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Deaths from the covid19 vaccine and Other Adverse Effects of the covid19 Vaccine

Are Vaccines Needed ?

Vaccine Safety - the Expert Views of Scientists and Medical Doctors

Court Cases and Tribunals in relation to covid19 vaccines

Criteria Being Used for Covid19 and Lockdowns


Deaths from the covid19 vaccine and Other Adverse Effects of the covid19 Vaccine

We have listed the deaths from covid19 vaccines worldwide below. Vaccine deaths have been in the age groups 18 - 95 years old, and the Dead have included young, healthy and fit persons, doctors, nurses, and elderly persons. These deaths and injuries have been reported in newspapers, news channels, scientific reports and official government reports.

Experimental Covid19 Vaccines until 2023
These covid19 vaccines have not been fully licensed and approved in Europe and North America and have only been authorised for Emergency Use and are experimental at this stage. THe FDA in the USA has publicly stated that the covid19 vaccines are not authorised by them and they have been given emergency approval and this is subject to review. They are not yet fully licenced and won’t be until the trials are finished in January 2023 for Pfizer and October 2022 for Moderna. Anyone who receives the vaccines before 2023 is taking part in a trial, an experiment. They are not being informed of this. I’m going to attach a clip of someone making a call to Pfizer and their recorded message, as well as relevant mainstream and official links.
See here, the estimated study completion date:

Scientific studies show that the risk of death from the covid19 vaccines is very significant, especially in nursing homes. The news reports below show they are dying from the side effects of the vaccines, these side effects for coronavirus vaccines have been known for over 15 years, and have caused deaths and serious injuries in animal trials. Some governments issued warnings about these vaccines in January 2021. The covid19 vaccinations will not give 100% protection against covid19 infection according to the vaccine manufacturers. The vaccine does not cure or prevent covid9 and it may reduce some of the symptoms of covid19 according to the vaccine manufacturers. There are many news reports of vaccinated people getting covid19 infections and dying of them or spreading them - Covid: Vaccinated people may spread virus, says Van-Tam BBC, January 2021. And bizarrely, people dying from the vaccination are being mislabelled as "covid19".
Many people who got the covid19 vaccine have tested positive for covid19 many days and weeks after the vaccination. The vaccine causes many vaccinated people to continuously test positive for covid19 which will cause covid case numbers to continue rising and governments to continue panicking and enforcing lockdowns and mask wearing.

24 Dead and 137 Infected at NY Nursing Home After Experimental COVID Vaccine Injections

Health Impact News

A Nursing Home had Zero Coronavirus Deaths. Then, It Vaccinates Residents for Coronavirus and the Deaths Begin.
Ron Paul Institute

Dozens of care home residents died with Covid before second jab in UK
Metro, January 24, 2021, UK

Coronavirus outbreak: 22 deaths at Pemberley House Care Home in UK
Basingstoke Gazette, January 27 2021, UK

Massive rise in vaccine deaths in nursing homes and care homes
Open Letter from the UK Medical Freedom Alliance to: Nadhim Zahawi – Minister for Covid-19 Vaccine Deployment and Matt Hancock – Secretary of State for Health and Social Care
"Our particular concern is the impact of Covid-19 vaccines on the very elderly and those in care homes. ONS data shows that weekly care home deaths tripled in the two weeks between 8th and 22nd January 2021, at a time when there was a massive increase in therate of vaccinations of care home residents"
UK Medical Freedom Alliance, February 2021

13 die in nursing home in Lusk, Dublin in Ireland after getting the vaccine
Irish Times newspaper, January 22, 2021

Over 30 residents die in Cork / Kerry nursing homes in two weeks after getting vaccine
Irish Examiner, February 2021

Statistical Research conducted by Kieran Morrissey, Engineer and Statistician

Statistical analysis of deaths in nursing homes in Ireland by John Murphy, Engineer and Statistics Expert and Health Freedom Ireland. March 2021

and video presentation at

Rising Nursing home deaths after covid vaccinations in Ireland
Anna Kavanagh, February 2021

Nine die with Covid-19 at Meath nursing home in Ireland after first vaccine dose
Breaking March 12, 2021

22 Elderly with Dementia Dead in 1 Week After the Experimental mRNA COVID Injection in the Netherlands
RTV Utrecht., February 2021

Forced Covid-19 vaccination of elderly in German nursing homes : 8 of the 31 residents died soon after being given the vaccine against their will.
German News reports, March 2021

What’s Happening? 80% Of The Nuns In Kentucky Convent Got COVID 2 Days After ‘Vaccine,’ And 3 Died
The Sentinel, March 2021

Healthy Portuguese health worker, 41, dies two days after getting the Pfizer covid vaccine
Portuguese health authorities launched an investigation after a nurse who worked at a cancer clinic died following a Corona vaccination. According to media reports and her family, she had been in ‘perfect health’ before the vaccination.

88-year-old dies hours after COVID vaccination in second such incident
Jerusalem Post, December 30th 2020

Whistleblower: 25% of Residents in German Nursing Home Died After Pfizer Vaccine
The Defender March 1, 2021

Legal Information for Courts in all countries - USA Official Tracking and Figures

The VAERS system below tracks vaccine deaths and injuries in the USA. This system identifies 1% of vaccine deaths, injuries, side effects and new illnesses according to a Harvard Medical School study in 2010.

' Adverse events from drugs and vaccines are common, but underreported. Although 25% ofambulatory patients experience an adverse drug event, less than 0.3% of all adverse drug events and 1 - 13% of serious events are reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported. Low reporting rates preclude or slow the identification of “problem” drugs and vaccines that endanger public health. New surveillance methods for drug and vaccine adverse effects are needed.'
Harvard Medical School study 2010
Source: Electronic Support for Public Health–Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (ESP:VAERS) and

A recent scientific study on the covid19 vaccines found anaphylaxis occurred at a rate of 2.47 per 10, 000 vaccinations which is 247 per million and is 10 times higher than officially reported.

This scientific research means Reports to VAERS will need to be multipled by 100 and deaths and serious injuries / new illnesses multiplied by 10 to get accurate statistics for covid19 vaccines.

Covid19 Vaccine Deaths Injuries and New Illnesses April 16th 2021. The most accurate figures are 100 times higher according a Harvard Medical School report in 2010. This would mean the chart below should show 8,608,000 reports (1% figure), 31,860 deaths (1 - 13% figure), 5,310 Anaphylaxis (1 - 13% figure), 6,060 Bell's Palsy(1 - 13% figure), etc.

1,739 deaths and 6,286 serious injuries and 34,444 adverse events reported between Dec. 14, 2020, and March 11
- The most accurate figures are 100 times higher according a Harvard Medical School report in 2010. For example, 17,390 deaths (1 - 13% figure) by March 11, 2021 in the chart below.
The Defender, March 19, 2021. See Chart below.

Covid19 Vaccine Deaths are the highest vaccine deaths in many years in USA

653 Deaths + 12,044 Other Injuries in USA Reported Following COVID Vaccine, February 2021 Data
There were 163 cases of Bell’s Palsy reported and 775 reports of anaphylaxis.
The Defender, February 13, 2021.

Norway: 23 Dead after Receiving Pfizer, BioNTech Vaccine and Norway adjusts Covid vaccine advice for doctors after admitting they 'cannot rule out' side effects from the jab were behind 23 deaths in 'elderly, frail' patients
Norwegian news channels and Dail Mail newspaper UK

Pfizer vaccine worries Norway as 29 elderly people die after taking shot
The latest figure adds six to the number of known fatalities in Norway, and lowers the age group thought to be affected to 75 from 80

Business Standard, January 17th 2021
China Health Experts Call for Suspension of COVID Vaccines as Norway Investigates 33 Deaths, Germany Probes 10 Deaths, The Defender, January 2021

Three countries report the death of four elderly people after being vaccinated

53 COVID vaccine deaths in Gibraltar in only 10 days
Principia Scientific, January 24, 2021

German specialists probing 10 deaths of people vaccinated against Covid-19
German press and media, January 2021

55 Americans Have Died Following COVID Vaccination, Norway Deaths Rise To 29
Zero Hedge, January 16, 2021

The UK Official Figures - side effects, new illnesses and deaths from covid vaccines

April 1, 2021. MHRA Yellow Card Reporting - cumulatively 14 weeks for Pfizer (approx 13 million doses) and 10 weeks for Astrazeneca (approx 16 million doses).

A Harvard Medical School study in 2010 recommends multiplying the figures below by 10 to get accurate statistics.

Reactions - 116,627 (Pfizer) + 377,487 (AZ) + 1231 (Unknown) = 495,345

Reports - 40,883 (Pfizer) + 99,817 (AZ) + 379 (Unknown) = 141,079

Fatal - 283 (Pfizer) + 421 (AZ) + 9 (Unknown) = 713

Acute Cardiac - 1462 (Pfizer) + 3768 (AZ) + 7 (Unknown) = 5237

Chest Pain - 651 (Pfizer) + 9441 (AZ) + 6 (Unknown) = 10,098

Anaphylaxis - 246 (Pfizer) + 390 (AZ) = 636

Infections - 2653 (Pfizer) + 7375 (AZ) + 22 (Unknown) = 10,050

Eye Disorders - 1758 (Pfizer) + 4566 (AZ) = 18 (Unknown) = 6342

Blindness - 17 (Pfizer) + 59 (AZ) = 76

Psychiatric Disorders - 1796 (Pfizer) + 6756 (AZ) + 31 (Unknown) = 8583

Skin Disorders - 8425 (Pfizer) + 20379 (AZ) + 73 (Unknown) = 28,877

Spontaneous Abortions - 32 (Pfizer) + 13 (AZ) = 45

Vomiting - 1459 (Pfizer) + 6330 (AZ) + 28 (Unknown) = 7817

Facial Paralysis - 243 (Pfizer) + 170 (AZ) + 1 (Unknown) = 414

Nervous System Disorders - 22,156 (Pfizer) + 81,702 (AZ) + 265 (Unknown) = 104,123

Disturbances in Consciousness - 1719 (Pfizer) + 4719 (AZ) + 23 (Unknown) = 6533

Strokes and Thrombolytic Events - 156 (Pfizer) + 309 (AZ) + 2 (Unknown) = 467

Respiratory Disorders - 4932 (Pfizer) + 10643 (AZ) + 32 (Unknown) = 15,607

Seizures - 231 (Pfizer) + 692 (AZ) + 3 (Unknown) = 926

Paralysis - 92 (Pfizer) + 235 (AZ) + 2 (Unknown) = 329

Haemorrhage (All types) - 270 (Pfizer) + 590 (AZ) + 3 (Unknown) = 863

These side effects are occurring in all age groups including young people and those people under 40 years old who have no risk of dying from covid19. This is imposing new massive burdens on healthcare systems and governments.


UK gov’t says over 240 people in Britain died shortly after receiving COVID jab and 100,000 people suffered side effects or new illnesses from the vaccine
The Irish Sentinel, February 2021

Relationship between Cumulative Deaths and Vaccines for covid19

UK: 35 people deaf and 25 blind after taking mRNA vaccine shots
The Sentinal, March 2021

Ireland in 2021 has no tracking system to identify deaths caused by vaccines and injuries and adverse events caused by vaccines.
Ireland spends billions of euros every year on its health system and HSE but has no vaccine injury tracking system.
There is a wrong perception that deaths and injuries from vaccines are coincidences and that many, many coincidences are taking place. This is unscientific, unlawful and illegal and places lives at risk.

Actions by Governments to restrict, suspend, limit or ban covid vaccines
Denmark and Other Countries Suspend Use of AstraZeneca Vaccine Over Blood Clot Fears
March 12, 2021
COVID: Several European countries halt use of AstraZeneca vaccine
DW, March 11, 2021
COVID-19: Ireland suspends AstraZeneca vaccine over clotting concerns
Sky News, March 14, 2021
AstraZeneca vaccine Ireland: Blood clot details, official statement, number of doses given here
Irish Mirror, March 14, 2021
California urges halt to batch of COVID-19 vaccine doses after reports of reactions
PBS, January 18, 2021

Mockery and Insults
Doctor Mocks Anti-Vaxxers While Getting Experimental COVID Vaccine – He Dies Days Later from vaccine effects.
Doctor getting vaccine in picture below.


“Aix-Marseille University Faculty of Medicine Emerging Infectious and Tropical Diseases Unit's Dr. Hervé
Seligmann and engineer Haim Yativ were interviewed about their research and data analysis. They claim
that Pfizer's shot causes "mortality hundreds of times greater in young people compared to mortality
from coronavirus without the vaccine, and dozens of times more in the elderly, when the documented
mortality from coronavirus is in the vicinity of the vaccine dose, thus adding greater mortality from heart
attack, stroke, etc."

“On January 21st ,more than 12,400 people had tested positive for coronavirus in Israel after getting inoculated by the Pfizer/BioNtech vaccine, including 69 people who had taken their second jab.
Israel's health ministry tested 189,000 people after they vaccinated by Pfizer's vaccine and 6.6 per cent of the people still tested positive for COVID-19.”
This video names quite a few people who died after the vaccine in Israel, but this is only a tiny fraction. I think reading the VAERS page is more beneficial but this might be more powerful, hearing that they are real people.

Israeli People Committee’s Report Find Catastrophic Side Effects Of Pfizer Vaccine To Every System In Human Body
Greatgameindia May 3rd 2021

36-Year-Old Doctor in Tennesee, USA Dies After Second Dose of COVID Vaccine
Dr. Barton Williams died from the adult form of multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-A), a condition caused when the immune system attacks the body resulting in multi-system organ failure
The Defender, February 2021

Reaction of Medical Doctors, Scientists and Professors to Vaccine Deaths
Urgent Open Letter from Doctors and Scientists to the European Medicines Agency regarding COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Concerns
Doctors for Covid Ethics, February 2021

Rebuttal letter to European Medicines Agency from Doctors for Covid Ethics
Doctors for Covid Ethics, April 1, 2021

PRESS RELEASE: Doctors and Scientists Accuse Medical Regulator of Downplaying COVID-19 Vaccine Dangers
Doctors for Covid Ethics, April 1, 2021

Open Letter to the WHO: Immediately Halt All Covid-19 Mass Vaccinations
Geert Vanden Bossche, DMV, PhD,
independent virologist and vaccine expert, formerly employed at GAVI and The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Click on video below to view interview with Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche

For Courts
Fact Sheet about covid19 vaccines and risks including death

Doctor Kershav Sharma a doctor and respiratory consultant who practiced in Wexford hospital in Ireland was 39 years old, was fit and very healthy and he took the vaccine on Tuesday 5th of January 2021. The following Sunday the 10th of January he was found dead at his home.

Physical therapist, 28, working at a senior living facility in Indiana dies two days after getting the COVID-19 vaccine
Daily Mail, UK, March 13 2021
Pictures of Haley below

In USA, a famous African American sportsman died shortly after getting the covid vaccine in January 2021. Robert Kennedy Jr. reported on this.

Home Run King Hank Aaron Dies of ‘Undisclosed Cause’ 18 Days After Receiving Moderna Vaccine

Views of Liberals
The Top Vaccine companies and Big Pharma have paid fines and compensation of over $35 billion over the last 15 years. This has been widely reported in the press and media. This video by Robert Kennedy Jnr. the son of the famous Bobby Kennedy and nephew of US President John F. Kennedy below discusses these fines and compensation pay outs, and the dangers of covid19 vaccines and the thousands of deaths and serious injuries caused by Big Pharma for over 30 years. Click on the video below.


Nurse collapsing on live television after receiving covid19 vaccine. See video below

HIV Contamination of Vaccines

In Australia the government destroyed many batches of covid19 vaccine after it was found to be contaminated with HIV proteins. This posed a danger to patients. See news reports here.

Death of Hospital Doctor
Dr. Gregory Michael, a hospital doctor in Florida, USA, who was Pro Vaccines took the covid19 vaccine on December 18th 2020 and he got sick 3 days later and died on January 6th 2021. He was a fit and very healthy man prior to taking the vaccine. His wife Heidi posted about this on social media.

Johns Hopkins Scientist: ‘A Medical Certainty’ Pfizer Vaccine Caused Death of Florida Doctor

Open Letter to the WHO: Immediately Halt All Covid-19 Mass Vaccinations
Geert Vanden Bossche, DMV, PhD,
independent virologist and vaccine expert, formerly employed at GAVI and The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Click on video below to view interview with Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche

Coronavirus: Switzerland denies rumors of COVID vaccine causing death

Healthcare Worker Dies 4 Days After Second Pfizer Vaccine, Death Under Investigation
The Defender, 27 January 2021

The WHO is opposed to mandatory vaccines - Interim position paper: considerations regarding proof of COVID-19 vaccination for international travellers March 2021

58-Year-Old Woman Dies Hours After Getting First Dose of Pfizer Vaccine
The Defender, 5 February 2021

Two Danes have died a few days after they were vaccinated against coronavirus.
Danish News Agencies

Detroit TV news anchor, 68, dies one day after receiving her COVID-19 shot
Daily Mail, 17 February, 2021

Blood clots as prevalent with Pfizer and Moderna vaccine as with AstraZeneca's: study
Market Watch April 15 2021p

4 Young And Healthy Italian Healthcare Workers Dead After Pfizer vaccine. Click on video below.

Comment from J. Patrick Whelan MD PhD, Pediatric Specialist, regarding deaths from covid19 vaccines and the biological mechanisms involved
December 2020l

Dr. Vernon Coleman,
a medical doctor and scientist in Britain has stated that official government figures show the Pfizer vaccine is responsible for over 100 deaths and 49,000 injuries and new illnesses in the first 6 weeks of the vaccination programme in Britain. Click on video below.

The Channel of Dr. Vernon Coleman, medical doctor and scientific researcher and author of several books
Click on link below

Over 2021 and 2022, Thousands of Deaths across the world from the covid19 vaccines and Millions of cases of severe side effects and new illnesses from the covid19 vaccines.
Yandex Search Engine
DuckDuckGo Search Engine:

Merck one of the biggest vaccine makers and pharmaceutical companies in the world gave up trying to make a vaccine for covid19 in 2021 as they felt that it was not possible to develop an effective and safe vaccine for these type of viruses.

32-Year-Old Mexican Doctor Suffers Seizures and is Paralyzed After Receiving the Pfizer Experimental Vaccine
Reuters, January 2021

Rate Of Adverse Reactions To COVID Vaccines Already 50x Higher Than Flu Shot
Zero Hedge News, January 2021

Shawn Skelton from Indiana, USA was a healthy woman and she got the vaccine in January 2021 and hours later she became very ill and her body has been shaking and convulsing for days. Neurological damage to the body is suspected. Click on video below.

CDC: More than 5,000 COVID-19 vaccine recipients have reportedly suffered "health impact event"
Sharyl Attkisson, January 2021

Hundreds fall ill in Israel with COVID-19 after Pfizer/BioNTech vaccination AND Four people died shortly after being injected with the vaccine.

The Times of Israel, January 2021

UK issues anaphylaxis warning on Pfizer vaccine after adverse reactions
Reuters, December 10 2020

Woman's severe reaction to Pfizer COVID vaccine in USA prompts investigation. See video

Legal Issues about covid19 vaccine for Criminal Courts and Civil courts
5 Questions Fauci and FDA Need to Answer on Pfizer and Moderna COVID Vaccines
The Defender January 2021

Anaphylaxis Following m-RNA COVID-19 Vaccine

Dozens of people develop rare blood disorder after taking coronavirus vaccines – reports

RT, February 2021

FDA Investigates Allergic Reactions to Pfizer COVID Vaccine After More Healthcare Workers Hospitalized
The FDA is investigating allergic reactions in “multiple states.” The agency acknowledged the reactions may have been caused by PEG, a compound in the Pfizer vaccine that CHD previously told the FDA could put millions of people at risk.
The Defender, December 2020

California Health Officials Call for Pause on Moderna Vaccine Batch Due to Reports of Allergic Reactions
The Defender January 2021

In Mexico, a female doctor was admitted to intensive care after receiving a BioNTech vaccine. She was diagnosed with encephalitis and spinal meningitis. This is a serious disabling illness which can loss of career and income and can shorten one's life.

ADE / Pathogenic Priming
This is the scariest of all the information. Every time they have attempted to make this type of vaccine before it resulted in severe illness and death when the participant came into contact with the wild virus. Animal trials were never completed on the Covid 19 vaccine due to being gifted the emergency authorisation.
When these vaccines had been attempted in the past, the animal studies showed a good immune response after vaccination but later, when they came into contact with the wild version of the virus, (a) their immune system went into overdrive and began attacking their own bodies, resulting in organ failure and death in most of the animals or (b) the wild virus was able to evade their immune system and cause death. The vaccine was primed to target a certain part of a virus and the virus managed to mutate and evolve and evade this. In 1965 they attempted it 20 children. 16 got extremely ill and 2 died from ADE.
ADE is a very real threat and may not manifest for months or a few years. Only when we come into contact with its wild version will we know if it is safe. This information should be being given to everyone but I know of no one who has been informed of this before vaccination.
Informed consent disclosure to vaccine trial subjects of risk of COVID-19 vaccines worsening clinical disease

Vaccine Safety
There are serious risks involved. Everybody must inform themselves and be aware of the legal requirement of 'informed consent'. According to scientists and doctors, the vaccine trials have not ruled out whether the new genetic material in the RNA vaccines they will insert into human bodies are homologous (the same) as other genetic sequences in the human body. If homologous sequences are present, the body will be “taught” to attack itself. This could cause autoimmune illnesses. In addition to this, the RNA vaccine encourages the body to make covid19 proteins in the body, and this could continue for a long period, possibly years, creating a chronically over-active immune system. If these viral proteins lodge deeply in the body's organs, glands and tissues, this could lead to chronic autoimmune illnesses. These factors can cause deadly cytokine storms if a person is infected with any other virus or covid or other types of coronaviruses, as the body attacks both the virus and also the organs of the human body where the genetic material (from RNA vaccine) and viral proteins are present. This can cause death. The rush to create an RNA vaccine for covid19 inside 8 months meant that vaccine safety was not fully tested.
There is clear division in the medical community and the scientific community over the covid19 vaccine. Most doctors and scientists are worried about its safety.

The Nuremberg Code

During World War II medical experiments were conducted on prisoners in the concentration camps. After the war, anyone involved in these experiments was prosecuted in the Nuremberg trials. The Nuremberg Code was written to prevent criminal medical experiments on people in the future. According to this internationally recognized code, the voluntary and informed consent of the human subject is absolutely essential in any medical experiment. Use of deception, lies, disinformation or no safety information, coercion, manipulation, denial of human rights, denial of Constitutional rights to force people to take vaccines breaches the The Nuremberg Code
Since the covid vaccines are listed as medical experiments, administering them without the persons full informed consent is a violation of the Nuremberg Code.
Download the Nuremberg code here

Are Vaccines Needed ?

Recovered Patients and Vaccinations. And Is a Vaccine for Covid19 Necessary ?

Scientific research is showing that there is an average recovery rate of 99.77% for covid19. For people under 70 the recovery rate is 99.95%. This death rate is the same as a flu season. Scientists now believe this high level of protection against covid19 is due to due to pre-existing immunity to coronaviruses developed over hundreds of years fighting the colds and flu’s caused by coronaviruses and that human immune systems have  a memory of the structure and the individual parts of coronaviruses, and covid19 is a coronavirus. And this memory is used by the immune system to recognize and kill coronaviruses, including covid19.  A pre-existing immunity to coronviruses may confer a certain level of immunity to covid19 for a majority of people.

Scientific studies listed below provide evidence of this. Antibodies and T cell memory against coronaviruses developed over hundreds of years, and other arms of the immune system such as T cells, lymphocytes, NK cells and macrophages, IgA, IgG, have been recognising and killing coronaviruses for milennia. Those people who recovered already have antibodies to and T cell memory of the virus and do not need vaccines. Recovered patients have T cell memory against coronaviruses and interact with other arms of the immune system such as T cells, lymphocytes, NK cells and macrophages which have been recognising and killing coronaviruses for a long time.

Here are important scientific papers and findings concerning pre-existing immunity against covid19 and other coronaviruses which humans have had for centuries.
NIH, 2020
Covid-19: Do many people have pre-existing immunity? Doshi, British Medical Journal, 2020
Immunological memory to SARS-CoV-2 assessed for up to eight months after infection, Mateus et al. 2020
SARS-CoV-2-specific T cell immunity in cases of COVID-19 and SARS, and uninfected controls Bert et al. 2020
Antibody Status and Incidence of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Health Care Workers Lumley et. al. 2020
Covid infection shown to provide as much immunity as vaccines The Financial Times, January 2021

Articles by Dr. Michael Yeadon, Former Pfizer Chief Science Officer and published scientist
'Lies, Damned Lies and Health Statistics – the Deadly Danger of False Positives' explains the defects in PCR tests for covid19. There are false positives for covid19 in over 80% of cases.
"Pandemic is Over" - Former Pfizer Chief Science Officer Says "Second Wave" Faked On False-Positive COVID Tests.
The PCR False Positive Pseudo-Epidemic by Dr. Michael Yeadon
What SAGE Has Got Wrong by Dr. Michael Yeadon

Medicines and Vitamins
The mean age of death is 82 and the median age of death is 84 for covid19, this is higher than Irish life expectancy. Most covid deaths are very concentrated in the over 75 age category most of whom were already dying of other illnesses and diseases before covid19. There are effective medicines for covid19 which have been used by medical doctors and scientists around the world and they are listed on

Most elderly people are deficient in important vitamins and minerals. Scientific research consistently shows that Vitamin D, Vitamin C and Vitamin A levels, and Zinc and Selenium levels play a major role in the immune system and its capabilities. Every person should be supplied with these for the Winter, especially persons over 70. Every year, people defeat coronaviruses which cause colds and flus, and this has existed for hundreds of years. There are effective medicines and medical treatments for those under 70 and over 70 and it is a criminal offence to deprive vulnerable people of these effective medicines and vitamins in nursing homes, hospitals, and private homes.

Scientific studies from nursing homes and among the very elderly shows that the risk of death from the mRNA vaccines is very significant. They are dying from the side effects of the vaccines, these side effects for coronavirus vaccines have been known for over 15 years, and caused deaths and serious injuries in animal trials. Some governments issued warnings about these vaccines in January 2021. See section Deaths from the covid19 vaccine and Other Adverse Effects of the covid19 Vaccine below. The covid19 vaccinations will not give 100% protection against covid19 infection according to the manufacturers. The vacccine may reduce some of the symptoms of covid19 according to manufacturers. Many people who got the covid19 vaccine have tested positive for covid19 days and weeks after the vaccination. The vaccine may cause a continuous series of positive tests for covid19 which would cause covid case numbers to continue rising and governments to continue panicking and enforcing lockdowns. This is bizarre.
And there are news reports of vaccinated people getting covid19 infections and dying of them or spreading them - Covid: Vaccinated people may spread virus, says Van-Tam BBC, January 2021. And Ministers and governments have stated that the lockdowns and masks will continue after vaccination. This means it could last into 2022, 2023, 2024 and after. In January 2021, Leo Varadkar, ex Prime Minister has stated lockdowns could last for many years.
The following banner cites the evidence and facts from official government sources such as the CDC and FDA

Vaccine Safety - the Expert Views of Scientists and Medical Doctors

  • ADE / Pathogenic Priming
    This is the scariest of all the information. Every time they have attempted to make this type of vaccine before it resulted in severe illness and death when the participant came into contact with the wild virus. Animal trials were never completed on the Covid 19 vaccine due to being gifted the emergency authorisation.
    When these vaccines had been attempted in the past, the animal studies showed a good immune response after vaccination but later, when they came into contact with the wild version of the virus, (a) their immune system went into overdrive and began attacking their own bodies, resulting in organ failure and death in most of the animals or (b) the wild virus was able to evade their immune system and cause death. The vaccine was primed to target a certain part of a virus and the virus managed to mutate and evolve and evade this. In 1965 they attempted it 20 children. 16 got extremely ill and 2 died from ADE.
    ADE is a very real threat and may not manifest for months or a few years. Only when we come into contact with its wild version will we know if it is safe. This information should be being given to everyone but I know of no one who has been informed of this before vaccination.
    Informed consent disclosure to vaccine trial subjectsof risk of COVID-19 vaccines worsening clinical disease

  • Vaccine Safety
    There are serious risks involved. Everybody must inform themselves and be aware of the legal requirement of 'informed consent'. According to scientists and doctors, the vaccine trials have not ruled out whether the new genetic material in the RNA vaccines they will insert into human bodies are homologous (the same) as other genetic sequences in the human body. If homologous sequences are present, the body will be “taught” to attack itself. This could cause autoimmune illnesses. In addition to this, the RNA vaccine encourages the body to make covid19 proteins in the body, and this could continue for a long period, possibly years, creating a chronically over-active immune system. If these viral proteins lodge deeply in the body's organs, glands and tissues, this could lead to chronic autoimmune illnesses. These factors can cause deadly cytokine storms if a person is infected with any other virus or covid or other types of coronaviruses, as the body attacks both the virus and also the organs of the human body where the genetic material (from RNA vaccine) and viral proteins are present. This can cause death. The rush to create an RNA vaccine for covid19 inside 8 months meant that vaccine safety was not fully tested.
    There is clear division in the medical community and the scientific community over the covid19 vaccine. Most doctors and scientists are worried about its safety.

    Open Letter to the WHO: Immediately Halt All Covid-19 Mass Vaccinations
    Geert Vanden Bossche, DMV, PhD,
    independent virologist and vaccine expert, formerly employed at GAVI and The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

    Click on video below to view interview with Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche

    Courts and Legal Implications
    IN USA, the American government has admitted that vaccines have not been quality tested, that is tested for efficacy and safety for 32 years.
    Latest links to court case:
    Go to: Update from Doctor in Georgia 20/05/2020
    Case 1:18-cv-03215-JMF Document 18 Filed 07/09/18
    Vaccine injury lawyer Robert F. Kennedy Jr.,& Del Bigtree, producer of the suppressed anti-vaccine documentary, Vaxxed and the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) are credited with this victory. They demanded the relevant government documents proving that all federally approved vaccines had been tested for quality over the past 32 years — and there were none. There are huge legal and practical implications in this legal victory for the American people and for people living in European countries.

    Dr. Dolores Cahill,
    is a Professor in UCD in Ireland and an Immunologist with many years experience in labs in Germany and in Ireland and is a well known international scientist
    Professor Dolores Cahill: Why People Will Start DYING A Few Months After The First mRNA Vaccination

    Dr. Tom Cowan a medical doctor and Biologist, lecturer and author in the USA has compiled some important scientific findings about RNA vaccines and the covid19 vaccine trials ,
    COVID ‘Vaccines’ Are Medical Experiments on Humanity

    Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, a top medical doctor, Professor and Epidemiologist in Germany. Click on video below.

    Dr Larry Palevsky, MD, Testimony before Government committee, USA. Click on video below.

    Dr. Vernon Coleman, a medical doctor and scientist in Britain has stated that official government figures show the Pfizer vaccine is responsible for over 100 deaths and 49,000 injuries and new illnesses in the first 6 weeks of the vaccination programme in Britain. Click on video below.

    The Channel of Dr. Vernon Coleman, medical doctor and scientific researcher and author of several books
    Click on link below

    Many scientific experts. Click on the link below to view the video

    Dr. Dolores Cahill. Click on video below.

    Front Line Doctors of America. Click on video below.

    Dr. Lee Meritt, medical doctor and surgeon, USA.
    Click on video below.

    W.H.O. vaccine specialists recognize dangers of vaccines. Click on video below.

    Legal Issues about covid19 vaccine for Criminal Courts and Civil courts
    Vaccines are not safe and not effective, Mises Institute, USA
    5 Questions Fauci and FDA Need to Answer on Pfizer and Moderna COVID Vaccines

    The Defender January 2021

    'I was involved in misleading millions of people about the possible negative side effects of vaccines. We lied about the scientific findings.'
    William W. Thompson, PhD., Senior Scientist CDC in USA

    Dr. Rashid Buttar, a Hospital doctor and ex military doctor in the USA
    provides his analysis of the covid19 vaccine in January 2021

    Hacked emails allegedly detail how EU drug regulator was pressured to approve Pfizer jab despite ‘problems’ with the vaccine January 18 2021

    Nurses and Healthcare workers
    87,000 nurses and healthcare workers in Netherlands refuse Covid-19 vaccine and more news reports about this

  • Death by Coincidence? - Downplaying the risks of death and injuries by covid vaccines
    Robert F Kennedy Jnr. January 2021

    Tracey O'Mahony, Barrister in Ireland explains legal issues around mandatory vaccines.

  • Serious Concerns about covid19 Vaccine Safety expressed by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Agency (MHRA) in Britain and British Government authorities

    The Ted-tenders electronic daily: Supplement to the Official Journal of the EU, details a contract negotiated by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Agency (MHRA) in the UK, dated 14.9.20 (1). It states:
    “The MHRA urgently seeks an Artificial Intelligence (AI) software tool to process the expected high volume of Covid-19 vaccine Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) and ensure that no details from the ADRs’ reaction text are missed”. It further explains:     “For reasons of extreme urgency under Regulation 32(2)(c) related to the release of a Covid-19 vaccine MHRA have accelerated the sourcing and implementation of a vaccine specific AI tool…… it is not possible to retrofit the MHRA’s legacy systems to handle the volume of ADRs that will be generated by a Covid-19 vaccine. Therefore, if the MHRA does not implement the AI tool, it will be unable to process these ADRs effectively. This will hinder its ability to rapidly identify any potential safety issues with the Covid-19 vaccine and represents a direct threat to patient life and public health”.
    Why do the British government agencies and authorities expect a high volume of adverse drug reactions, injuries and deaths from the covid19 vaccine ?

    Vaccines for other Coronaviruses ( SARS and MERS)
    The vaccines for SARS and MERS caused serious lung injury and death to animals and were deemed unsafe. SARS and MERS are in the same family of viruses, the coronaviruses, as Covid19. Vaccine makers and Bill Gates have publicly stated the covid19 vaccines may kill or seriously injure 700,000 globally. Even Bill Gates is worried about deaths from the covid19 vaccine  Source:
    Video Interview:,000%20people&kind=video

    It is well known that coronavirus vaccines in the past killed animals during testing. Vaccines take from 2 – 5 years to develop and go through rigorous safety tests. The covid19 vaccine has been developed inside 7 months and safety has not been tested and guaranteed. Long term effects such as cancers, birth defects, neurological illnesses, immune system illnesses, genetic damage and mutations, infertility, excessive inflammation and illnesses associated with this, chronic fatigue and exhaustion, chronic allergies, hormonal illnesses and premature deaths, etc. have not been assessed. The Irish
    government and many other governments do not have measures,  policies and structures in place for independently
    monitoring the safety of these vaccines and protecting public safety. Public safety is at risk ;  this is further detailed below.

    The following scientific research paper outlines the dangers of a covid19 vaccine

    Informed consent disclosure to vaccine trial subjects of risk of COVID‐19 vaccines worsening clinical disease
    The International Journal of Clinical Practise. 28 October 2020
    It states the following - 'COVID‐19 vaccines designed to elicit neutralizing antibodies may sensitize vaccine recipients to more severe disease than if they were not vaccinated. Vaccines for SARS, MERS and RSV have never been approved, and the data generated in the development and testing of these vaccines suggest a serious mechanistic concern: that vaccines designed empirically using the traditional approach (consisting of the unmodified or minimally modified coronavirus viral spike to elicit neutralizing antibodies), be they composed of protein, viral vector, DNA or RNA and irrespective of delivery method, may worsen COVID‐19 disease via antibody‐dependent enhancement (ADE). This risk is sufficiently obscured in clinical trial protocols and consent forms for ongoing COVID‐19 vaccine trials that adequate patient comprehension of this risk is unlikely to occur, obviating truly informed consent by subjects in these trials.'

    Vaccine trials by July 2020 in England showed that vaccinations did not provide protection from infection by covid19. Neutralising antibodies were very low or non existent and did not offer adequate protection. Moderna trials in USA have not released all data and this raises serious questions about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine according to Stat magazine. Several trial participants had severe adverse reactions requiring medical / hospital attention according to Robert Kennedy jnr..These trial participants were in excellent health prior to the trial, which raises some serious questions about the vaccine. The vaccine trials are not including social groups most at risk such as older people (0ver 70), obese people, those with respiratory illnesses, heart disease and other pre-existing illnesses. The vaccine may injure or kill these groups of people. By December 2020, 6 people had died in the Pfizer covid vaccine trial. This does not take into account long term and ongoing damage to health from the vaccine.

    The new covid19 vaccines are using mRNA. An mRNA vaccine has never been used on humans so it is impossible to predict it's safety. It could cause illness, injury or deaths. And this mRNA is not being tested on animals first. The vaccine tests in humans are ongoing with inconclusive results. These vaccine trials are being rushed and completed in record time, less than 1 year. It normally takes 2 - 5 years to develop a vaccine and test it's safety. This new mRNA vaccine has been developed within a few months. Many scientists are doctors are concerned about the safety of this new type of vaccine.  Some news reports

    There is a Lack of data from Vaccine trials. And serious irregularities and defects in the vaccine trials. Read the following research paper
    Peter Doshi: Pfizer and Moderna’s “95% effective” vaccines—we need more details and the raw data
    British Medical Journal, January 2021

    RNA vaccines killed animals in trials in the past. This is well documented in the scientific literature. Developing these type of vaccines for covid19 presents high risks of serious injury or death for significant numbers of people. Recent legal cases and court cases in the USA, India, Europe, some African countries clearly show that some vaccines are not safe and can be dangerous. Robert Kennedy Jnr. and others have catalogued this for many years.  And the findings of scientists such as Dr. Judy Mikovits and Dr. Garth Nicolson and others and have found that vaccines have been contaminated with animal or avian retroviruses, latent viruses from these other species, and other viruses, mycoplasmas, ineffective inactivation of the target virus, mercury, aluminium, heavy metals, glycophosphate which caused serious health issues for many people.

    Expert Testimony
    before the US Congress has stated that vaccines for respiratory viruses are particularly dangerous and have led to human deaths and animal deaths in the past. During the Swine Flu epidemic, the Los Angelos Times reported on a case of 64 patients who died of H1N1 virus (Swine flu) in Martin Luther King hospital in Los Angelos and all 64 people had been vaccinated for H1N1. The vaccine did not work and obviously led to their deaths. This received news coverage in California at the time but not nationwide coverge or international coverage. Luckily millions of Americans did not get this H1N1 vaccine and this refusal to take the vaccine saved millions of lives. Other vaccines were developed. Millions of children and adults who got the vaccine for swine flu got narcolepsy. This caused huge financial losses to the victims and the vaccine companies and to governments in the form of compensation pay outs.
    Source: Swine Flu vaccine scandal
    and Irish Government still paying costs of past vaccine injuries

    The Nuremberg Code

    During World War II medical experiments were conducted on prisoners in the concentration camps. After the war, anyone involved in these experiments was prosecuted in the Nuremberg trials. The Nuremberg Code was written to prevent criminal medical experiments on people in the future. According to this internationally recognized code, the voluntary and informed consent of the human subject is absolutely essential in any medical experiment. Use of deception, lies, disinformation or no safety information, coercion, manipulation, denial of human rights, denial of Constitutional rights to force people to take vaccines breaches the The Nuremberg Code
    Since the covid vaccines are listed as medical experiments, administering them without the persons full informed consent is a violation of the Nuremberg Code.
    Download the Nuremberg code here

    Informed Consent of those who receive vaccines for covid19
    Legally the informed consent of all persons who receive vaccines for covid19 must be attained. Persons who are ignorant about the risks and dangers should not be given such vaccines. See the folowing scientific paper.
    Informed consent disclosure to vaccine trial subjects of risk of COVID-19 vaccines worsening clinical disease
    Cardozo et al. 2020. International Journal of Clinical Practice.

    Mandatory Vaccines for covid19 are unConstitutional and also against the Ruling of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and against The Nuremberg Code and Principles
    Under the 34th Amendment to the Irish Constitution and Article 40 of the Constitution all citizens have a right to bodily integrity. The Council of Europe Ruling is included in news reports and EU report below.
    The Nuremberg Code and Principles also bans mandatory vaccines especially experimental vaccines such as mRNA which have not been fully tested for safety and long term side effects.
    News Reports:

    Vaccine Trials and the Mother and Baby Home Scandal in Ireland
    It has emerged that thousands of children in mother and baby homes, orphanages and industrial schools were used as human guinea pigs in vaccine trials in Ireland. There are state investigations into deaths of children in these institutions.
    Doctors paid thousands for mother and baby home trials, The Times, January 17th 2021
    GSK won’t commit to redress for children forced into vaccine trials in mother and baby homes,The Times, January 17th 2021

    Report Gives Glimpse Into Horrors of Ireland’s Mother and Baby Homes : A government commission found high death rates, unethical vaccine trials and traumatic living conditions at 18 homes that housed unwed mothers up until the 1990s. New York Times, January 12th 2021

    Crimes committed by Vaccine Companies
    The following video provides an excellent introduction to these crimes.

    The work of Robert Kennedy Jr. is important in relation to vaccine safety. Click on this link for more information.

  • Vaccines and Compensation
    The vaccine makers are immune from prosecution and from being sued in Europe and North America. Any persons who becomes seriously ill or disabled or dies from the vaccine will be compensated by the government, that is the taxpayers. Vaccine makers are protected from the legal consequences of dangerous vaccines.
    If vaccines are so safe then why are governments offering to cover the cost of court cases and compensation for all injuries and deaths caused by the vaccine ? and why are vaccine makers and companies not being held liable in law?

    The work of Robert Kennedy Jr. is important in relation to vaccine safety and court cases. Click on this link for more information
  • Court Cases involving Vaccines
    Recent legal cases and court cases in the USA, India, Europe, some African countries have clearly show that many vaccines are not safe and can be dangerous. Robert Kennedy Jnr. and others have catalogued this for many years.  And the findings of scientists such as Dr. Judy Mikovits and Dr. Garth Nicolson and others and have found that vaccines have been contaminated with animal or avian retroviruses, latent viruses from these other species, and other viruses, mycoplasmas, ineffective inactivation of the target virus, mercury, aluminium, heavy metals, glycophosphate, and other additives which have caused serious health issues for many people.

    Governments who have given legal indemnity to vaccine companies may be guilty of manslaughter, murder, and causing grevious bodily harm to people and breaching their Constitutional rights and Human Rights. Governments promoted the vaccines and provided financial incentives for and legal pressure on the press and media to promote vaccines. They even enforced censorship on the press and media to prevent all debate about vaccines, lockdowns and covid19.

    The work of Robert Kennedy Jr. is important in relation to vaccine safety. Click on this link for more information.

  • Cross Reactivity - An Emerging area of Scientific Research
    New research findings show that some flu vaccines given to the US military personnel and to residents in Italy increased their risk of serious infection from covid19, risk of serious complications and higher risk of death. Many of those people who received such vaccines would be middle aged or older, and have other illnesses. This is an important factor in the covid19 pandemic. See research paper below.

  • Covid Vaccine Information Leaflets
    You can download the Covid19 Vaccine Information leaflet here at

  • Safety Concerns and Human Rights Abuses and Denial of Democratic Rights
    Scientists, lawyers, barristers, judges and human rights activists and civil liberties organisations are deeply concerned about government proposals for:
    (a) mandatory vaccines which have not been fully tested, have had serious side effects in trials, and may be unsafe. Similar vaccines in the past have killed animals in trials and people.
    (b) mandatory chip implants or 'Health Passports' to accompany these vaccines. This repesents a massive invasion of privacy, data protection abuses, serious abuse of Constitutional rights, human rights and democratic rights, and threat to life.
    News articles
    Injectable Biochip for covid19
    Covid19 biochips for injection into human body

  • Conflicts of Interest and the Manipulation of Politicians
    The following research papers outlines this problem
    Covid-19: politicisation, “corruption,” and suppression of science
    British Medical Journal
    Sage Conflicts of Interest

    Conflicts of Interest have been identified in sage which is advising the UK government and

    It is well known that many government advisors including scientists and doctors have conflicts of interest. They have shares and other financial interests (including grants) in vaccine companies and other Pharma companies which profit from the covid19 pandemic. It is in their interest to cause mass fear and paranoia.

    Identify the many conflicts of interest where leading doctors or scientists or government advisors or their families or proxies have shares, share options or funding or grants from or patents in vaccine companies and/or Big Pharma companies and Foundations which promote vaccines and these people are “advising” national governments and encouraging them enforce to lockdowns and a desperate need for their vaccines. This creates a serious conflict of interest. It is well known in the USA that NIH staff can use taxpayers money to fund research and develop new patents and then register these patents privately and profit from them. And set up private companies to profit from these patents. Taxpayers money and resources is being used to enrich some government paid researchers from government funded patents and related vaccines and drugs. This creates conficts of interest.

    One well known scientist, advisor and media presenter, Luke O 'Neill should answer the following questions:
    - what are his interests in Sitryx , a pharma company? who invested in Sitryx and and how are these financial interests, investors and other parties related to the covid19 pandemic, PPE and vaccines?
    - how much money will he make from promoting mandatory masks and vaccines?
    - how much funding did he get from Pfizer ? and what is this tied to ?
    - how much funding did he get from GSK?
    and what is this tied to ?
    - how much funding did he get from the Wellcome Trust?
    and what is this tied to ?
    - how much funding did he get from the Irish taxpayer for his research? was this research converted into patents and privitised for profit ?

    Serious questions need to be posed in the public domain, in the press and media, in parliaments, in courts, and in Tribunals and Commissions of Inquiry. Should whole economies be destroyed and plunged into economic depression to satisfy those people wishing to profit from vaccines untested for safety, and untested, unsafe, over-expensive experimental drugs and PPE or other products and services associated with the covid19 pandemic ? should businesses be bankrupted, people bankrupted and whole countries bankrupted for this ?
    Legal cases and court cases may be necessary.

  • Vaccine Passports
    The vaccine passports are unConstitutional, unlawful and breach human rights. The WHO and the Council of Europe have condemned vaccine passports, see and

Courts and Tribunals in relation to covid19 vaccines

A person who is injured by a covid19 vaccine can bring a criminal case against the doctor / health authority / minister for health and a person who dies can have another family member bring the criminal case. These parties can also be sued in the civil courts. And there are plans in place to bring in Nuremberg Trials in 2021 and 2022.

The New Nuremberg Trials 2021

A team of over 1,000 lawyers and over 10,000 medical experts led by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich have begun legal proceedings against the CDC, WHO & the Davos Group for crimes against humanity. Fuellmich and his team present the faulty PCR test and the order for doctors to label any comorbidity death as a Covid death as fraud. The PCR test was never designed to detect pathogens and is 100% faulty at 35 cycles. All the PCR tests overseen by the CDC are set at 37 to 45 cycles. The CDC admits that any tests over 28 cycles are not admissible for a positive reliable result. This alone invalidates over 90% of the alleged covid cases / ”infections” tracked by the use of this faulty test.

In addition to the flawed tests and fraudulent death certificates, the “experimental” vaccine itself is in violation of Article 32 of the Geneva Convention. Under Article 32 of the 1949 Geneva Convention IV, “mutilation and medical or scientific experiments not necessitated by the medical treatment of a protected person” are prohibited. According to Article 147, conducting biological experiments on protected persons is a grave breach of the Convention.

The “experimental” vaccine is in violation of all 10 of the Nuremberg Codes which carry the death penalty for those who seek to violate these International Laws.

The “vaccine” fails to meet the following five requirements to be considered a vaccine and is by definition a medical “experiment” and trial:

Provides immunity to the virus
This is a “leaky” gene therapy that does not provide immunity to Covid and claims to reduce symptoms yet double-vaccinated are now 60% of the patients requiring ER or ICU with covid infections.

Protects recipients from getting the virus
This gene-therapy does not provide immunity and double-vaccinated can still catch and spread the virus.

Reduces deaths from the virus infection
This gene-therapy does not reduce deaths from the infection. Double-Vaccinated infected with Covid have also died.

Reduces circulation of the virus
This gene-therapy still permits the spread of the virus as it offers zero immunity to the virus.

Reduces transmission of the virus
This gene-therapy still permits the transmission of the virus as it offers zero immunity to the virus.

The following violations of the Nuremberg Code are as follows:

Nuremberg Code #1: Voluntary Consent is Essential

No person should be forced to take a medical experiment without informed consent. Many media, political and non-medical persons are telling people to take the shot. They offer no information as to the adverse effects or dangers of this gene-therapy. All you hear from them is – “ safe and effective” and “ benefits outweigh the risks.” Countries are using lockdowns, duress and threats to force people to take this vaccine or be prohibited to participate in free society under the mandate of a Vaccine Passport or Green Pass. During the Nuremberg trials, even the media was prosecuted and members were put to death for lying to the public, along with many of the doctors and Nazis found guilty of Crimes Against Humanity.

Nuremberg Code #2: Yield Fruitful Results Unprocurable By Other Means

As listed above, the gene-therapy does not meet the criteria of a vaccine and does not offer immunity to the virus. There are other medical treatments that yield fruitful results against Covid such as Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc and boosted immune systems for flu and colds.

Nuremberg Code #3: Base Experiments on Results of Animal Experimentation and Natural History of Disease

This gene therapy skipped animal testing and went straight to human trials. In mRNA research that Pfizer used - a candidate study on mRNA with rhesus macaques monkeys using BNT162b2 mRNA and in that study all the monkeys developed pulmonary inflammation but the researchers considered the risk low as these were young healthy monkeys from the age of 2-4. Israel has used Pfizer and the International Court of Law has accepted a claim for 80% of the recipients having pulmonary inflammation from being injected with this gene-therapy. Despite this alarming development Pfizer proceeded to develop their mRNA for Covid without animal testing.

Nuremberg Code #4: Avoid All Unnecessary Suffering and Injury

Since the rollout of the experiment and listed under the CDC VAERS reporting system over 4,000 deaths and 50,000 vaccine injuries have been reported in America. In the EU over 7,000 deaths and 365,000 vaccine injuries have been reported. This is a grievous violation of this code.

Nuremberg Code #5: No Experiment to be Conducted if There’s Reason to Think Injury or Death Will Occur

See #4, based on fact-based medical data this gene-therapy is causing death and injury. Past research on mRNA also shows several risks that have been ignored for this current trial gene-experiment. A 2002 study on SARS-CoV-1 spike proteins showed they cause inflammation, immunopathology, blood clots, and impede Angiotensin 2 expression. This experiment forces the body to produce this spike-protein inheriting all these risks.

Nuremberg Code #6: Risk Should Never Exceed the Benefit

Covid-19 has a 98-99% recovery rate. The vaccine injuries, deaths and adverse side-effects of mRNA gene-therapy far exceed this risk. The use of “leaky” vaccines was banned for agriculture use by the US and EU due to the Marek Chicken study that shows ‘hot-viruses’ and variants emerge... making the disease even more deadly. Yet, this has been ignored for human use by the CDC knowing fully the risk of new deadlier variants emerge from leaky vaccinations. The CDC is fully aware that the use of leaky vaccines facilitates the emergence of hot (deadlier)strains. Yet they’ve ignored this when it comes to human

Nuremberg Code #7: Preparation Must Be Made Against Even Remote Possibility of Injury, Disability or Death

There were no preparations made. This gene therapy skipped animal trials. The pharmaceutical companies’ own Phase 3 human clinical trials will not conclude until 2022 /2023. These vaccines were approved under an Emergency Use only act and forced on a misinformed public. They are NOT FDA-approved.

Nuremberg Code #8: Experiment Must Be Conducted by Scientifically Qualified Persons

Politicians, media and actors claiming that this is a safe and effective vaccine are not qualified. Propaganda is not medical science. Many retail outlets such as Walmart & drive-through vaccine centers are not qualified to administer experimental medical gene-therapies to the uninformed public.

Nuremberg Code #9: Anyone Must Have the Freedom to Bring the Experiment to an End At Any Time

Despite the outcry of over 85,000 doctors, nurses, virologists and epidemiologists - the experiment is not being ended. In fact, there are currently many attempts to change laws in order to force vaccine compliance. This includes mandatory and forced vaccinations. Experimental ‘update’ shots are planned for every 6 months without any recourse to the growing number of deaths and injuries already caused by this experiment. These ‘update’ shots will be administered without any clinical trials. Hopefully this new Nuremberg Trial will put an end to this crime against humanity.

Nuremberg Code #10: The Scientist Must Bring the Experiment to an End At Any Time if There’s Probable Cause of it Resulting in Injury or Death

It is clear in the statistical reporting data that this experiment is resulting in death and injury yet all the politicians, drug companies and so-called experts are not making any attempt to stop this gene-therapy experiment from inflicting harm on a misinformed public.

What can you do to help put an end to this crime against humanity? Share this information. Hold your politicians, media, doctors and nurses accountable - that if they are complicit in this crime against humanity they too are subject to the laws set forth in the Geneva Convention and Nuremberg Code and can be tried, found guilty and put to death. Legal proceedings are moving forward, evidence has been collected and a large growing body of experts are sounding the alarm.

Visit the Covid Committee website at: [link to (secure)] and if you have been affected by this crime, report the event, persons involved, and as much detail to the following website:

[link to (secure)]

Crimes against humanity affect us all. They are a crime against you, your children, your parents, your grandparents, your community and your country and your future.

Other Factors in Relation to Covid19

  • Do Not Resucitate Orders and Covid19
    Some hospitals in New York and other parts of USA gave orders not to resuscitate people who had heart attacks and other life threatening illnesses. When this is combined with orders to presume all deaths are from covid19 (see false diagnosis section) this adds further to the covid19 mortality figures.
    All countries need government and independent investigations into these orders and their relationship to covid19 numbers and deaths from other causes. Legal cases and court cases may be necessary.

  • Herd Immunity
    there are many studies on this in relation to covid19 and to pandemics and epidemics
  • As regards trials with drug Remdesivir in the USA, there were a number of controversies with that trial, such as the numbers receiving the drug greatly increased during the trial, while the placebo group had a small increase, the original placebo contained substances which could be toxic to some people and the placebo was changed mid trial and the original outcome criteria decided at the start of the trial was changed mid trial. Death was removed as an outcome. This changing of important trial criteria during the trial undermined the credibility of the trial.  The famous research scientist Dr. Didier Raoult who was mentioned above strongly criticised the trial and  had the following to say about it

    Other trials in other countries showed the drug was ineffective and could cause death in some cases. Fauci should have taken the time to study these scientific research findings in other countries. Fauci has refused to support the use of highly effective medical drugs such as  Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin and zinc supplement which have a success rate of over 90%. This is bizarre.

  • Deploy Scientific Resources Nationally and Globally to Identify Mutations and Strains and Take Effective Measures
    Are medical drugs and vaccines effective against many strains of the covid19 virus or just one strain ? it is well known that flu vaccines and other vaccines are effective for just one strain of a virus and the vaccine proves useless and ineffective against other strains of the virus ? also expert testimony before the US Congress has stated that vaccines for respiratory viruses are particularly dangerous and have led to human deaths and animal deaths in the past.
    Scientists have identified several strains of the covid19 virus. The virus is actively mutating and these mutations differ across global regions. Can scientists and doctors calculate
    (a) all of the strains and mutations of the virus and their virulence and pathogenicity
    (b) the incubation period of the virus
    (c) latency of the virus and if it can re-activate over time. Can this latency last for years and decades ?
    (d) cross-reactions between this virus and other viruses and pathogens
    (e) the hypoxia and hypoxic injury caused by these new strains / mutations 
    (f) if the virus is recombinant and if so then what are its mutation capabilities, strains, pathogenicity and latency potential  and can it infect and kill children, young healthy people, and other groups outside the elderly in society  

    Can automated systems, global links & network processing, A.I. and pattern recognition be used and coordinated globally to speed up distributed gene sequencing, immune system and antibody mapping and testing, safe vaccine testing and development over several years, combinations of anti viral substances (natural and man made), and medical drugs development  globally ?

  • What types of strains and mutations do recombinant viruses develop over time ? can they even be vaccinated against. There are no universal vaccines for flu and colds due to constant mutations and many strains.

    Can new medicines and medical technologies be used or developed to overcome significant differences in the immune systems of people across age, genotypes, disability, race, gender, regions and countries which makes them vulnerable to viral infection and death ?

    Global scientific networks and artificial intelligence systems need to be coordinated and used to develop solutions for this.

  • Why are “intelligent” scientists not able to decipher weaknesses in viruses in terms of their spikes, lipid envelopes, proteins, biological markers, reproductive cycle, transcription, and genetic makeup ? despite trillions of dollars spent in research for decades ?
    Global scientific networks and artificial intelligence systems need to be coordinated and used to develop solutions for this.

  • The Incompetence and Errors and Failure of WHO
    The UN and WHO have proved themselves to be slow, inept, incompetent and inefficient and a failure for dealing with these type of crises and in planning ahead and making provision for such contingencies.
    - In January 2020, the WHO was citing scientific research saying that covid-19 could not be transmitted to humans. This level of incompetence by the WHO is extraordinary.
    - WHO refused to call for the national lockdown of China in January 2020. WHO had known about covid19 in China by December 2019
    - In March and April 2020 the WHO forced governments to implement the failed Imperial College Model promoted by Ferguson which proved to be wrong and flawed. This was used to enforce national lockdowns which have destroyed millions of businesses worldwide.
    - in August 2020, the WHO officer Dr. Marla Van Kerkhove stated that there was no risk or a very low risk of infection by asymptomatic persons. Yet this contradicts the WHO calling for the wearing of masks and social distancing in all nations so as to stop asymptomatic transmission of covid19. The WHO is contradicting itself.
    - The WHO has actively manipulated and controlled medical organisations worldwide and helped censor medical doctors who tried to tell the truth about covid19
    - The WHO has blocked and undermined efforts to treat covid19 with hydroxychloroquine, azt, zinc and other effective medical treatments. It supported false research findings which claimed that hydroxychloroquine was ineffective and dangerous in Spring 2020. When this research was proved to be false, the WHO reversed its position on hydroxychloroquine, and started cautiously supporting it. This created massive confusion worldwide over hydroxychloroquine, and some misinformed doctors still believed the false research and rumours, eg. some doctors in Australia.
    - The WHO has supported waiting for a vaccine while ignoring and in some cases blocking effective medicines for covid19. The WHO has strong links to vaccine makers and has a conflict of interest.
    - The WHO has used wrong predictions about infection rates and death rates
    - The WHO has fuelled panic worldwide by comparing covid19 to the Spanish Flu of 1918-20.
    - Tedross the head of WHO in 2020 had links to a terrorist organisation in Ethiopia.
    - Doctor Wolfgang Wodarg, the chairman of the Health Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, criticized the influence of the pharmaceutical industry on scientists and officials of the WHO, and its creation of false pandemics and a need for unsafe vaccines in the past.
    - The WHO has refused to investigate Chinese labs where the covid19 virus emerged from
    - the WHO refuses to criticise China, the USA or any of the big powers for lack of safety in labs, experimentation with dangerous germs, and bio-warfare testing.
    - the WHO refuses to condemn unsafe vaccines which have led to many deaths in Asia and Africa and to disabling illlnesses worldwide.
    - The WHO has several conflicts of interest as it is mostly funded by Bill Gates and Big Pharma companies which would profit from international panic and hysteria and vaccines, especially mandatory vaccines for all persons in all countries and regular booster vaccine and top ups to further increase profits..

    The facts and evidence show that the WHO is controlled by several conflicts of interest, it is not independent, it is not truthful, it is not scientific, it is not trustworthy and it is not credible.
    This may require government and independent investigations of WHO in many countries and possible court cases. Senior EU officials called for such an investigation in May 2020.

  • Lockstep and Top down control by Globalist institutions
    the 'Lockstep' programme first proposed by the Rockefeller foundation in 2010. This proposes a harsh top down approach to dealing with several types of crisis, such as imposing national lockdowns in countries around the world and this was enforced during the covid19 'pandemic' in 2020. This 'Lockstep' programme was further developed by Event 201 hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, WHO, and Bill Gates Foundation in Autumn 2019, a few months before the covid19 pandemic began. This Event 201 simulated a viral pandemic, involving a coronavirus, very similar to covid19 and it proposed WHO domination of medical and scientific information and tight control of governments across the world, censorship of the press and media and the Internet, the use of propaganda to promote mass fear, paranoia and obedience, censorship and tight control of doctors and medical organisations, National Lockdowns and the closure of businesses, the closing down of economies, local or regional lockdowns and restrictions on freedom, mandatory masks, and many abuses of Constitutional rights and human rights, and the marketing vaccines as the only solution during this simulated global pandemic. This simulation was very similar to what happened months later during the covid19 pandemic. This Lockstep and other measures proposed in Event 201 were enforced in the covid19 episode in 2020. This is the Globalist agenda of control over nations. This is the same as communism and nazism and has led to an erosion of many democratic rights. This level of control is the aim of Globalists.
    The covid19 virus had a fatality rate of less than 0.4% and over 90% of deaths was in the over 70's with pre-existing illnesses according to international scientific research and the data. It was equivalent to a bad flu season. Economies and nations were destroyed for this.

  • The bank bail outs costs and austerity imposed on many countries since 2008 has had devastating effects on the hospitals and healthcare systems in these countries. Why was there insufficient money invested in ICU units and medical supplies and in important scientific research for medical cures, vaccines, new types of treatments involving new techniques and new technologies, radical medical innovations using highly advanced technologies, A.I. and complex theories, scientific excellence in all secondary schools and Universities, new diagnostics which can be digitized and deployed remotely and locally and linked up in real time, etc., etc. ; these are starved of funds and investment while trillions of euros are wasted every year on speculation in asset prices and derivatives and in government bail outs of banks and speculators, and in military expenditures and arms. This waste is estimated at over $100 trillion per year. If this $100 trillion per year was invested in scientific and medical research, education and technologies to finally end pandemics and chronic diseases, and invested in strategic capacity and reserves for hospitals and healthcare, would we all be suffering this global pandemic and economic crisis now ? would it make a difference ?

  • The important point is that there are effective medical treatments which can and should be used in all hospitals, clinics and GP practices.

  • Deaths from covid19 worldwide
    29 million infected, 921,000 deaths. September 14, 2020

    Deaths per year from illnesses and diseases
    15.2 million – Heart
    650,000 – Influenza
    2 million – Aids
    2 million – Cancer
    3,098,999 – because of lack of food
    1 child dies from hunger every 10 seconds
    9 million die of hunger each year
    800 car crashes with people that die in a week
    Australia: 6,849 Confirmed; 5,889 Recovered; 96 Deaths
    1.2 million recovered in the world
    257,000 died
    57 million die each year
    25,840 die of heart attacks daily
    15.2 million die each year of Ischaemic heart disease
    3 million – Chronic obstructive
    1.7 million – Cancer
    1.6 million – Diabetes
    1 million – Dementia
    3 million – Lower respiratory
    1.4 million – Diarrhoeal
    1.3 million – Tuberculosis
    1 million – H.I.V. Aids
    1.4 million – Road injuries
    72.6 million – Average age for the world deaths – 150,000 per day; 100,000 die aged (72 – 76)

    Should we have locked down nations and locked down the world for these illnesses for several years now ?

Criteria Being Used for Covid19 and Lockdowns

  • The Imperial College London model has been proven wrong
    The Imperial College London model of covid-19 by Ferguson has informed the policies of the US, UK, Irish and other European governments, and the WHO. Imperial College London model was used to justify national lockdowns and martial law. Ferguson who proposed the Imperial College London model has admitted that he was wrong and that the model is wrong and many top scientists, doctors and epidemiologists have also found this model to be wrong. Does the new Oxford model apply ?

    The Oxford model claims that half of the population have already been infected by late March 2020 and that 1 in a 1,000 require hospitalization. Less than 1 in 1,000 will die. Of that 1 in a 1000, the recovery outcome may be determined by pre-existing illnesses, the strength of their immune system, pre-existing toxicity in the body, age factors and willingness to use some new medical treatments (see above). The Imperial College London’s prediction of 500,000 dead in the UK and 2.2 million dead in the USA looks unrealistic and  has been found to be inaccurate and wrong. This means the Imperial College London model was wrong in its criteria and predictions by several orders of magnitude. A significant miscalculation.

    More and more published scientific papers are exposing and criticising the wrong predictions of the Imperial College London model. Two well known German Professors published research proving that the Imperial College London model was wrong in Summer 2020.
    SMOKING GUN: Two German Professors Expose the Junk Lockdown Science.
    Source: Epidemiology Explained

    Niall Ferguson and his Imperial College London model has been proven to be wrong for epidemics and pandemics several times in the past. It has made wild and outrageous predictions which were proven wrong in the past. Why did the British government and other governments and the press and media believe him and his Imperial College model during the covid19 pandemic when it was proven wrong again. How many times does a person and a model have to be proven wrong ?
    The Spectator in Britain did an interesting news article on this in April 2020

    Imperial College London model was used to justify national lockdowns and martial law. This model has failed and is discredited. Does the new Oxford model replace the failed Imperial College London model ? if so, then why is there a lockdown for everybody? should we lock down healthy people who are not infected or who recovered from the virus?
  • The same Niall Ferguson who invented the Imperial College London model had to resign from the Government committee dealing with the covid19 pandemic after it was found he broke the lockdown rules and social distancing rules for the covid19 pandemic. He himself had been infected with the covid19 virus and he was secretly meeting a married woman during the lockdown. There was a high risk of him infecting her while they were together. The husband of this woman was also suspected of being infected with covid19. She had children and this placed them in danger of infection in addition to their grandparents and older relatives. Ferguson broke the rules he helped devise and enforce in Britain and other countries.
    These are the type of people “advising” governments. Their nonsense has locked down countries and destroyed economies.

  • Professor Michael Levitt the Nobel Prize winner, was a strong critic of Ferguson and the Imperial College London model. Many other top scientists, medical doctors and epidemiologists have criticized and condemned the Imperial College model. See the points below.
  • Wrong Figures
    Government figures about the total number infected do not take into account the number of covid19 patients who have recovered. The recoveries are not subtracted from the total number of figures infected.
    For example the government figures for infections could be 30,000, but 25,000 of those are recovered. This means only 5,000 are infected but the government and the press and media state that 30,000 are infected. These lies are feeding a frenzy of hysteria which is supporting the lockdown and a continuation of the lockdown.

  • US Surgeon General Jerome Adams rejected the Imperial College London model, the Gates model and WHO model in late April 2020. This will mean an end to the national lockdown in the USA by end of Summer 2020. This decision to end the lockdowns and martial law is supported by many top scientists, medical doctors, and epidemiologists worldwide ; see points below.

  • In late May 2020, the CDC estimated the overall death rate for COVID-19, and under its most likely scenario, the number is 0.26%. Officials estimate a 0.4% fatality rate among those who are symptomatic and project a 35% rate of asymptomatic cases among those infected, which drops the overall infection fatality rate (IFR) to just 0.26% — almost exactly where Stanford University researchers pegged it a month ago. Source: and
    Does this justify national lockdowns and martial law ?

  • The CDC estimates the death rate from COVID-19 for those under 50 is 1 in 5,000 for those with symptoms, which would be 1 in 6,725 overall, and almost all those who die have specific comorbidities or underlying conditions.

  • The CDC has had to revise the death figures from 168,864 down to 74,926 for covid19 and Pneumonia on August 31 2020. This is a massive decrease in deaths. According to the CDC only 6% of these deaths were solely due to covid19.

  • Dr. Anthony Fauci of the NIH has recently downgraded the covid-19 pandemic to that of a bad flu season similar to 2017 - 2018, 1968 with a mortality rate of 0.1% - 0.3%.
    Covid-19 – Navigating the Uncharted ? Fauci et. al, 2020
    Does this justify national lockdowns and martial law ?
  • Swedish Epidemiologist and doctor,  Professor Johan Giesecke, who served as state Epidemiologist for years and has over 30 years experience in the field has stated that there is no evidence for the effectiveness of national lockdowns. This lack of evidence is important, especially when one considers the effects of martial law, national lockdowns, a police state and fascism which has been imposed on nations. He has stated that the actual numbers infected are over 30 times higher than reported and that most of the population was already infected by late April 2020 and many recovered without realizing they had the infection. He compares it to a bad flu season. He has provided many valid reasons for ending national lockdowns, while taking precautions such as quarantining or cocooning infected people and those people most at risk of death, such as those over 70 and those with pre-existing illnesses, while allowing healthy non infected people and recovered people (over 90% of people) to work and to lead normal lives while using social distancing and wearing masks and gloves in nursing homes and hospitals.  He also rubbished and condemned the Imperial College London model.

  • Dr. Knut Wittkowski one of the leading Epidemiologists in the world has produced a research paper on Covid19  and has stated
    (a) China and South Korea introduced the lockdown after the number of cases had reached their peak and he presented a Bell curve chart to show this 
    (b) the virus reaches its peak before national lockdowns and follows the same course as other epidemics in history. It is comparable to a bad flu season eg. 2017-2018 
    (c) he is calling for an end to national lockdowns and for the quarantining of those who are ill with the virus and those most vulnerable such as people over 70 and those with pre-existing illnesses. His research paper is below.

    ‘The first three months of the COVID-19 epidemic: Epidemiological evidence for two separate strains of SARS-CoV-2 viruses spreading and implications for prevention strategies’  Dr. Knut Wittkowski, April 2020
    He also condemned the Imperial College London model as wrong and misleading

  • Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, a senior Professor of Medicine at Stanford University has dismissed and condemned the Imperial College London projections and the hysteria for national lockdowns and martial law. He also criticized and condemned the Imperial College London model.

  • Prof  Alexander Kekulé and Professor Sucharit Bhakdi the top  Epidemiologists in Germany and Dr. John Ioannidis a well known Epidemiologists in the USA all oppose lockdown, indeed some of the top Epidemiologists in the world have publicly stated there is no need for and no evidence to support national lockdowns, martial / law or police state and severe restrictions to liberty. They have also condemned the Imperial College London model. read the following scientific paper published by Dr. John Ioannidis
    Coronavirus disease 2019: The harms of exaggerated information and non-evidence-based measures at

  • Censorship of Science
    the following post was made on Twitter by Dr. Richard Horton the Editor of the Lancet, a prestigious medical journal, on 15th October 2020. It shows great frustration at attempts to silence or shut down or censor scientists and science.

  • “Implementation of the current draconian measures that so extremely restrict fundamental rights can only be justified if there is reason to fear that a truly, exceptionally dangerous virus is threatening us. Do any scientifically sound data exist to support this contention for COVID-19? I assert that the answer is simply, no.” ~ Dr. Bhakdi, top German Professor, Doctor and Epidemiologist

    Professor Sucharit Bhakdi and Dr. Karina Reiss, both German doctors, wrote a book called 'Corona, False Alarm?: Facts and Figures' and it has become a bestseller in Germany and in the EU. It exposes the facts and evidence about covid19. It shows covid19 to be a greatly exagerrated pandemic, a fraud designed to create hysteria and panic worldwide and a profiteering opportunity to sell more vaccines. It should be required reading for all doctors and scientists and politicians worldwide.

  • Can the Critera take into account the percentage of seriously ill or deceased patients who had serious pre-existing illnesses and conditions before the pandemic and what percentage were over 70, and what percentage would have died of these factors in 2020 if there was no covid-19 pandemic ?
  • Top Doctors and Scientists against the Lockdowns
    Many leading medical doctors, virologists and scientists have publicly stated that this covid19 pandemic is similar to a bad flu season, and there was no need for lockdowns, this includes Professor Michael Levitt the Nobel prize winner, Dr. Luc Montagnier another Nobel prize winner, Dr. Rashid Buttar and hundreds of his medical doctor friends in the USA, Dr. John Oxford, Dr. Joel Hay, Dr. Pablo Goldschmidt, Dr. Eren Bendavid, Dr. Yanis Roussel, Dr. Beda Stadler, Dr. Yoram Lass, Dr. Didier Raoult, Dr. Dolores Cahill, Dr. Zach Bush, Dr. Marcus De Brun, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, Dr. Karin Molling, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Yannis Roussel, Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, Dr. Knut Wittkowski, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, Professor Johan Giesecke, Professor Alexander Kekulé, Dr. Frank Ulrich Montgomery, Dr. David Katz, Dr. Michael Osterhold, Dr. Peter Goetzsche, Professor Erich Bendavid, Dr. Pietro Vernanzza, Professor John Ionnadis, Dr. Gerhard Krause, Professor Maria Gita Gismondo, Dr. Karl Probst, Dr. Heiko Schonning, Dr. Martin Haditsch, Dr. Harold Lesch, Professor Stefan Hockerz, Professor Hendrik Streek, and Dr. Carten Scheler. They all disagree with the Imperial College London model and the need for national lockdowns.

    These medical doctors, scientists and epidemiologists are correct, the covid19 has followed a predictable bell curve pattern similar to the flu each seasons and bad flu seasons in the past and previous epidemics and pandmeics, but the mortality rate is equivalent to a bad flu season. The following chart devised, put forward and used by the US government illustrates this point

  • Emeritus Professor of Immunology, Dr. Beda Stadler published an interesting paper on herd immunity or community immunity in relation to covid19. Herd immunity can often be achieved by infection of a small percentage of the population, and large sections of the population already had innate immunity against covid19 and many other coronaviruses. Read paper below.
    Coronavirus: Why everyone was wrong

    and a video interview of Dr. Beda Stadler

  • Every year over 500,000 people of flu and associated respiratory illnesses according to WHO and leading scientific researchers. How does this compare to covid19 deaths worldwide ?
    Should we lock down nations and the world every flu season ?
  • According to Irish government statistics for covid19
    83 years old  –  median age of death
    82 years old  - mean age of death
    86% of those who died had underlying illnesses
    438 clusters in residential care facilities
    94% of cases in nursing homes were not brought to hospitals
    there is evidence that residents in nursing homes were not administered the covid19 medicines such as hydroxychloroquine, azt, zinc and other effective treatments

    Other countries would have had much the same statistics. There may be legal implications and court cases arising out of this.
    Large sections of the working population and business population were unaffected or got it and recovered without realizing it.

  • Covid19 Tests
    Scientific studies show the PCR test for covid19 is not accurate as it tests for fragments of coronaviruses. Many different coronaviruses cause colds. The PCR does not test for a full virus or a live virus. These covid19 fragments could be the result of an immune system which has destroyed covid19 in the body and fragments of covid19 are circulating in the body. Or it could be fragments of other coronaviruses in the body (colds, flu). High cycles, over 32, during PCR can result in a high percentage of false positives. Perfectly healthy people with no live covid19 infection but with fragments of a dead covid19 virus could test positive in these tests. This has occurred in Korea where false positives caused unnecessary panic. There are many cases of false positives. This is skewing the test results internationally. The test is not specific, does not measure viral load and does not follow Koch's Postulates in medicine.

  • how does the covid19 pandemic compare to seasonal deaths in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 throughout Europe and globally ?
  • False Diagnosis
    in the USA there is controversy over the decision of CDC’s National Vital Statistics System to instruct doctors to presume that all or most patients died of covid-19, without a definitive test for cause of death. There are legitimate fears that all deaths including non covid19 deaths are being labelled as covid19 deaths This may ignore deaths from other causes eg. Cancers, heart attacks, strokes, alzheimers, etc.. There are claims on certain news channels and testimonies by hospital doctors, medical doctors and funeral directors that death certificates in the USA are being falsified to increase covid19 death numbers. This is now the subject of criminal investigations there. There are concerns that this may also be happening in European countries. This is skewing the data.
    In Britain, the false death reports have been admitted to by government officials

  • Incentives
    hospitals throughout the USA are being paid more money by insurance companies and federal and state governments to treat covid19 patients than for treating pneumonia patients, flu patients, cancer patients, heart disease patients, etc.. There is a financial incentive to label patients as covid19 patients or make presumptions of such a diagnosis. In USA the hospitals get an extra $13,000 per covid19 patient and another $30,000 if a covid19 patient requires a ventilator.

  • Do Not Resucitate
    Some hospitals in New York and other parts of USA gave orders not to resuscitate people who had heart attacks and other life threatening illnesses. When this is combined with orders to presume all deaths are from covid19 (see false diagnosis section) this adds further to the covid19 mortality figures.
    All countries need government and independent investigations into these orders and their relationship to covid19 numbers and deaths from other causes.

  • New research findings show that some flu vaccines given to the US military personnel and to residents in Italy increased their risk of serious infection from covid19, risk of serious complications and higher risk of death. Many of those people who received such vaccines would be middle aged or older, and have other illnesses. This is an important factor in the covid19 pandemic. See research paper below.
    This an extremely important finding which needs to be assessed by medical organizations and governments worldwide. Scientists such as Professor Dolores Cahill in Ireland and many others have alerted the public to this danger.

  • Documentary Film about Covid19 by Top Scientific and Medical Experts
    London Real broadcast an important documentary about covid19 on the 18th August 2020. Top scientific and medical experts gave their analysis of the covid19 virus and the national lockdowns, censorship, lies, frauds, and loss of democratic rights. The film is called 'Plandemic' and is hosted on the Digitial Freedom Platform.

  • New York, USA
    Evidence has emerged that
    • Nursing homes did not have mandatory covid19 tests, face masks and gloves for all staff and for residents at the start of and during the covid19 pandemic.
    • nursing homes throughout New York were ordered to accept elderly patients who had covid19 or had not been tested for covid19. There was no compulsory testing before admitting these patients into nursing homes. Many of these new admissions came from hospitals. This increased the infection rate among a highly vulnerable segment of the population. Governor Cuomo has received public criticism for this.
    • Overuse of ventilators in New York instead of oxygen treatments, hyperbaric treatment and effective medications (listed above) led to high death rates from this overuse. Importantly, the hypoxia and hypoxic injury to the body was ignored in nursing homes.
    • Many hospitals gave orders not to resuscitate people who had heart attacks and other life threatening illnesses. When this is combined with orders to presume all deaths are from covid19 (see false diagnosis section above) this adds further to the covid19 mortality figures.
    • Governor Cuomo also greatly restricted the supply of hydroxychloroquine to patients in New York in the middle of the covid19 pandemic, despite the fact that medical doctors and scientists had great success with hydroxychloroquine (see treatments section above). 
    • There has been disturbing evidence that this important medication and other medical treatments mentioned here were not used in nursing homes in Ireland, New York, some states in the USA and several western countries. This may have contributed to the higher death rates in these institutions.
    • the government and state bodies and Heath authority refused to help out nursing homes when they cried out for help during the covid19 pandemic. Cries for PPE, covid19 tests, replacement staff, quarantine units, decontamination work, effective medicines and other treatments for covid19, and medical equipment were ignored.
    • no regulation of private nursing homes, no enforcement of laws for nursing homes, no oversight body for nursing homes, no investigations, no strategic pandemic plans for nursing homes, no standard operating procedures for dealing with these type of emergenices. Too much government and state body incompetence and lack of action, and over-payment for this incompetence.
    • No strategic efforts were made by national governments and state governments to quarantine nursing homes, for all staff and residents to use masks and gloves and for regulation disinfection sessions of the whole building a few times a day.
    • Statistics in many countries show that 50% - 70% of all deaths were in nursing homes

These factors may explain the unusually high covid19 mortality rate in New York and many other places. And the high mortality rate in nursing homes in several countries. This skews the data and the national and international Critera.
People need to be made accountable for this.

  • Are flu deaths being mis-labelled as covid19 deaths ?

  •  how do covid-19 deaths compare to deaths from heart attacks, cancers, respiratory illnesses, accidents, cerebrovascular diseases and alzheimers disease for 2020 ? are they being labelled as covid19 deaths ?

  • Is there a lack of precision in tests, are those who got flu / coronavirus vaccines in the past testing positive for covid19 ? do flu vaccine constituents lead to false positives in tests for covid19 ?

  • why has there been a big decrease in deaths from heart attacks, cancers, influenza, copd and other respiratory illnesses, accidents, cerebrovascular diseases and alzheimers disease in 2020 compared to 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 ? are they being labelled as covid19 deaths ?

  • Does a fatality rate of between 0.1% - 0.3%, and a recovery rate is between 99.9% - 99.7%, justify national lockdowns and the breaking of Constitutional rights, UN and EU human rights ?

  • Empty Hospitals
    There were many news reports and videos online of empty hospitals in New York, many parts of the USA, Britain, Ireland and other countries which were experiencing the pandemic. As of August 2020, over 5 months into the national health emergency (in Ireland), the hospitals are mostly empty, and A and E’s are mostly empty, despite the fact that they are usually full in Spring due to many illnesses and accidents. This has been confirmed by hospital workers. It’s the same situation in many other countries. Where are the high numbers of covid-19 patients in hospitals as reported on mainstream news channels ? Why are they mostly empty, what is happening ?
    Private hospitals have been taken over by governments at great public expense. Tens of thousands of euros per empty bed and many millions of euros per hospital  If hospitals are empty then why acquire more empty hospitals ?

  • Social Distancing
    The concept of social distancing was invented by a 14 year old high school student in 2006 for a school project. There are no scientific studies and literature to support social distancing and the 2 metre rule.

  • Allegations of Criminality
    In May 2020 some disturbing allegations of negligence, malpractise, neglect, and suspected cases of manslaughter emerged from nurse and doctor whistleblowers in American hospitals. Most of these cases were labelled as covid19 deaths. This was reported on social media. This is and will be the subject of criminal investigations there.

  • Can the criteria make provision for antibody tests and studies to determine the total number infected and recovered ? and accurate statistics for fatality rate ?

  • Can the criteria factor in significant differences in the immune systems of people across age, genotypes, disability, race, gender, toxic exposures, regions and countries and how this relates to vulnerability to severe covid-19 infection and death ? and what can be done to mitigate this and save lives ?

  • Deploy Scientific Resources Nationally and Globally to Identify Mutations and Strains and Take Effective Measures
    Are medical drugs and vaccines effective against many strains of the covid19 virus or just one strain ? it is well known that flu vaccines and other vaccines are effective for just one strain of a virus and the vaccine proves useless and ineffective against other strains of the virus ? also expert testimony before the US Congress has stated that vaccines for respiratory viruses are particularly dangerous and have led to human deaths and animal deaths in the past.
    Scientists have identified several strains of the covid19 virus. The virus is actively mutating and these mutations differ across global regions. Can scientists and doctors calculate
    (a) all of the strains and mutations of the virus and their virulence and pathogenicity
    (b) the incubation period of the virus
    (c) latency of the virus and if it can re-activate over time 
    (d) the hypoxia and hypoxic injury caused by these new strains / mutations 
    (e) if the virus is recombinant and if so then what are its mutation capabilities, strains, pathogenicity and latency potential  and can it infect and kill children, young healthy people, and other groups outside the elderly in society  

    Can automated systems, global links & network processing, A.I. and pattern recognition be used and coordinated globally to speed up distributed gene sequencing, immune system and antibody mapping and testing, safe vaccine testing and development, combinations of anti viral substances (natural and man made), and medical drugs development  globally ?
  • Can the criteria justify the forced isolation of healthy and non infected people and recovered people and the massive economic and social consequences of this ? including shocks to the food supply chains and medical supply chains and whole economies ?

  • The lockdown is causing an increase in and a worsening of:
    - mental illnesses
    - depression
    - suicides and suicide ideation
    - unemployment and its side effects. There are several hundred (or thousand in big countries) suicides for every 1% increase in unemployment
    - isolation and loneliness of elderly and those with disabilities leading to new types of illnesses
    - social distancing which promotes discrimination, intolerance, prejudices, hatreds, stigma and human conflict
    - domestic abuse, which is badly affecting women and children
    - a worsening of alcoholism and addictions which are destroying families and individuals
    - public order crimes involving threats, violence and abusive behaviour which has worsened due to higher stress levels. Police have been too busy with checkpoints and patrolling in cars stopping and harassing law abiding citizens, while many criminals are not being investigated, arrested, prosecuted and jailed.
    - threats to global food supply chains combined with increasing poverty which is projected to lead to the deaths of millions of people ; over 250 million people are at risk of starvation from food scarcity due to covid19, increased poverty, invasions of locusts and continuing environmental disasters. Far more deaths than from covid19

    This has been confirmed by a letter signed by 600 medical doctors and sent to President Trump in May 2020 calling for an end to the national lockdown, see

    All countries need government and independent investigations into this scandal. Legal cases and court cases may be necessary.
  • Sweden
    The Swedish criteria and strategy is based on protecting and isolating the old and the vulnerable and those with pre-existing illnesses. They also have an excellent hospital and healthcare system and nursing homes, as they were not limited by government austerity policies and cutbacks after the crash of 2008. They recommend working from home, social distancing, good hygiene, restrictions in nursing homes and hospitals to prevent outbreaks, crowds of no more than 50 people, exercising in public (no restrictions), and wearing masks and gloves in nursing homes and hospitals. Their businesses remain open, their workers in jobs, and their economy functioning. This was proven effective.

  • Taiwan
    In Taiwan there has been no lockdown and the number of covid19 cases is very low despite it being less than 100 miles from communist China. In Taiwan, the government and health authorities took action once the first suspected cases of covid19 emerged in Wuhan, (communist) China in December 2019, Taiwan closed the border with China and they began covid19 tests at all airports and ports, the production and distribution of face masks were immediately prioritized for Taiwan and everybody in Taiwan was issued with face masks and encouraged to wear them in public, there was a massive increase in production of PPE and in hand sanitisers for use in Taiwan, the government paid for special taxis for those who newly arrived from high risk countries, temperature tests in public places, hospitals, and some shops and shopping centres, travellers into the country were quarantined for 2 weeks and monitored by doctors, nurses and local police, there is social distancing in public, there is telephone tracking of suspected cases, plenty of tests done to quickly identify infected people and asymptomatic people, and masks are required when out in public, and borders were closed. This is in contrast to Ireland and Britain which had the Cheltenham horse racing festival in the middle of a pandemic and there was also open  borders which allowed many people to come into the country, untested and allowed to roam around. Schools and businesses in Taiwan remained open and the economy is doing very well. This policy has proven to be very effective in Taiwan. Several news reports and researchers have confirmed that Taiwan has been very successful.

  • Masks are ineffective against covid19 infection
    The scientific research and data shows that the covid19 virus is many smaller times smaller than the space between fibres in face masks. The Covid19 virus can penetrate these masks. Yet these masks are mandatory in many countries.
    The cold viruses and flu viruses can also penetrate these masks. The following research paper confirms this.

    Doctor Pascal Sacré, anesthesiologist and intensive care physician, said : "Forcing everyone to wear them all the time, while the epidemic disappears, is a scientific and medical aberration". Professor Didier Raoult says : "The decision of lockdown as the decision of wearing masks…are not based on scientific data…". Doctor Lisa Brosseau and Doctor Margaret Sietsema, experts on respiratory protection, say : «We do not recommend requiring the general public who do not have symptoms of COVID-19-like illness to routinely wear cloth or surgical masks because : there is no scientific evidence they are effective in reducing the risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission…». Professor Maël Lemoine precised that the change in the recommendations about masks is : "political, not scientific".

    The Centre for Evidence Based Medicine in Oxford, England stated that there is no clear evidence that masks work during virus pandemics and epidemics -

    The CDC in USA concluded that masks are useless and ineffective against covid19 in September 2020

    This is also backed up by scientific research - Ioannidis, J.P.A. (2020), Coronavirus disease 2019: The harms of exaggerated information and non-evidence-based measures. Eur J Clin Invest, 50: e13222. doi:10.1111/eci.1322
    Contradictory statements by our virologists
  • Sensationalism, hype and hysteria in the Press and Media
    “we are suffering from a media epidemic”
    Professor Dr. John Oxford, Top Virologist
    There is evidence to suggest that the press and media have over hyped the covid19 pandemic with sensational and hysterical stories which have caused panic in most countries. It has been compared to the Black Death of the 1300’s, the Spanish Flu of 1919, the Plagues of the 1600’s, Middle Ages and ancient world, etc. where tens of millions died.  The press and media presented death rates which were 30 – 100 times higher than the actual rates. This initially helped drive sales of newspapers and hits to web sites. Though customers got tired of the same propaganda, hysteria, panic and paranoia for months. The Washington Post had a good article about this on April 28 2020.
    Anybody who questions or criticizes this hysteria, hype and sensationalism in the press and media has been censored, blocked, removed and banned. There has been a high level of censorship in the press and media and on social media in many countries during the covid19 pandemic. Many doctors, scientists, researchers, journalists, presenters, broadcasters, whistleblowers have had news articles, videos, etc. removed, blocked and banned during this time. This breached important Constitutional, legal and human rights. This will be the subject of future court cases.

    Some doctors and hypnotists have been highly critical of the government brainwashing and hysteria during this time. The following article makes several important points

  • Indirect and Unforseen effects of Hysteria and Panic in the Press and Media
    In late 2020, it became clear that many newspapers, magazines and radio stations were in serious financial difficulty and facing bankruptcy. The hysteria, panic and paranoia generated by the press and media led to national lockdowns, and this led to a major decrease in economic acitivity, the closure of businesses, massive cutbacks in existing businesses and to a collapse in advertising revenues for the press and media. Their own propaganda has rebounded back to affect their own advertising income and financials and their very existence.

  • The Incompetence and Errors and Failure of WHO
    The UN and WHO have proved themselves to be slow, inept, incompetent and inefficient and a failure for dealing with these type of crises and in planning ahead and making provision for such contingencies.
    - In January 2020, the WHO was citing scientific research saying that covid-19 could not be transmitted to humans. This level of incompetence by the WHO is extraordinary.
    - WHO refused to call for the national lockdown of China in January 2020. WHO had known about covid19 in China by December 2019
    - In March and April 2020 the WHO forced governments to implement the failed Imperial College Model promoted by Ferguson which proved to be wrong and flawed. This was used to enforce national lockdowns which have destroyed millions of businesses worldwide.
    - in August 2020, the WHO officer Dr. Marla Van Kerkhove stated that there was no risk or a very low risk of infection by asymptomatic persons. Yet this contradicts the WHO calling for the wearing of masks and social distancing in all nations so as to stop asymptomatic transmission of covid19. The WHO is contradicting itself.
    - The WHO has actively manipulated and controlled medical organisations worldwide and helped censor medical doctors who tried to tell the truth about covid19
    - The WHO has blocked and undermined efforts to treat covid19 with hydroxychloroquine, azt, zinc and other effective medical treatments. It supported false research findings which claimed that hydroxychloroquine was ineffective and dangerous in Spring 2020. When this research was proved to be false, the WHO reversed its position on hydroxychloroquine, and started cautiously supporting it. This created massive confusion worldwide over hydroxychloroquine, and some misinformed doctors still believed the false research and rumours, eg. some doctors in Australia.
    - The WHO has supported waiting for a vaccine while ignoring and in some cases blocking effective medicines for covid19. The WHO has strong links to vaccine makers and has a conflict of interest.
    - The WHO has used wrong predictions about infection rates and death rates
    - The WHO has fuelled panic worldwide by comparing covid19 to the Spanish Flu of 1918-20.
    - Tedross the head of WHO in 2020 had links to a terrorist organisation in Ethiopia.
    - Doctor Wolfgang Wodarg, the chairman of the Health Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, criticized the influence of the pharmaceutical industry on scientists and officials of the WHO, and its creation of false pandemics and a need for unsafe vaccines in the past.
    - The WHO has refused to investigate Chinese labs where the covid19 virus emerged from
    - the WHO refuses to criticise China, the USA or any of the big powers for lack of safety in labs, experimentation with dangerous germs, and bio-warfare testing.
    - the WHO refuses to condemn unsafe vaccines which have led to many deaths in Asia and Africa and to disabling illlnesses worldwide.
    - The WHO has several conflicts of interest as it is mostly funded by Bill Gates and Big Pharma companies which would profit from international panic and hysteria and vaccines, especially mandatory vaccines for all persons in all countries.

    The facts and evidence show that the WHO is controlled by several conflicts of interest, it is not independent, it is not truthful, it is not scientific, it is not trustworthy and it is not credible.
    This may require government and independent investigations of WHO in many countries and possible court cases. Senior EU officials called for such an investigation in May 2020.

  • Lockstep and Top down control by Globalist institutions
    the 'Lockstep' programme first proposed by the Rockefeller foundation in 2010. This proposes a harsh top down approach to dealing with several types of crisis, such as imposing national lockdowns in countries around the world and this was enforced during the covid19 'pandemic' in 2020. This 'Lockstep' programme was further developed by Event 201 hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, WHO, and Bill Gates Foundation in Autumn 2019, a few months before the covid19 pandemic began. This Event 201 simulated a viral pandemic, involving a coronavirus, very similar to covid19 and it proposed WHO domination of medical and scientific information and tight control of governments across the world, censorship of the press and media and the Internet, the use of propaganda to promote mass fear, paranoia and obedience, censorship and tight control of doctors and medical organisations, National Lockdowns and the closure of businesses, the closing down of economies, local or regional lockdowns and restrictions on freedom, mandatory masks, and many abuses of Constitutional rights and human rights, and the marketing vaccines as the only solution during this simulated global pandemic. This simulation was very similar to what happened months later during the covid19 pandemic. This Lockstep and other measures proposed in Event 201 were enforced in the covid19 episode in 2020. This is the Globalist agenda of control over nations. This is the same as communism and nazism and has led to an erosion of many democratic rights. This level of control is the aim of Globalists.

    The covid19 virus had a fatality rate of less than 0.4% and over 90% of deaths was in the over 70's with pre-existing illnesses according to international scientific research and the data. It was equivalent to a bad flu season. Economies and nations were destroyed for this.

  • The Role of Globalisation in the Covid 19 Pandemic
    • the evidence and the facts clearly show that Open Borders policies worsen viral pandemics and this was certainly the case in 2020 with the covid19 pandemic. What is the EU and national governments’ position on ‘open borders’ in the middle of a global pandemic and threats of new and emerging pandemics in the future ?

    • flights into Ireland (and many other countries) were not shut down after the Irish government lockdown in early March 2020. There are records of flights from high risk countries coming in for February and March, up to April 2020. And no testing, quarantine and tracing at Dublin airport and other airports in Ireland. There are also people coming into the country from high risk areas via boats and trucks ? And no testing at the ports? Why did this happen? Why are we importing more covid-19 cases into Ireland ? why are other countries importing covid-19 into their countries via their airports and shipping ports.

    • why is there no lockdown and testing and quarantine at airports and shipping ports in the worst global pandemic in a century ? while ordinary people living inside a country are subject to severe lockdown ?

    • Globalization greatly spreads out the damage of accidents in laboratories, nuclear power stations, chemical factories, and high pollution industries

    • what is the EU and national governments’ position and response to  global supply chains which can break down due to illnesses or crisis in a production country ?

    • why are there no strategic industries, strategic automated production reserves, strategic reserve capacity, and strategic supplies to cover global pandemics, wars, famines, droughts, financial  crashes, etc. ? why is there no resilience built into the global system or Globalisation ?

    • What medical drugs, medical supplies, medical tests, antibodies, etc. can be mass produced via automated production (24/7) and 3D print production within the country and within individual countries for use in those countries ? how can we reduce dependency and long time lags ? how can we build national capacity, instead of more globalization based on third world wages ?
      Has too many billions and trillions of euros and dollars been wasted every year on speculation in asset prices and derivatives ?

    • why has the neo liberal form of Globalization failed in this area ?

    • is this the same Globalisation which deprived many western governments of trillions of euros in tax revenues over the last 25 years, through tax evasion, tax havens, and relocation of production to the third world ? Money which could have built more hospitals, bought more ICU’s and medical supplies, hired more healthcare staff, invested more in medical and scientific research etc.

The following video raises important questions about the covid19 pandemic.

Idiots and Lunatics during the covid19 Lockdowns

The lockdowns in 2020 and 2021 must have had an adverse effect on the mental health and well being of some scientists and television producers. The following video of a television show on RTE shows people behaving like idiots and lunatics on live television.

Picture of televised event

The standard of television broadcasting needs to improve. The Irish people and nation deserve better.

“People who blatantly restrict the freedom of movement are essentially fascist in their approach to politics and society – and I make no apology for saying that."
Micheál Martin, Irish politician, 2015

"Covid is a true killer. So far it’s killed the flu, cancer, heart disease - it killed the ability to think, logic & common sense. It killed the economy, the working class, & millions of jobs. It killed millions of businesses, human connection, love and compassion."
Jeff Nelson

Page 3 The Law and the Police and the Courts - Ending Lockdowns and Restoring Economic Activity and Protecting Constitutional rights, Legal rights, and Human rights (and Flattening the curve of Tyranny)