Increased risk of Cancer

  • Chronic fatigue syndrome and subsequent risk of cancer among elderly US adults. Cindy M. Chang PhD, MPH1,  Joan L. Warren PhD2, Eric A. Engels MD, MPH1. (2012)
  • Chang, C. M., Warren, J. L. and Engels, E. A. (2012), Chronic fatigue syndrome and subsequent risk of cancer among elderly US adults. Cancer, 118: 5929–5936. doi: 10.1002/cncr.27612
  • Scientific studies from the Incline village outbreak show that CFS patients have an increased risk of cancer, mainly B-cell lymphoma and salivary gland tumours. The incidence of cancer was forty times greater than normal for the number of people living in Incline village. This is very significant in medical / scientific terms. Research cited in 'Oslers Web', by Hillary Johnson, Penguin Books 1997, pages 264 -265
  • Immunological similarities between cancer and chronic fatigue syndrome: the common link to fatigue? Meeus et al. (2009) Anticancer Res. 2009 Nov;29(11):4717-26.
  • Important scientific findings in the book Osler's Web: Inside the Labyrinth of the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Epidemic by Hillary Johnson where medical doctors in the USA found an unusually high number of B cell lymphomas in ME / CFS patients. Special scientific tests showed that these B-cell Lymphomas in ME / CFS patients were unusual types, not seen before. The researchers also found B-cell deficiency in all patients, and a positive result on the kappa/lambda assay for a majority of these patients. This is significant as kappa/lambda light chains are the result of abnormalities within the bone marrow B-cell lineage. This has direct on B-cells and overall immunity, and susceptibility to Cancers. Recent scientific studies show that the incidence rate of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is 0.02% in the United States, yet nearly 5% of CFS patients develop the disease. This is a significant risk factor.
  • Dr. Uckun et al , recently published a paper  'Clinical Activity of Folinic Acid in Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome'   In this article, the researchers found that 94% of the CFS patients had a B-cell immunodeficiency with a marked depletion of their CD19+IgM+ mature B-lymphocyte population.  The CD19+IgM+ cells ranged from a low of 0.5% to a high of 53%.  These researchers concluded that there was "a high incidence of severe B-cell immunodeficiency" in CFS patients. This correlates to clinical and scientific findings in the book Osler's Web mentioned above.
  • HHV-6a  virus which has been consistently found in high pecentages of ME / CFS patients has been found to be associated with Hodgkin's lymphoma, acute lymphocytic leukemia, African Burkitts lymphoma, and sarcoidosis, as well as AIDS and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Lusso, P. et al.; "In Vitro Cellular Tropism of Human B-Lymphotropic Virus(Human Herpesvirus-6)"; Journal of Experimental Medicine 167:1659, May 1988.

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