses and diagnosis and treatments can be found by clicking here.
  • Specific anti-Parainfluenza / Paramyxovirus / Cryptovirus medication. Anti-viral medication such as Brincidofovir (CMX001) - Cidofovir PIM Conjugate, Foscarnet or Valganciclovir or Valacyclivor or Famciclovir or other anti-virals (prescribed by your doctor).
  • Kutapressin / Nexavir, broad spectrum anti-viral (prescribed by your doctor)
  • BHT destroys the lipid envelope of viruses. Most viruses have lipid envelopes and destroying this leads to the death of the virus.

  • Coconut oil and Monolaurin destroy the lipid envelopes of viruses. They also destroy many types of bacteria, candida and fungi

  • Broad spectrum anti viral herbs & Overcoming drug resistant viruses
    The following herbs have been researched by scientists and top herbalists and have been found to have broad spectrum anti viral activities. Combinations of these herbs kill viruses and have no side effects. And viruses do not become resistant to them. Though viruses are becoming resistant to medical drugs. 5 - 7 herbs can be combined together to provide broad spectrum anti viral treatments
  • Proteolytic Enzymes to destroy protein based viruses, bacteria and fungi.
    • Enzyme Defense product
    • Bromelain supplement, Pineapple, Papaya
  • Carnivora and Carnivora extract modulates the immune system, helps normalise cytokines, nk cells, and interferons and immune functions and target viruses and pathogens.
    - Research articles & Clinical Findings
    - Listing of scientific research
  • Lysine 3g. or more per day. Vitamin C 3g per day. This combination is strongly anti-viral
  • The Marshall Protocol is designed to modulate the immune system and help it fight many types of virus and bacteria infections. According to it's author and it's many supporters, it can improve one's ability to utlilise Vitamin D and this directly impacts many immune system subsets and functions, and toll receptors, it improves VDR, and it can reduce NFκB and TNF-a and inflammatory cytokines. It can also improve innate immunity and TH1 cytokines. More information is presented here at :
    The Marshall Protocol web site and the following video lecture

  • Neural and Brain Regeneration
    • Chinese Senega root
    • Japanese Knotweed
    • Turmeric
    • Cordyceps
    • Fish oils
  • Artesunate has shown strong anti-viral properties in studies
  • Oxygen Therapy and UVB Therapy - very strong anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-mycoplasma and anti-parasite effects.
    • Ultra Violet Irradiation therapy (UVB) has been found to be very effective in ME and in other chronic and infectious illnesses. This is used reguarly in the famous Biocare Hospital in Mexico, which caters for international business people and professionals. This treatment may be available in your country.
    • Oxygen therapy, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) are strongly anti-microbial and can be effective in many cases. This is used reguarly in the famous Biocare Hospital in Mexico.
    • Ozone therapy and hydrogen peroxide therapy are strongly anti-microbial and can be effective in some cases. This is used reguarly in the famous Biocare Hospital in Mexico.
    • Photo-ox therapy has been found to be very effective in eliminating pathogens from the body by Dr. Steven Bock.

      - The efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the management of chronic fatigue syndrome. Akarsu S , Tekin L , Ay H , Carli AB , To k F , Sim s ek K , Kiralp MZ . Undersea Hyperb Med. 2013 Mar-Apr;40(2):197-200. PMID: 23682549
  • Combining Anti-viral drugs with Immune System Enhancement drugs

Ant-pathogen and immune system treatments. Treatment of 741 italian patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. U. TIRELLI, A. LLESHI, M. BERRETTA, M. SPINA, R. TALAMINI, A. GIACALONE. European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2013; 17: 2847-2852

Dr. De Meirleir has had great success with Ampligen combined with anti-viral and anti-pathogen treatments in his clinic in Belgium. Firstly, all of the infections were identified through several intensive diagnostic tests. Then Ampligen was combined with specific anti-viral and anti-pathogen treatments. Treatment is given for several months and up to a year. The results were impressive, and patients recovered from ME. Dr. De Meirlier has stated that an eight-year follow-up of patients found that 92% had not relapsed. This is highly significant. This strongly indicates that Ampligen by itself may not be enough, but combining it with anti-viral and anti-pathogen treatments may bring about better improvement and a high probability of full recovey. This was reported in the AACFS Conference of 2001, click here to view paper.

HHV-6a's growth is stopped by the experimental drug Ampligen. Ablashi, D.V. et al.; Ampligen Inhibits In Vitro Replication of HHV-6"; Abstract from CFS conference, Albany, NY, October 2-4, 1992
When HHV-6a's growth is stopped by the experimental drug Ampligen in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients, their symptoms resolve. (In a trial published in 1987, the same appeared to be true for "AIDS" patients treated with Ampligen.) Strayer, D.R. et al.; "A Controlled Clinical Trial With a Specifically Configured RNA Drug, Poly(I):Poly(C12U), in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome";Clinical Infectious Diseases, January 1994.

Will anti-viral drugs AND Immune modulators and enhancers such as Ampligen, GcMAF, Low Dose Naltrexone, Interferon, Zadaxin, Kutapressin / Nexavir, Isoprinosine, etc. be required ? Combining anti-pathogen medicine with Immune system modulators and enhancers can bring about strong and sustained recovery in certain illnesses over time. The following provide listings of known Immune modulators and enhancers :

  • Combining the immune system enhancing herbs Astragalus, Cordyceps, Rhodiola, Ashwagandha, Siberian Ginseng and Reishi mushrooms has been found to be very effective in all viral illnesses according to Stephen Buhner, the internationally well known herbalist.
  • Treatment for Immune system dysfunctions and abnormalities
  • Vaccines developed from animals such as goats, cows, pigs, etc. are being researched and studied for their application in treating human viral and pathogen diseases. This follows on from the work of Dr. Edward Jenner in the 18th and 19th century in treating Smallpox. We will include information about these new types of vaccines when they become available. There is a case of a Dr. Gary Davis who has had some success from using a vaccine for the HIV virus developed from goats. This vaccine has exhibited strong anti-viral properties, radically reduced the viral load and increased the t-cell count of HIV infected patients and brought significant and sustained improvements in the condition though it is the subject of ongoing scientific trials and research. Click here to view video testimonies of patients and doctors and video 2 here There is another similar trial detailed in this video. If these scientific trials are successful in the future, this type of vaccine may have applications in treating other viral illnesses also.
  • Mitochondria Repair
    Cell wall deficient pathogens such as Mycoplasmas, Lyme, Brucella and co-infections such as Bartonella, Ehirlichia, Babesia, Chlamydia, Enteroviruses, Herpes viruses 1-8 and other viruses which have been found in patients inflict substantial damage to the mitochondria membrane and cell membrane and joints over time. Mitochondria membrane repair and cell membrane repair

Complementary and Alternative Treatments

  • Transfer factor products (antigen specific) - protein immuno-modulators extracted from the colostrum of immunologically stimulated animals can promote DTH and specific immunity to certain antigens (viruses, bacteria, mycoplasma, fungii, etc.). Priming and training the immune system to recognise and destroy viruses, bacteria, mycoplasma, fungii. Some good brands are available at
    Cited: Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, and Lyme Disease (Alternative Medicine Guides) (2nd Edition) '  by Burton Goldberg and Larry Trivieri. Page 71-74, 107-108, 407
  • Essential oils
    Ravensara oil, Melissa oil, Tea Tree oil as reflexology oils and massage oils have strong anti-viral effects
  • Homeopathy
    • The Homeopathic remedies TOXEX spag., and apo-INFEKT spag., help fight pathogen infections, improve immune system functions and detoxify the body.
    • HEEL Inc. uses special homeopathic remedies. 82% fully recovered after homeopathic treatment for viral infections and immune system weaknesses. Cited: Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, and Lyme Disease (Alternative Medicine Guides) (2nd Edition) '  by Burton Goldberg and Larry Trivieri. Page 75
    • A randomised, controlled, triple-blind trial of the efficacy of homeopathic treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome. Weatherley-Jones E , Nicholl JP , Thomas KJ , Parry GJ , McKendrick MW , Green ST , Stanley PJ , Lynch SP . J Psychosom Res. 2004 Feb;56 (2):189-97. PMID: 15016577
  • Saunas or heat therapy. Heat destroys many viruses and other pathogens, and improves immune system function and lymphatic drainage and body detoxification.
  • Mercury detoxification. Mercury poisoning can occur through dental amalgams and foods containing mercury, and coal fumes. Mercury detoxification improves immune system function and can reduce infections.
  • Vaccines developed from animals such as goats, cows, pigs, etc. are being researched and studied for their application in treating human viral and pathogen diseases. This follows on from the work of Dr. Edward Jenner in the 18th and 19th century in treating Smallpox. We will include information about these new types of vaccines when they become available. There is a case of a Dr. Gary Davis who has had some success from using a vaccine for the HIV virus developed from goats. This vaccine has exhibited strong anti-viral properties, radically reduced the viral load and increased the t-cell count of HIV infected patients and brought significant and sustained improvements in the condition though it is the subject of ongoing scientific trials and research. Click here to view video testimonies of patients and doctors and video 2 here There is another similar trial detailed in this video. If these scientific trials are successful in the future, this type of vaccine may have applications in treating other viral illnesses also.
  • The following product is the subject of ongoing scientific trials and research to determine it's efectiveness in viral illnesses - Proalgazyme. Initial reports appear to be promising - click here for video of testimonies, but a lot more scientific trials and research will be required.

Other Medical Interventions

  • Re-designating old medical drugs for CFS Treatment
    CFIDS Association of America has got Biovista ( ) in the USA to engage in research and data mining of thousands of medical drugs (including some which are currently out of use) and find matches between them and the symptoms, abnormalities and dysfunctions found in ME. They are compiling a list of these medical drugs. Safety guidelines, side effects, clinical reports and general efficacy and other factors will also be taken into account for each medical drug
  • Stress Reduction
    In addition to getting medical treatment for immune system, krebs cycle and methylation cycle dysfunctions, infections and other biological abnormalities and dysfunctions one should also get Stress Reduction treatment as all physical illnesses including Cancer, AIDS, ME, Multiple Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia, autoimmune illness, Cardiac related illnesses, advanced Diabetes, etc. causes great stress for patients. Click here for Stress Reduction treatment

Medical and Clinical findings of doctors and Scientific research at the end of page

Ross river virus, Q fever virus

  • CRISPR-Cas9 technology is being tested to specifically target viruses and destroy them. This also eliminates latent viruses. Tests have been successful so far. It uses DNA editing to destroy the virus, and has successfully eliminated the HIV virus in tests.
    - Science Daily news article
    - US News article
  • Specific anti-Ross river virus / Q fever virus medication. Anti-viral medication such as Brincidofovir (CMX001) - Cidofovir PIM Conjugate, Foscarnet or Valganciclovir or Valacyclivor or Famciclovir or other anti-virals (prescribed by your doctor).
  • Kutapressin / Nexavir (prescribed by your doctor)
  • BHT destroys the lipid envelope of viruses. Most viruses have lipid envelopes and destroying this leads to the death of the virus.

  • Coconut oil and Monolaurin destroy the lipid envelopes of viruses. They also destroy many types of bacteria, candida and fungi

  • Broad spectrum anti viral herbs & Overcoming drug resistant viruses
    The following herbs have been researched by scientists and top herbalists and have been found to have broad spectrum anti viral activities. Combinations of these herbs kill viruses and have no side effects. And viruses do not become resistant to them. Though viruses are becoming resistant to medical drugs. 5 - 7 herbs can be combined together to provide broad spectrum anti viral treatments
  • Proteolytic Enzymes to destroy protein based viruses, bacteria and fungi.
    • Enzyme Defense product
    • Bromelain supplement, Pineapple, Papaya
  • Carnivora and Carnivora extract modulates the immune system, helps normalise cytokines, nk cells, and interferons and immune functions and target viruses and pathogens.
    - Research articles & Clinical Findings
    - Listing of scientific research
  • Lysine 3g. or more per day. Vitamin C 3g per day. This combination is strongly anti-viral
  • The Marshall Protocol is designed to modulate the immune system and help it fight many types of virus and bacteria infections. According to it's author and it's many supporters, it can improve one's ability to utlilise Vitamin D and this directly impacts many immune system subsets and functions, and toll receptors, it improves VDR, and it can reduce NFκB and TNF-a and inflammatory cytokines. It can also improve innate immunity and TH1 cytokines. More information is presented here at :
    The Marshall Protocol web site and the following video lecture

  • Normalisation of Immune System: the best immune treatment so far has been Gc-MAF and Cat's Claw.
    GC-MAF is used by several medical doctors and most patients have found it very beneficial. This can be acquired over the counter or on the Internet at moderate cost. These 2 need to be taken every day. Cat's Claw can be bought in local health shops. Here are some links to GC-MAF:
    Injections ( most powerful form of Gc-MAF)
    - Sasai merei in Japan: high strength injectable product suitable for chronic infections and chronic illnesses for which it has positive reviews.
    - First Immune
    - Goleic
    - MAF878 can be bought from Dr. Enlander's clinic in New York, USA,
    - Bravo Yoghurt
    Scientific Evidence
  • Neural and Brain Regeneration
    • Chinese Senega root
    • Japanese Knotweed
    • Turmeric
    • Cordyceps
    • Fish oils
  • Artesunate has shown strong anti-viral properties in studies

  • Gamma globulin (prescribed by your doctor). Needs to be monitored and supervised regularly..

  • Interferon (prescribed by your doctor). Needs to be monitored and supervised regularly.
  • Oxygen Therapy and UVB Therapy - very strong anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-mycoplasma and anti-parasite effects.
    • Ultra Violet Irradiation therapy (UVB) has been found to be very effective in ME and in other chronic and infectious illnesses. This is used reguarly in the famous Biocare Hospital in Mexico, which caters for international business people and professionals. This treatment may be available in your country.
    • Oxygen therapy, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) are strongly anti-microbial and can be effective in many cases. This is used reguarly in the famous Biocare Hospital in Mexico.
    • Ozone therapy and hydrogen peroxide therapy are strongly anti-microbial and can be effective in some cases. This is used reguarly in the famous Biocare Hospital in Mexico.
    • Photo-ox therapy has been found to be very effective in eliminating pathogens from the body by Dr. Steven Bock.

      - The efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the management of chronic fatigue syndrome. Akarsu S , Tekin L , Ay H , Carli AB , To k F , Sim s ek K , Kiralp MZ . Undersea Hyperb Med. 2013 Mar-Apr;40(2):197-200. PMID: 23682549
  • Combining Anti-viral drugs with Immune System Enhancement drugs

Ant-pathogen and immune system treatments. Treatment of 741 italian patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. U. TIRELLI, A. LLESHI, M. BERRETTA, M. SPINA, R. TALAMINI, A. GIACALONE. European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2013; 17: 2847-2852

Dr. De Meirleir has had great success with Ampligen combined with anti-viral and anti-pathogen treatments in his clinic in Belgium. Firstly, all of the infections were identified through several intensive diagnostic tests. Then Ampligen was combined with specific anti-viral and anti-pathogen treatments. Treatment is given for several months and up to a year. The results were impressive, and patients recovered from ME. Dr. De Meirlier has stated that an eight-year follow-up of patients found that 92% had not relapsed. This is highly significant. This strongly indicates that Ampligen by itself may not be enough, but combining it with anti-viral and anti-pathogen treatments may bring about better improvement and a high probability of full recovey. This was reported in the AACFS Conference of 2001, click here to view paper.

HHV-6a's growth is stopped by the experimental drug Ampligen. Ablashi, D.V. et al.; Ampligen Inhibits In Vitro Replication of HHV-6"; Abstract from CFS conference, Albany, NY, October 2-4, 1992
When HHV-6a's growth is stopped by the experimental drug Ampligen in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients, their symptoms resolve. (In a trial published in 1987, the same appeared to be true for "AIDS" patients treated with Ampligen.) Strayer, D.R. et al.; "A Controlled Clinical Trial With a Specifically Configured RNA Drug, Poly(I):Poly(C12U), in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome";Clinical Infectious Diseases, January 1994.

Will anti-viral drugs AND Immune modulators and enhancers such as Ampligen, GcMAF, Low Dose Naltrexone, Interferon, Zadaxin, Kutapressin / Nexavir, Isoprinosine, etc. be required ? Combining anti-pathogen medicine with Immune system modulators and enhancers can bring about strong and sustained recovery in certain illnesses over time. The following provide listings of known Immune modulators and enhancers :

  • Combining the immune system enhancing herbs Astragalus, Cordyceps, Rhodiola, Ashwagandha, Siberian Ginseng and Reishi mushrooms has been found to be very effective in all viral illnesses according to Stephen Buhner, the internationally well known herbalist.
  • Treatment for Immune system dysfunctions and abnormalities
  • Vaccines developed from animals such as goats, cows, pigs, etc. are being researched and studied for their application in treating human viral and pathogen diseases. This follows on from the work of Dr. Edward Jenner in the 18th and 19th century in treating Smallpox. We will include information about these new types of vaccines when they become available. There is a case of a Dr. Gary Davis who has had some success from using a vaccine for the HIV virus developed from goats. This vaccine has exhibited strong anti-viral properties, radically reduced the viral load and increased the t-cell count of HIV infected patients and brought significant and sustained improvements in the condition though it is the subject of ongoing scientific trials and research. Click here to view video testimonies of patients and doctors and video 2 here There is another similar trial detailed in this video. If these scientific trials are successful in the future, this type of vaccine may have applications in treating other viral illnesses also.
  • Mitochondria Repair
    Cell wall deficient pathogens such as Mycoplasmas, Lyme, Brucella and co-infections such as Bartonella, Ehirlichia, Babesia, Chlamydia, Enteroviruses, Herpes viruses 1-8 and other viruses which have been found in patients inflict substantial damage to the mitochondria membrane and cell membrane and joints over time. Mitochondria membrane repair and cell membrane repair

Complementary and Alternative Treatments

  • Transfer factor products (antigen specific) - protein immuno-modulators extracted from the colostrum of immunologically stimulated animals can promote DTH and specific immunity to certain antigens (viruses, bacteria, mycoplasma, fungii, etc.). Priming and training the immune system to recognise and destroy viruses, bacteria, mycoplasma, fungii. Some good brands are available at
    Cited: Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, and Lyme Disease (Alternative Medicine Guides) (2nd Edition) '  by Burton Goldberg and Larry Trivieri. Page 71-74, 107-108, 407
  • Essential oils
    Ravensara oil, Melissa oil, Tea Tree oil as reflexology oils and massage oils have strong anti-viral effects
  • Homeopathy
    • The Homeopathic remedies TOXEX spag., and apo-INFEKT spag., help fight pathogen infections, improve immune system functions and detoxify the body.
    • HEEL Inc. uses special homeopathic remedies. 82% fully recovered after homeopathic treatment for viral infections and immune system weaknesses. Cited: Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, and Lyme Disease (Alternative Medicine Guides) (2nd Edition) '  by Burton Goldberg and Larry Trivieri. Page 75
    • A randomised, controlled, triple-blind trial of the efficacy of homeopathic treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome. Weatherley-Jones E , Nicholl JP , Thomas KJ , Parry GJ , McKendrick MW , Green ST , Stanley PJ , Lynch SP . J Psychosom Res. 2004 Feb;56 (2):189-97. PMID: 15016577
  • Saunas or heat therapy. Heat destroys many viruses and other pathogens, and improves immune system function and lymphatic drainage and body detoxification.
  • Mercury detoxification. Mercury poisoning can occur through dental amalgams and foods containing mercury, and coal fumes. Mercury detoxification improves immune system function and can reduce infections.
  • The following product is the subject of ongoing scientific trials and research to determine it's efectiveness in viral illnesses - Proalgazyme. Initial reports appear to be promising - click here for video of testimonies, but a lot more scientific trials and research will be required.

Other Medical Interventions

  • Re-designating old medical drugs for CFS Treatment
    CFIDS Association of America has got Biovista ( ) in the USA to engage in research and data mining of thousands of medical drugs (including some which are currently out of use) and find matches between them and the symptoms, abnormalities and dysfunctions found in ME. They are compiling a list of these medical drugs. Safety guidelines, side effects, clinical reports and general efficacy and other factors will also be taken into account for each medical drug
  • Stress Reduction
    In addition to getting medical treatment for immune system, krebs cycle and methylation cycle dysfunctions, infections and other biological abnormalities and dysfunctions one should also get Stress Reduction treatment as all physical illnesses including Cancer, AIDS, ME, Multiple Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia, autoimmune illness, Cardiac related illnesses, advanced Diabetes, etc. causes great stress for patients. Click here for Stress Reduction treatment

Medical and Clinical findings of doctors and Scientific research at the end of page

Ramsey Hunt Syndrome
This condition involves reactivation of the varicella-zoster virus and damage to the nervous system and other body organs. This condition can co-exist with ME / CFS in some cases, due to the immune system dysfunctions and deficiencies and other (trigger) infections involved in ME / CFS. The following web site has some excellent information about this illness -

  • CRISPR-Cas9 technology is being tested to specifically target viruses and destroy them. This also eliminates latent viruses. Tests have been successful so far. It uses DNA editing to destroy the virus, and has successfully eliminated the HIV virus in tests.
    - Science Daily news article
    - US News article
  • Broad spectrum anti viral herbs & Overcoming drug resistant viruses
    The following herbs have been researched by scientists and top herbalists and have been found to have broad spectrum anti viral activities. Combinations of these herbs kill viruses and have no side effects. And viruses do not become resistant to them. Though viruses are becoming resistant to medical drugs. 5 - 7 herbs can be combined together to provide broad spectrum anti viral treatments
  • Proteolytic Enzymes to destroy protein based viruses, bacteria and fungi.
    • Enzyme Defense product
    • Bromelain supplement, Pineapple, Papaya
  • BHT destroys the lipid envelope of viruses. Most viruses have lipid envelopes and destroying this leads to the death of the virus.

  • Coconut oil and Monolaurin destroy the lipid envelopes of viruses. They also destroy many types of bacteria, candida and fungi

  • Colloidal Silver destroys many types of viruses and bacteria. Colloidal silver can be taken orally or by IV drip. Severe cases may require IV colloidal silver. Some places where you can buy colloidal silver generators and make your own colloidal silver -
    - Research listings and Patient Testimonies
    - Patient testimonies
  • Carnivora and Carnivora extract modulates the immune system, helps normalise cytokines, nk cells, and interferons and immune functions and target viruses and pathogens.
    - Research articles & Clinical Findings
    - Listing of scientific research
  • Lysine 3g. or more per day. Vitamin C 3g per day. This combination is strongly anti-viral
  • The Marshall Protocol is designed to modulate the immune system and help it fight many types of virus and bacteria infections. According to it's author and it's many supporters, it can improve one's ability to utlilise Vitamin D and this directly impacts many immune system subsets and functions, and toll receptors, it improves VDR, and it can reduce NFκB and TNF-a and inflammatory cytokines. It can also improve innate immunity and TH1 cytokines. More information is presented here at :
    The Marshall Protocol web site and the following video lecture

Stealth Viruses

  • CRISPR-Cas9 technology is being tested to specifically target viruses and destroy them. This also eliminates latent viruses. Tests have been successful so far. It uses DNA editing to destroy the virus, and has successfully eliminated the HIV virus in tests.
    - Science Daily news article
    - US News article
  • Brincidofovir (CMX001) - Cidofovir PIM Conjugate. Broad spectrum anti-viral, very effective and safe.
  • Kutapressin / Nexavir, broad spectrum anti-viral (prescribed by your doctor)
  • Proteolytic Enzymes to destroy protein based viruses, bacteria and fungi.
    • Enzyme Defense product
    • Bromelain supplement, Pineapple, Papaya

  • Coconut oil and Monolaurin destroy the lipid envelopes of viruses. They also destroy many types of bacteria, candida and fungi
  • Carnivora and Carnivora extract modulates the immune system, helps normalise cytokines, nk cells, and interferons and immune functions and target viruses and pathogens.
    - Research articles & Clinical Findings
    - Listing of scientific research
  • Lysine 3g. or more per day. Vitamin C 3g per day. This combination is strongly anti-viral
  • The Marshall Protocol is designed to modulate the immune system and help it fight many types of virus and bacteria infections. According to it's author and it's many supporters, it can improve one's ability to utlilise Vitamin D and this directly impacts many immune system subsets and functions, and toll receptors, it improves VDR, and it can reduce NFκB and TNF-a and inflammatory cytokines. It can also improve innate immunity and TH1 cytokines. More information is presented here at :
    The Marshall Protocol web site and the following video lecture

  • Artesunate has shown strong anti-viral properties in studies
  • Oxygen Therapy and UVB Therapy - very strong anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-mycoplasma and anti-parasite effects.
    • Ultra Violet Irradiation therapy (UVB) has been found to be very effective in ME and in other chronic and infectious illnesses. This is used reguarly in the famous Biocare Hospital in Mexico, which caters for international business people and professionals. This treatment may be available in your country.
    • Oxygen therapy, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) are strongly anti-microbial and can be effective in many cases. This is used reguarly in the famous Biocare Hospital in Mexico.
    • Ozone therapy and hydrogen peroxide therapy are strongly anti-microbial and can be effective in some cases. This is used reguarly in the famous Biocare Hospital in Mexico.
    • Photo-ox therapy has been found to be very effective in eliminating pathogens from the body by Dr. Steven Bock.

      - The efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the management of chronic fatigue syndrome. Akarsu S , Tekin L , Ay H , Carli AB , To k F , Sim s ek K , Kiralp MZ . Undersea Hyperb Med. 2013 Mar-Apr;40(2):197-200. PMID: 23682549
  • Combining Anti-viral drugs with Immune System Enhancement drugs

Ant-pathogen and immune system treatments. Treatment of 741 italian patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. U. TIRELLI, A. LLESHI, M. BERRETTA, M. SPINA, R. TALAMINI, A. GIACALONE. European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2013; 17: 2847-2852

Dr. De Meirleir has had great success with Ampligen combined with anti-viral and anti-pathogen treatments in his clinic in Belgium. Firstly, all of the infections were identified through several intensive diagnostic tests. Then Ampligen was combined with specific anti-viral and anti-pathogen treatments. Treatment is given for several months and up to a year. The results were impressive, and patients recovered from ME. Dr. De Meirlier has stated that an eight-year follow-up of patients found that 92% had not relapsed. This is highly significant. This strongly indicates that Ampligen by itself may not be enough, but combining it with anti-viral and anti-pathogen treatments may bring about better improvement and a high probability of full recovey. This was reported in the AACFS Conference of 2001, click here to view paper.

HHV-6a's growth is stopped by the experimental drug Ampligen. Ablashi, D.V. et al.; Ampligen Inhibits In Vitro Replication of HHV-6"; Abstract from CFS conference, Albany, NY, October 2-4, 1992
When HHV-6a's growth is stopped by the experimental drug Ampligen in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients, their symptoms resolve. (In a trial published in 1987, the same appeared to be true for "AIDS" patients treated with Ampligen.) Strayer, D.R. et al.; "A Controlled Clinical Trial With a Specifically Configured RNA Drug, Poly(I):Poly(C12U), in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome";Clinical Infectious Diseases, January 1994.

Will anti-viral drugs AND Immune modulators and enhancers such as Ampligen, GcMAF, Low Dose Naltrexone, Interferon, Zadaxin, Kutapressin / Nexavir, Isoprinosine, etc. be required ? Combining anti-pathogen medicine with Immune system modulators and enhancers can bring about strong and sustained recovery in certain illnesses over time. The following provide listings of known Immune modulators and enhancers :

  • Combining the immune system enhancing herbs Astragalus, Cordyceps, Rhodiola, Ashwagandha, Siberian Ginseng and Reishi mushrooms has been found to be very effective in all viral illnesses according to Stephen Buhner, the internationally well known herbalist.
  • Treatment for Immune system dysfunctions and abnormalities
  • Vaccines developed from animals such as goats, cows, pigs, etc. are being researched and studied for their application in treating human viral and pathogen diseases. This follows on from the work of Dr. Edward Jenner in the 18th and 19th century in treating Smallpox. We will include information about these new types of vaccines when they become available. There is a case of a Dr. Gary Davis who has had some success from using a vaccine for the HIV virus developed from goats. This vaccine has exhibited strong anti-viral properties, radically reduced the viral load and increased the t-cell count of HIV infected patients and brought significant and sustained improvements in the condition though it is the subject of ongoing scientific trials and research. Click here to view video testimonies of patients and doctors and video 2 here There is another similar trial detailed in this video. If these scientific trials are successful in the future, this type of vaccine may have applications in treating other viral illnesses also.
  • Mitochondria Repair
    Cell wall deficient pathogens such as Mycoplasmas, Lyme, Brucella and co-infections such as Bartonella, Ehirlichia, Babesia, Chlamydia, Enteroviruses, Herpes viruses 1-8 and other viruses which have been found in patients inflict substantial damage to the mitochondria membrane and cell membrane and joints over time. Mitochondria membrane repair and cell membrane repair

Complementary and Alternative Treatments

  • Transfer factor products (antigen specific) - protein immuno-modulators extracted from the colostrum of immunologically stimulated animals can promote DTH and specific immunity to certain antigens (viruses, bacteria, mycoplasma, fungii, etc.). Priming and training the immune system to recognise and destroy viruses, bacteria, mycoplasma, fungii. Some good brands are available at
    Cited: Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, and Lyme Disease (Alternative Medicine Guides) (2nd Edition) '  by Burton Goldberg and Larry Trivieri. Page 71-74, 107-108, 407
  • Essential oils
    Ravensara oil, Melissa oil, Tea Tree oil as reflexology oils and massage oils have strong anti-viral effects
  • Homeopathy
    • The Homeopathic remedies TOXEX spag., and apo-INFEKT spag., help fight pathogen infections, improve immune system functions and detoxify the body.
    • HEEL Inc. uses special homeopathic remedies. 82% fully recovered after homeopathic treatment for viral infections and immune system weaknesses. Cited: Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, and Lyme Disease (Alternative Medicine Guides) (2nd Edition) '  by Burton Goldberg and Larry Trivieri. Page 75
    • A randomised, controlled, triple-blind trial of the efficacy of homeopathic treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome. Weatherley-Jones E , Nicholl JP , Thomas KJ , Parry GJ , McKendrick MW , Green ST , Stanley PJ , Lynch SP . J Psychosom Res. 2004 Feb;56 (2):189-97. PMID: 15016577
  • Saunas or heat therapy. Heat destroys many viruses and other pathogens, and improves immune system function and lymphatic drainage and body detoxification.
  • Mercury detoxification. Mercury poisoning can occur through dental amalgams and foods containing mercury, and coal fumes. Mercury detoxification improves immune system function and can reduce infections.
  • Vaccines developed from animals such as goats, cows, pigs, etc. are being researched and studied for their application in treating human viral and pathogen diseases. This follows on from the work of Dr. Edward Jenner in the 18th and 19th century in treating Smallpox. We will include information about these new types of vaccines when they become available. There is a case of a Dr. Gary Davis who has had some success from using a vaccine for the HIV virus developed from goats. This vaccine has exhibited strong anti-viral properties, radically reduced the viral load and increased the t-cell count of HIV infected patients and brought significant and sustained improvements in the condition though it is the subject of ongoing scientific trials and research. Click here to view video testimonies of patients and doctors and video 2 here There is another similar trial detailed in this video. If these scientific trials are successful in the future, this type of vaccine may have applications in treating other viral illnesses also.
  • The following product is the subject of ongoing scientific trials and research to determine it's efectiveness in pathogen illnesses - Proalgazyme. Initial reports appear to be promising - click here for video of testimonies, but a lot more scientific trials and research will be required.

Other Medical Interventions

  • Re-designating old medical drugs for CFS Treatment
    CFIDS Association of America has got Biovista ( ) in the USA to engage in research and data mining of thousands of medical drugs (including some which are currently out of use) and find matches between them and the symptoms, abnormalities and dysfunctions found in ME. They are compiling a list of these medical drugs. Safety guidelines, side effects, clinical reports and general efficacy and other factors will also be taken into account for each medical drug
  • Stress Reduction
    In addition to getting medical treatment for immune system, krebs cycle and methylation cycle dysfunctions, infections and other biological abnormalities and dysfunctions one should also get Stress Reduction treatment as all physical illnesses including Cancer, AIDS, ME, Multiple Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia, autoimmune illness, Cardiac related illnesses, advanced Diabetes, etc. causes great stress for patients. Click here for Stress Reduction treatment

Medical and Clinical findings of doctors and Scientific research at the end of page

(b) Mycoplasmas

  • CRISPR-Cas9 technology is being tested to specifically target viruses and bacteria and destroy them. This also eliminates latent viruses. Tests have been successful so far. It uses DNA editing to destroy the virus or bacteria, and has successfully eliminated the HIV virus in tests.
    - Science Daily news article
    - US News article
  • Specific anti-Mycoplasma medication. Treatment may take from 3 months to 12 months depending on severity.
  • Dr. Garth Nicolson of the Institute for Molecular medicine recommends certain medical drugs and supplements at
    The treatment for mycoplasmas is similar to the treatment for Lyme, as both pathogens have cell wall deficient forms and can do substantial damage to the mitochondria, cells and joints over time.

  • Azithromycin and other antibiotic drugs, including double therapy / triple therapy as prescribed by your doctor
  • Treatment of Mycoplasma Pneumonia by Dr. Martin Lerner
    We use LabCorp less than 300 as a normal level. The patient is not considered to have persistent Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection unless the initial titer is 600 or more. Mycoplasma pneumoniae is treated intravenously with doxycycline 150 mg IV piggyback for six weeks followed by oral suppression with doxycycline 100 - 150 mg twice daily or moxifloxacin 400 mg once daily for three months. The goal of this therapy is a serum level which is less than twice the normal. The duration of time again is six weeks intravenously plus a minimum of three months oral suppression.
    Source: ME/CFS Treatment Resource Guide for Practitioners by Dr. Martin Lerner
  • Olive leaf extract and eating olive leaf soups have broad anti-viral, anti-bacteria, anti-candida, and anti-parasite properties and help modulate and restore immune system functions.
    Research articles & Clinical Findings
    - Research findings - viruses
    - Research findings - immune system

  • Broad Spectrum anti Bacteria Herbs & Overcoming drug resistant bacteria
    Combinations of the following provide protection against most types of bacteria infections according to top herbalists. Combinations of these herbs kill bacteria and have no side effects. And bacteria do not become resistant to them. Though bacteria are becoming resistant to medical drugs. 4 - 6 herbs can be combined together to provide broad spectrum anti bacteria treatment

    Combinations of the following provide protection against most types of bacteria infections according to top herbalists. Combinations of these herbs kill bacteria and have no side effects. And bacteria do not become resistant to them. Though bacteria are becoming resistant to medical drugs. 7 - 10 herbs can be combined together to provide broad spectrum anti bacteria treatment

    1. The herbs listed in the Cowden Protocol

    2. Thyme, Oregano, Rosemary and Sage in a soup and taking Cat's Claw

    3. Cryptolepis is the most powerful anti bacterial herb

    4. Sida

    5. Alchornea

    6. Bidens

    7. Chinese Skullcap (mycoplasma, strep, staph, and several other bacteria species)

    8. Houttuynia and Cordceps (mycoplasma and several other bacteria species)

    9. Artemisia annua

    10. Oil of Oregano

    11. Thyme

    12. The Berberine herbs

    13. Ginger

    14. Colloidal Silver (not a herb). Taken orally or by IV drip.

    AND Immune system enhancing and modulating herbs
    15. Astragalus, Cat's Claw, Cordyceps, Rhodiola, Ashwagandha, Siberian Ginseng and Reishi mushrooms

    Scientific Herbalism Books and effective protocols by Stephen Buhner, Dr. Cowden, Wolf Storl, Dr. Morton Walker, Michael Moore, David Hoffman, Dr. Horowitz, Dr. Klinghardt, Rosemary Gladstar, Matthew Wood, Dr. James Duke, James Green and Kerry Bone
    Thousands of scientific research papers listed in these books and on Pubmed database

  • Proteolytic Enzymes to destroy protein based viruses, bacteria and fungi.

    • Enzyme Defense product
    • Bromelain supplement, Pineapple, Papaya
  • The following herbs destroy bacteria - Thyme, Soil based organisms, Houttuynia Lobelia, Oregano, Garlic, Onions, Lemon Balm, Usnea, Aloe Vera
  • Andrographis paniculata - broad spectrum anti fungal, anti bacterial and anti viral.
  • Carnivora and Carnivora extract modulates the immune system, helps normalise cytokines, nk cells, and interferons and immune functions and target viruses and pathogens.
    - Research articles & Clinical Findings
    - Listing of scientific research
  • The Marshall Protocol is designed to modulate the immune system and help it fight many types of virus and bacteria infections. According to it's author and it's many supporters, it can improve one's ability to utlilise Vitamin D and this directly impacts many immune system subsets and functions, and toll receptors, it improves VDR, and it can reduce NFκB and TNF-a and inflammatory cytokines. It can also improve innate immunity and TH1 cytokines. More information is presented here at :
    The Marshall Protocol web site and the following video lecture

  • Artesunate has shown strong anti-bacteria properties in studies
  • Oxygen Therapy and UVB Therapy - very strong anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-mycoplasma and anti-parasite effects.
    • Ultra Violet Irradiation therapy (UVB) has been found to be very effective in ME and in other chronic and infectious illnesses. This is used reguarly in the famous Biocare Hospital in Mexico, which caters for international business people and professionals. This treatment may be available in your country.
    • Oxygen therapy, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) are strongly anti-microbial and can be effective in many cases. This is used reguarly in the famous Biocare Hospital in Mexico.
    • Ozone therapy and hydrogen peroxide therapy are strongly anti-microbial and can be effective in some cases. This is used reguarly in the famous Biocare Hospital in Mexico.
    • Photo-ox therapy has been found to be very effective in eliminating pathogens from the body by Dr. Steven Bock.

      - The efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the management of chronic fatigue syndrome. Akarsu S , Tekin L , Ay H , Carli AB , To k F , Sim s ek K , Kiralp MZ . Undersea Hyperb Med. 2013 Mar-Apr;40(2):197-200. PMID: 23682549
  • Combining Anti-mycoplasma drugs with Immune System Enhancement drugs

Ant-pathogen and immune system treatments. Treatment of 741 italian patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. U. TIRELLI, A. LLESHI, M. BERRETTA, M. SPINA, R. TALAMINI, A. GIACALONE. European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2013; 17: 2847-2852

Dr. De Meirleir has had great success with Ampligen combined with anti-viral and anti-pathogen treatments in his clinic in Belgium. Firstly, all of the infections were identified through several intensive diagnostic tests. Then Ampligen was combined with specific anti-viral and anti-pathogen treatments. Treatment is given for several months and up to a year. The results were impressive, and patients recovered from ME. Dr. De Meirlier has stated that an eight-year follow-up of patients found that 92% had not relapsed. This is highly significant. This strongly indicates that Ampligen by itself may not be enough, but combining it with anti-viral and anti-pathogen treatments may bring about better improvement and a high probability of full recovey. This was reported in the AACFS Conference of 2001, click here to view paper.

HHV-6a's growth is stopped by the experimental drug Ampligen. Ablashi, D.V. et al.; Ampligen Inhibits In Vitro Replication of HHV-6"; Abstract from CFS conference, Albany, NY, October 2-4, 1992
When HHV-6a's growth is stopped by the experimental drug Ampligen in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients, their symptoms resolve. (In a trial published in 1987, the same appeared to be true for "AIDS" patients treated with Ampligen.) Strayer, D.R. et al.; "A Controlled Clinical Trial With a Specifically Configured RNA Drug, Poly(I):Poly(C12U), in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome";Clinical Infectious Diseases, January 1994.

Will anti-Mycoplasma drugs AND Immune modulators and enhancers such as Ampligen, GcMAF, Low Dose Naltrexone, Interferon, Zadaxin, Kutapressin / Nexavir, Isoprinosine, etc. be required ? Combining anti-pathogen medicine with Immune system modulators and enhancers can bring about strong and sustained recovery in certain illnesses over time. The following provide listings of known Immune modulators and enhancers :

  • Combining the immune system enhancing herbs Astragalus, Cordyceps, Rhodiola, Ashwagandha, Siberian Ginseng and Reishi mushrooms has been found to be very effective in all viral illnesses and bacteria illnesses according to Stephen Buhner, the internationally well known herbalist.
  • Treatment for Immune system dysfunctions and abnormalities
  • Vaccines developed from animals such as goats, cows, pigs, etc. are being researched and studied for their application in treating human viral and pathogen diseases. This follows on from the work of Dr. Edward Jenner in the 18th and 19th century in treating Smallpox. We will include information about these new types of vaccines when they become available. There is a case of a Dr. Gary Davis who has had some success from using a vaccine for the HIV virus developed from goats. This vaccine has exhibited strong anti-viral properties, radically reduced the viral load and increased the t-cell count of HIV infected patients and brought significant and sustained improvements in the condition though it is the subject of ongoing scientific trials and research. Click here to view video testimonies of patients and doctors and video 2 here There is another similar trial detailed in this video. If these scientific trials are successful in the future, this type of vaccine may have applications in treating other viral illnesses also.
  • Mitochondria Repair
    Cell wall deficient pathogens such as Mycoplasmas, Lyme, Brucella and co-infections such as Bartonella, Ehirlichia, Babesia, Chlamydia, Enteroviruses, Herpes viruses 1-8 and other viruses which have been found in patients inflict substantial damage to the mitochondria membrane and cell membrane and joints over time. Mitochondria membrane repair and cell membrane repair

Complementary and Alternative Treatments

  • Transfer factor products (antigen specific) - protein immuno-modulators extracted from the colostrum of immunologically stimulated animals can promote DTH and specific immunity to certain antigens (viruses, bacteria, mycoplasma, fungii, etc.). Priming and training the immune system to recognise and destroy viruses, bacteria, mycoplasma, fungii. Some good brands are available at
    Cited: Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, and Lyme Disease (Alternative Medicine Guides) (2nd Edition) '  by Burton Goldberg and Larry Trivieri. Page 71-74, 107-108, 407
  • Essential oils
    Eucalyptus oil, Teatree oil,
    Oregano oil, Thyme oil as reflexology oils and massage oils have strong antibiotic effects
  • Homeopathy
    • The Homeopathic remedies TOXEX spag., and apo-INFEKT spag., help fight pathogen infections, improve immune system functions and detoxify the body.
    • HEEL Inc. uses special homeopathic remedies. 82% fully recovered after homeopathic treatment for viral infections and immune system weaknesses. Cited: Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, and Lyme Disease (Alternative Medicine Guides) (2nd Edition) '  by Burton Goldberg and Larry Trivieri. Page 75
    • A randomised, controlled, triple-blind trial of the efficacy of homeopathic treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome. Weatherley-Jones E , Nicholl JP , Thomas KJ , Parry GJ , McKendrick MW , Green ST , Stanley PJ , Lynch SP . J Psychosom Res. 2004 Feb;56 (2):189-97. PMID: 15016577
  • Saunas or heat therapy. Heat destroys many viruses and other pathogens, and improves immune system function and lymphatic drainage and body detoxification.
  • Mercury detoxification. Mercury poisoning can occur through dental amalgams and foods containing mercury, and coal fumes. Mercury detoxification improves immune system function and can reduce infections.
  • The following product is the subject of ongoing scientific trials and research to determine it's efectiveness in pathogen illnesses - Proalgazyme. Initial reports appear to be promising - click here for video of testimonies, but a lot more scientific trials and research will be required.

Other Medical Interventions

  • Re-designating old medical drugs for CFS Treatment
    CFIDS Association of America has got Biovista ( ) in the USA to engage in research and data mining of thousands of medical drugs (including some which are currently out of use) and find matches between them and the symptoms, abnormalities and dysfunctions found in ME. They are compiling a list of these medical drugs. Safety guidelines, side effects, clinical reports and general efficacy and other factors will also be taken into account for each medical drug
  • Stress Reduction
    In addition to getting medical treatment for immune system, krebs cycle and methylation cycle dysfunctions, infections and other biological abnormalities and dysfunctions one should also get Stress Reduction treatment as all physical illnesses including Cancer, AIDS, ME, Multiple Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia, autoimmune illness, Cardiac related illnesses, advanced Diabetes, etc. causes great stress for patients. Click here for Stress Reduction treatment

Medical and Clinical findings of doctors and Scientific research at the end of page


Broad Spectrum Anti viral Herbs & Overcoming drug resistant viruses

Broad spectrum anti viral herbs & Overcoming drug resistant viruses
The following herbs have been researched by scientists and top herbalists and have been found to have broad spectrum anti viral activities. Combinations of these herbs kill viruses and have no side effects. And viruses do not become resistant to them. Though viruses are becoming resistant to medical drugs. 5 - 7 herbs can be combined together to provide broad spectrum anti viral treatments

Broad Spectrum anti Bacteria Herbs & Overcoming drug resistant bacteria

Combinations of the following provide protection against most types of bacteria infections according to top herbalists. Combinations of these herbs kill bacteria and have no side effects. And bacteria do not become resistant to them. Though bacteria are becoming resistant to medical drugs. 7 - 10 herbs can be combined together to provide broad spectrum anti bacteria treatment

1. The herbs listed in the Cowden Protocol

2. Thyme, Oregano, Rosemary and Sage in a soup and taking Cat's Claw

3. Cryptolepis is the most powerful anti bacterial herb

4. Sida

5. Alchornea

6. Bidens

7. Chinese Skullcap (mycoplasma, strep, staph, and several other bacteria species)

8. Houttuynia and Cordceps (mycoplasma and several other bacteria species)

9. Artemisia annua

10. Oil of Oregano

11. Thyme

12. The Berberine herbs

13. Ginger

14. Colloidal Silver (not a herb). Taken orally or by IV drip.

AND Immune system enhancing and modulating herbs
15. Astragalus, Cat's Claw, Cordyceps, Rhodiola, Ashwagandha, Siberian Ginseng and Reishi mushrooms

Scientific Herbalism Books and effective protocols by Stephen Buhner, Dr. Cowden, Wolf Storl, Dr. Morton Walker, Michael Moore, David Hoffman, Dr. Horowitz, Dr. Klinghardt, Rosemary Gladstar, Matthew Wood, Dr. James Duke, James Green and Kerry Bone
Thousands of scientific research papers listed in these books and on Pubmed database


Medical and Clinical findings of doctors and Scientific research

  • Kutapressin / Nexavir for treatment of viral infections in ME. Successfully used in Fatigue, Fibromyalgia and Autoimmune Clinic, Michigan, USA . Clinic set up by Edward J. Conley, D.O. Professor of Family Medicine at Michigan State University.
    Research articles & Clinical Findings
    - Antiviral activity in vitro of Kutapressin against human herpesvirus-6.Ablashi DV, Berneman ZN, Lawyer C, Kramarsky B, Ferguson DM, Komaroff AL. In Vivo. 1994 Jul-Aug;8(4):581-6.
    - Potential in vitro activity of Kutapressin against Epstein-Barr virus. Rosenfeld E, Salimi B, O'Gorman MR, Lawyer C, Katz BZ. In Vivo. 1996 May-Jun;10(3):313-8.
    - Dr. Conley successfuly treated a few thousand CFS patients in USA and wrote this book 'America Exhausted ; Breakthrough treatments of fatigue and fibromyalgia'. about this expereinces. Dr. De Meirleir and Dr. Lapp have had success using it their medical practises.
    - Research Articles in Phoenix Rising.
    - some ME clinics use this. See listing of clinics in Diagnosis and Treatments section

  • Anti-virals such as Valganciclovir which treats Herpes viruses, including EBV and HHV-6a.
    Research articles & Clinical Findings
    - Use of valganciclovir in patients with elevated antibody titers against Human Herpesvirus-6 (HHV-6) and Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) who were experiencing central nervous system dysfunction including long-standing fatigue. Kogelnik AM, Loomis K, Hoegh-Petersen M, Rosso F, Hischier C, Montoya JG. Source Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA. J Clin Virol. 2006 Dec;37 Suppl 1:S33-8.

    - Bhangoo MS, Kogelnik AM, Lunn MR, Kar AK, DeGuzman ML, Montoya JG. A Randomized Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial on the Use of Valganciclovir in Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrom (CFS) and Elevated Herpesvirus-6 (HHV-6) and Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) Antibodies. Oral Presentation (presentation by JG Montoya), 6th International Conference on HHV-6 & 7, June 21-25, 2008, Baltimore, MD.

    - Kar AK, Bhangoo MS, Lunn MR, Kogelnik AM, Montoya JG. Role of Elevated Antibody Titers Against Human Herpesvirus-6 (HHV-6) and Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) in Predicting Response to Valganciclovir in Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). Poster (presentation by AK Kar), 6th International Conference on HHV-6 & 7, June 21-25, 2008, Baltimore, MD.

    - Response to valganciclovir in chronic fatigue syndrome patients with human herpesvirus 6 and Epstein-Barr virus IgG antibody titers.Watt T, Oberfoell S, Balise R, Lunn MR, Kar AK, Merrihew L, Bhangoo MS, Montoya JG.. J Med Virol. 2012 Dec;84(12):1967-74. doi: 10.1002/jmv.23411.

    - Kogelnik AM, Loomis K, Hoegh-Petersen M, et al. Use of valganciclovir in patients with elevated antibody titers against human herpesvirus-6 (HHV-6) and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) who were experiencing central nervous system dysfunction including
    long-standing fatigue. J Clin Virol 2006;37(Suppl 1):S33–8.

  • Turmeric has immune enhancing, anti-cancer, anti-inflammation and anti-viral properties. Comparison of Turmeric with Rituximab (mentioned above). Black pepper increases the absorption of Turmeric by 1000% or more according to some studies.
  Turmeric & Curcumin Medical drug Rituximab
B cell Lymphoma

Combats it directly. May be of significant use in this illness according to scientific research.

Research and Clinical Findings
- Listing of completed research
- Developing curcumin into a viable therapeutic for lymphoma.

Used in treatment of this illness. Causes B cell depletion.
B Cell CD20 marker

It may have indirect effects on B cells with CD20 marker

Research and Clinical Findings
- Listing of completed research

It acts directly on B cells with CD20 marker
Cancer cell apoptosis

Can induce cancer cell apoptosis

Research and Clinical Findings
- Listing of completed research

Can induce apoptosis of cancerous B cells with CD20 marker

Down regulation of CXCR4

Research and Clinical Findings


Direct effects unknown. Has been used with anti-CXCR4 drugs to destroy cancer cells.

Research and Clinical Findings
- Listing of completed research

Various Cancers

Can combat several cancers according to scientific research. It may have applications in Cancer treatment.

Research and Clinical Findings
- Listing of completed research

B cell Lymphoma, Follicular Lymphoma, Hematological malignancy

Autoimmune diseases

Can combat some autoimmune diseases. It has applications in the treatment of some autoimmune diseases. Its main actions are regulation of cytokines, reduction of inflammation, normalisation of cell signalling, and normalisation of immune system function

Research and Clinical Findings
- Listing of completed research

Rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune hemolytic anemia, pure red cell aplasia, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP),  Evans syndrome, MS, vasculitis (for example Wegener's Granulomatosis), bullous skin disorders (for example pemphigus, pemphigoid—with very encouraging results of approximately 85% rapid recovery, in the treatment of pemphigus, according to a 2006 study), type 1 diabetes mellitus, Sjogren's syndrome, and Devic's disease,  and Graves' disease ophthalmopathy
Viruses, Bacteria

Has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties

Research and Clinical Findings
- Listing of completed research

No anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties





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