Abnormal Urinary metabolites
- Hematologic and urinary excretion anomalies in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome.
Niblett SH, King KE, Dunstan RH, Clifton-Bligh P, Hoskin LA, Roberts TK, Fulcher GR, McGregor NR, Dunsmore JC, Butt HL, Klineberg I, Rothkirch TB.
- Preliminary Determination of a Molecular Basis to Chronic Fatigue
Syndrome. McGregor NR, Dunstan RH, Zerbes M, Butt HL, Roberts TK,
Klineberg IJ.; Biochemical & Molecular Medicine (1996) 57:73-80
- Preliminary Determination of the Association Between Symptom
Expression and Urinary Metabolites in Subjects with Chronic Fatigue
Syndrome.; McGregor NR, Dunstan RH, Zerbes M, Butt HL, Roberts TK.;
Biochemical & Molecular Medicine (1996) 58:85-92
A Preliminary Investigation of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons and Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome. Roberts TK, Murdoch RN, Watkins JA, McGregor NR,
Dunstan HR, Donohoe M, Taylor W.; Med J Australia (1995) 163:294-297
Bioaccumulated Chlorinated Hydrocabrons and Red/White Blood Cell
Parameters; Dunstan HR, et al; Biochemical & Molecular Medicine
(1996) 58:77-84
Psychological Inventory Responses with Changes in the Urinary
Metabolites in Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome; McGregor NR, et
al. A Preliminary Assessment of the Association of SCL-90-R; J Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome (1997) 3:17-37 (see also Editorial).
Inventory Responses and the Association with Infectious Events in
Patients with Chronic Orofacial Pain; McGregor NR, et al.; J Orofacial
Pain (1997) 10:339-350. Assessment of Pain (Distribution & Onset),
Symptoms, SCL-90-R
"The most toxic entity in the body is candida or
yeast. It is very xenobiotic. When the liver is healthy it will clear
these mycotoxins through the urine. Therefore, we can test the urine
for toxins to see how the liver is functioning. Research from
Australia has shown a toxin called CFSUM-1 is found in the urine of
CFS patients. Since then many other toxins have been found, and they
cause PAIN. The toxins produced by candidiasis are Tartaric Acid and
Arabinose. Cheney described two boys diagnoses as autistic. When their
urine was tested they had high levels of Tartaric Acid and Arabinose.
Both boys had been on repeated antibiotics for recurring ear
infections and had not been autistic until recently. They were about
six years old. Tartaric Acid looks like Malic Acid and poisons cells
by interferring with the Krebs Cycle. Arabinose poisons the brain.
When the two boys were treated with nystatin for candidiasis they both
recovered and were no longer autistic."
Summary of a Lecture by Dr. Paul Cheney, MD, PhD May 7, 1998
The National CFIDS Foundation
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