Detoxification Failure. Flow reversal in the liver and the brain. Chronic Cerbral Spinal Venous Insufficiency (CCSVI), Chronic Hepatic Venous Insufficiency (CHVI), Complications of Cardiac Dysfunction. (Found in over 80% of ME patients)

Scientific and Medical Evidence
- Listing of Research conducted worldwide section :

Environmental Toxins and hazards, Heavy Metals, Organophosphates
Lecture by Dr. Paul Cheney
Summary of the above lecture by Dr. Paul Cheney

Video Lectures by Dr. Cheney on Flow Reversal in Liver and Flow Reversal in Brain .
Scientific Findings in Primer for International Consensus Criteria (2012)


  • Tests for Flow reversal in the liver and the brain. Chronic Cerbral Spinal Venous Insufficiency (CCSVI). Chronic Hepatic Venous Insufficiency (CHVI). Cardiac Dysfunction. These tests are important, considering these abnormalities are being found in over 80% of ME patients.
    This uses Doppler Ultrasound technology to measure and track reversal of toxin flows from liver and from brain. This reversal leads to auto-intoxication and a build up of toxins and toxin related damage to cells and tissues with serious effects for the patient over time. Cardiac dysfunction is believed to play a key role. There is an interesting article about this in the following link, and some video lectures by Dr. Cheney on this subject.
    Flow Reversal in Liver and Brains of ME patients
    Video Lectures by Dr. Cheney on Flow Reversal in Liver and Flow Reversal in Brain
  • Liver Screening
    These tests are recommended by Dr. Paul Cheney who has successfully treated hundreds of ME patients in the USA.
    • Liver function tests
    • Phase 1 and 2 liver detoxification tests


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